6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1924 INVITE PEOPLE T0 WRITE PLAYS Play-writing Class Gains In- terest The play-writing class of Evanston, now a part of the activities of North- western university, held its initial meeting of the season, Tuesday morn- ing, October 14, with manv rerresent- Theodore B. Hinckley ative north shore women attending. Among those present were: Mrs. A. Starr Best, Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. John Schaeffer, Mrs. Carlos An- drews, Alice C. D. Riley, Mrs. Isabelle Meeker, Blanch Bannister Arns, Eleanor Perkins and Mrs. Pierce, president of the Evanston Drama league. Theodore Ballou Hinckley, now a member of the Northwestern faculty, directs this class, which is open to all the men and women of the north shore interested in play-writing or fhe critical analysis of current pro- ~ductions before th. public. "Its meetings every Tuesday morn- "ing in the lecture room of the Evans- ton Public library provide a mental stimulus te some fifty enthusiastic members as well as a means for marketing and producing their wares. MEN'S CLUB SUMMONS TO FIRST AUTUMN MEETING The first meeting of the season of the Winnetka Men's club will be held Thursday evening, October 30, in Com- munity House, when William C. Boyden and Stephen A. Foster, attorneys, re- cently returned from a tour of Europe, will be the speakers. Mr. Boyden and Mr. Foster both went to Europe ostensibly to attend the sessions of the Bar association in Lon- don, but took advantage of an oppor- tunity to travel extensively throughout the continent. They are keen observers and their common subject, "Some Re- cent Impressions of Europe," promises to start off the Men's club season's speaking program in a most auspicious manner. "We want all of the old members in point of affiliation to attend and to bring their neighbors," writes a promi- nent member of the 'club. "The club is entirely non-sectarian and its only pur- pose is to bring the men of the village together and to promote the well-known Winnetka spirit." "We have good dinners, good speak- ers, and you will have a chance to meet your neighbors," he continues. If you happen to be a new-comer in the village and do not receive a card, please con- sider this notice as your invitation. Phone John W. Lasier, secretary, at Winnetka 250, and he will be delighted to reserve a place for you." Dinner will be served promptly at 7 o'clock, it is announced. ELECTION RETURNS Election returns will be received at Community House on election night, November 4, during the regular show- ing of motion pictures. A program of special features has also been ar- ranged. "WE SELL GOOD AUTO SUPPLIES LX % GOOD AUTO REPAIRING 03 > Agency Oakland Motor Cars Studebaker-Wolff Tires HANSON MOTOR CO. 555-557 Chestnut Street Phone Winnetka 330 PRICES: Triumphant Return ALMA GLUCK AUDITORIUM THEATER Sunday Afternoon, October 26th, at 3 o'clock $1.10, $1.65,-$2.20, $2.75. Tax is included Seat Sale Now Positively The Only Chicago Appearance Box Seats $3.30 Theresa Nelson Traft PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Room 3 Prouty Building LETTERS -- MANUSCRIPTS MIMEOGRAPHING Telephone Winnetka 177 Phone Winnetka 32 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 420 Winnetka, Illinois of all kinds. PAINT Rasmesen's Store 550 Phone Center Win. St. 344 Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating Sunday Evening Club Has Hour of Readings, Song The Winnetka Sunday Evening club enjoyed a delightful evening's entertain- ment at its meeting last Sunday, accord- ing to its official correspondent to Wix- NETKA TALK. Supper was served in the Scout room at Community House and, later, Mrs. Frederick Dickinson gave a group of readings. Two Italian soloists provided the concluding numbers on the program. The next meeting of the club is scheduled for Sunday evening, Novem- ber 2, at 6:30 o'clock in the Camp Fire room at Community House. Y. W. C. A. Camp Lodge Memorial to Winnetkan "Houghteling lodge," a new cot- tage erected at Milhurst Camp of the Y. W. C. A. at Plane, Il, this sum- mer as a memorial to Mrs. James L. Houghteling, of Winnetka, by her children was dedicated with a service at camp on Sunday afternoon, October 19. Three Girl Reserves, Esther Lee, THE LILAC TEA ROOM Mrs. Andrew E. Hope, Prop. 576 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA, ILLINOIS SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.25 Served from Noon to 8 P. M. MENU Cream of Tomato au Cruton Celery Olives Radishes Fried Chicken Cream Gravy Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Pineapple & Cheese Mayonnaise Pie a la Mode Green Apple Pie Cherry Pie Pumpkin Pie New