SE 18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 "WANT ADS 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--PLAYER PIANO IN EX- cellent ondition. Tel. Winnetka 1 1445 or call' 803 Cherry St. i 21TN33-1tc FOR SALE--TWO IRISH SETTER dogs, 6 months old. Tel. Glencoe 227 or call 512 Oakdale Ave. 21TN33-1ltc Hay 2 FINANCIAL 'WANTED--FEFULI, PAID CO-OPERA- tive Society of America. Pay $10 share. Mr. L:. J. Mather, 6807 So. Union Ave. Chicago. Tel. Engle. Q187 'after 7 P. M, 22LTN3-2tp 24 LOST AND FOUND LLOST--ON SHERIDAN ROAD, FROM running board of car, a basket con- taining towels, book and suit-coat. Tel. Winn. 1158. Address 560 Elm St. 24T33-1tc 4TH, BOSTON TER- rier, mah. brindle, crooked tail, clipped ears, white face. Finder please call 915 Elm St., or Tel. Win- netka 957. - Reward. 241L.TN4-1tp LOST--ON OCT. LOST--BELT FOR POLO COAT ON Saturday between Indian Hill and Winnetka. Reward. Tel. Wil. 241. 24LT4-1te JOST--ON MONDAY, WIRE HAIRED Fox terrier, white with black spots. Reward. Tel. Winn. 1906. 24T33-1tc LOST--ALL WHITE WIRE-HAIRED Fox terrier puppy. Blue collar. Re- ward. Tel. Winn. 1109. 24T33-1tc 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA- rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd, Ev- anston., , Tel. University 1707. In- spection invited. Cash or terms furnished. 25 LTN50-tfc Informafion - gladly 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 27LT45-tfe NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 111. : 27T31-tfe 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. 28LTN44-tfc 30 = TUTORING ) nH ~~ i DRAMATIC AR NORTHWESTERN STUDENT or School of Speech is now forming a class of Expression and Dramatic Art. Pupils accepted. For informa- tion call Glencoe 553. 30TN33-1te MRS. F. E. CLERK --- VOCAL TEACHER 863 Vernon Ave. Glencoe Tel. 206 ! 30TN30-4te TUTORING BY HOUR FOR GRADE work and college preparatory. Grace Rotzell. Tel. Winn. 1730. 30T33-1te Resume Research Seminar in Local Public Schools A research seminar was started Wednesday night by teachers of the Winnetka public schools under the direction of Superintendent C. W. Washburne. Last year a similar seminar was held when the teachers listed the most common syllables in the Eng- lish language. This year they will try to determine the effect immediate rec- ognition of these syllables has on the reading and understanding of the pupils. The meetings for the discussion and compilation of statistics will be held on alternate Wednesday evenings at the Horace. Mann school. The teachers attending the meetings and doing the research work are devoting their time voluntarily. Twenty-two teachers attended the first meeting of the seminar this week. Czechs Invite Villagers to Song, Dance Program The Czecho-Slovakian club of Win- netka will entertain their friends with an interesting program Saturday eve- ning, November 1, in Rudolph Matz hall at Community House. Singing and folk dancing, in native costume, will feature the program. Among the guests will be a Czecho- Slovakian club from Chicago. Con- tributing artists will include Caroline Solfronk, flutist; Blanche Kryl, cellist, and Anna Kryl, pianist. The Winnetka club recently elected Adolph Pieska president of the local organization. Mr. Pieska will be m charge of Saturday's program. All Winnetka residents are cordial- ly invited to attend the entertainment. There will be no admission fee, but, instead, a sale of articles cooked by women members of the club in the celebrated Czecho-Slovakian style. Traffic Violators Watch Step in Our Community Speeders and other traffic law violat- ors were a little more careful this week in traversing Winnetka streets. This week's police blotter was one of the lightest this season. G. C. Baldwin paid $5 and costs on a charge of speeding; Joe Hener, Glencoe, $5 and costs for speeding; R. R. Rockwood, speeding and reck- less driving, $15 and costs; Chester Adams, Vincennes, Indiana, $10 and costs for speeding; David Pearson, Chicago, $10 an dcosts for having a fictitious license plate. XMAS DINNER-BAZAAR A Christmas dinner and bazaar will be given at the North Shore Meth- odist church, Glencoe, Friday, Decem- ber 5, it was announced this week. "Probation After Death" Given as Lesson-Sermon For October 26, the subject of the lesson-sermon of First Church of Christ, Scientist, is "Probation after Death." Services are held at Masonic temple, 708 Em street at 11 o'clock; Sunday school at 9:35 