York. Ice Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Butterscotch Sundae Chocolate Sundae Layer Cake Tea Coffee Milk The Above Menu with Ribs of Beef $1.00 Prime Finest Home Cooking. All Pies, Cakes and Rolls Made in Our Own Kitchen. Special Week Day Dinners Served 5:30 to 8 P. M,, 75 cents Business Men's Lunch 11:30 to 2 P. M,, 60 cents Frances Kernohan and Madelaine Smith, wrote a dedication ceremonial which was presented by camp girls. "Houghteling Lodge" is built on a knoll above the dam, at camp, and commands a beautiful view of the Fox river and the surrounding country. It is a rustic cottage with a large living room, fireplace and sleeping porches, and accommodates twelve girls. It has been attractively furnished through the generosity of a group of Mrs. Houghteling's friends. Elm Street May Get New North Shore Line Depot The Chicago North Shore and Mil- waukee railroad company has submitted to the Village council plans for the pro-- posed improvement of facilities at the Elm street station. The plans indicate that the present frame structure which is now used as a ticket office and waiting room, will be removed and replaced by a brick structure. All up-to-date conveniences for the patrons would be provided, it is explained. This station will also pro- vide for the shifting of express de- livery service from the North avenue station to Elm street. The company's proposal also calls for the lengthening of the station plat- form so that trains will not block the street crossing. The public utilities committee of the council was authorized at this week's meeting to consider the plans ef the railroad company. IT TAKES TOO MANY MISTAKES TO GIVE SOME MEN EXPERIENCE! I believe I could cut meat myself as well as some of these butchers. They don't seem to be able to gauge weight nor the size of the piece you want. Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 The cutting of meat is a profession just like any other, Happy, and just be- cause a man is a butcher doesn't mean that he knows how to cut meat properly. The butchers over at PETERS MARKET are experts and cut meat so that you get the most for your money and the meat cooks and tastes better. #43 PETERS MARKET Vote in ballot box the small ballot Specimen. Be sure to procure, mark and deposit Road Improvement Ballot. ES" like this Shall an Act of the General As- sembly of Illinois entitled, 'An Act in relation to the construction by the State of Illinois, of durable hard-surfaced roads upon public highways of the State along des- ignated routes, and the provision of means for the payment of the cost thereof by an issue of bonds of the State of Illinois,' which, in substance provides for the con- struction by the State acting through its Department of Public Works and Buildings, subject to the Governor's approval, of a State-wide system of hard roads, on routes described; for control and maintenance, and for condi- tional compensation for roads al- ready paved; gives such depart- ment full power to execute such Act: authorizes State to contract a debt for such purpose and to is- sue $100,000,000 of serial bonds, bearing interest at not to exceed four per cent; appropriates said sum to said department; levies a tax sufficient to pay said interest as it shall accrue, and to pay off said bonds within 30 years from issuance, but provides that such payments may be made from other sources of revenue and moneys in the Motor Vehicle Law 'Road Fund' to be first used for such payments (subject to its use for payments of principal and in- terest of prior State road bonds) and such direct tax to be omitted in any year in which sufficient money from other sources of rev- enue has been appropriated to meet such payment for such year; provides for submission to the People; makes the provisions for payment of such interest and bonds irrepealable; and pledges faith of State to the making of such payments; go into full force and effect? requires publication and for YES X Make Illinois NO traffic. Failure to Vote is a Vote Against This Advertisement Contributed Toward Permanent Road Improvement by The Autocar Sales and Service Co. 925 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago- Direct Factory Branch of The Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa. 'State Hard Road Bond Issue Election, November 4th Paid by Auto Fees No Direct Tax Improved highways decrease the hauling cost of every load hauled over them and increase the value of land wherever they penetrate. This bond issue will insure the completion of the 9,800 mile State highway system, which will reach practically every community and will carry at least 95 per cent of the State's highway For the First in Good Roads