o'clock; Wednesday evening tes. monial meeting at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 7460 Elm street is open daily except Sunday from noon to 3 o'clock and on Wednesday evening from 9 to 9:30 o'clock. INSPECT MUSEUM In order to secure practical appli- cation of their biology studies, the children of the Skokie school will make inspection tours at the Field Museum. At the present time ar- rangements are being made with a bus company to provide special trans- portation rates for the children, it 1s announced. Radio Corporation's famous 2 tube set RADIOLA III complete with Tubes, Bat- teries and Head Phones $30.00 Clear tone Crystal Set with Pair Head Phones $5.00 Anything WILLIAMS recommends as being is good 1516 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Illinois Phone University 1500 Open evenings until 10 o'clock. Lverything guaranteed to be right or money refunded good, CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS $2.50 value Monday and Tuesday 39.25 JOHN H.DETHLOFF Men's Furnishings 786 ELM STREET Phone Winnetka 1077 More Want Ads on page 23 Destitute Ex-Fighter Is Helped by Winnetka Folk When it was learned by Sergeant John Iverson .that his prisoner, Max Abrams, whose f been face had not shaved for several weeks and whose wearing apparel was simply a bunch of rags and who had had virtually nothing to eat for several days, was an ex-service man Thomas J. Lynch, commander of the Winnetka Post of the American Legion was summoned. With the aid of members of the l.egion and other kindly disposed citi- zens, the tired and homeless man was clothed, fed and given a general cleaning. Martin Adams postponed his dinner hour and gave Abrams a barber's attention. All that happened Monday. On Wednesday, Abrams was exam- ined in Chicago, at the instance of the Red Cross, and was reported as being mentally deranged, but his con- dition was not considered serious. The Winnetka Legion Post will pre- sent Adams' claim to the veteran's bureau and try to secure compensation for him if he is entitled to it. Abrams has an honorable discharge from the army. He served under fire and was shell-shocked, The Legion will en- deavor to secure hospital care for the unfortunate soldier. CIRCLE MEETING TUESDAY The Oak street circle will meet Tuesday, October 28, at the home of Mrs. William A. Hadley, 913 Oak street. [six LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Sales Room and Service Station it-- We Makes. sell 4 Carlton Block Winnetka 1010-16 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. YOUR CAR Does it come in for all the credit? life lost because the car couldn't make WIlY? "Because his watch the tracks and the express, ON TIME Could Not Stop Get vour Watches and Clocks from people who make that line a specialty. ths 5. Time Pieces of We fix 'em so they tell the time. P. A. BRADFORD JEWELRY led. him onto Reliahle 962 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods is for Ever Ready Envelopes Eye Droppers Epsom Salts Everybody wants merchandise; we carry kind. quality that Isach purchase includes our Smiling Service COMMUNITY PHARMACY CHAS. R..PATCHEN 574 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 164 Oo 7] , » 272G - slo) ]=F. el® 3 LJ 24a . 4 » ° dA LIFES REAL BLESSING! CHIROPRACTIC (ki-ro-prak-tik) THE, SCIENCE THAT MAKES PEOPLE, "WELL and HAPPY You need not be sick because Chiropractic ad- justs the cause of dis- ease. Consulation Free GOOD, CLEAN, WHOLESOME, EATS That is what you get at this Restaurant, and that is why our business has and is continually increasing. "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room 551 Lincoln Avenue Joe Stoner & Co. William L. Wente SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR Fistimates furnished on Sheet Metal work; also on the famous NUMETAL WEATHER STRIP which will put the finishing touch on your home and save you many times its cost in fuel and comfort. ones directly in our line--new FURNACES are also installed--old ones repaired, cleaned and put in the "pink of condition" for winter. Call us at Winnetka 225 874 Center Street, Hubbard Woods SPECIAL Three Layer Brick BANANA ICE CREAM Between Two Layers of VANILLA ICE CREAM "Purer Because Carbonated" Snider-Cazel Drug Co., Hubbard Woods 1/1] / 50c Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. Full Quart Brick Ristow Confectionery, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy //// = -- National Dairy Products Corp. yo