WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 Community House WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17, 1924 The board of local improvement of Winnetka Park district will hold its adjourned meeting on Monday eve- ning, November 17. The North Shore Sewing Guild will serve a luncheon in the Assembly room on Monday. Two organizations for young boys meet regularly in Community House each week. The Pathfinders' club, for hoys from 9 to 12 years of age, on Friday afternoons at 4; and the Boy Scouts (three troops) on Thurs- day evenings at 7:30. Nine groups of Camp Fire girls meet on different days at 4 o'clock. A special meeting of all the groups will be held on November 20 for "Inspection." Motion pictures, "The Sea Hawk," will be shown Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings. Monday, November 17 Morning--North Shore Sewing Guild luncheon and all-day meeting. Women's gym class at 9. Kindergarten at 9. Afternoon--Social dancing and girls at 3:45. House committee meeting at 2. Evening--Men's gym classes at 7:30 and 8:30. North Shore Players at 8. for boys Tuesday, November 18 Morning--Folk dancing classes at 9. Mr. Richards' lecture at 10. Kindergarten at 9. Sewing class--all day. Afternoon--Camp Fire Girls at 4. Motion pictures at 4 Evening--Gym classes for women and Friendship Circle. Classes in English for foreigners. Motion pictures at 7:15 and 9. young Wednesday, November 19 Morning--Gym classes for women. Kindergarten at 9. Afternoon--Gym class for girls. Evening--Basket ball in gym at 8. Teachers' meeting at 8. Entre Nous club. Czecho-Slovakian club at 8. Thursday, November 20 Morning--Folk dancing at 9. Kindergarten. Afternoon--Camp Fire Girls. Fancy dancing. Evening--Boy Scouts at 7:30. Art League at 8. Friday, November 21 Morning--Women's gym class at 9. Kindergarten. Afternoon--Boys' gymnasium class. Camp Fire Girls. Blue Birds. Matinee at 2. Evening--Motion and 9. pictures at 7:15 Saturday, November 22 Afternoon--Boys' and men's nasium work. Motion pictures at 2:30. Evening--North Shore British-Ameri- can society at 8. Motion pictures at 7:15 and 9. $325 Is Collected Here on "Forget-Me-Not" Day Over $325 was collected in Winnetka on National Forget-me-not Day, Novem- ber 8, according to the report of Mrs. Harry M. Lay of 1408 Prairie avenue, Winnetka, chairman in charge of the tag- ging and soliciting. Special praise is given to the school children for the effective help they gave in swelling the fund that is to be used for the benefit of disabled veterans of the great war who are now confined in government instiutions. Further contributions to this worthy object may, it is explained, be sent to Mrs. Lay at 1408 Prairie avenue. gym- Mrs. Warren C. Agry of 711 Locust road gave a tea on Friday afternoon for Mr. Agry's mother, Mrs. George Agry of Boston, who is visiting here for a few weeks. Miss Herbst | | Gifts An exquisite line of Infants and small Children's Bonnets | has just been received. a. N. B-- Do that Xmas Shopping Early. I ad 5761; LINCOLN AVENUE | Phone Winnetka 1811 WINNETKA, ILL MISSIONARY IS GUEST OF LOCAL PARISH (Continued from page 1) a lively interest in a village where "edu- cation moves ahead" as it does here, it is pointed out, and Mr. Smith has some important considerations to present. Dr. Davies Lazear will be the evening soloist, singing the numbers, "Comfort Ye One Another," by Caro Roma, and "Come Ye Blessed," by Scott. Discuss Church and School The Church school and the Junior church will have their customary ses- sions. The Young People's club, at 7 o'clock in the Neighborhood room, will be led by Helen Brown in discussing "The Church and the School." The smallest children are cared for each Sunday by the Chancel Guild, so that parents may enjoy the adult service without worry over the little folks. Park Land Purchase Up for Hearing on Monday Community House will be the scene of another lively discussion, Monday ove- ning, November 17, of the proposition to purchase certain parcels of land in the Skokie for park purposes. Monday's hearing, called by the board of local improvements of the Winnetka Park district, is in the nature of an ad- journed session which has been postpon- ed several weeks because of the recent campaign and election activity in the vil- lage. On Monday night it is expected that various groups will be well represented, particularly the recently organized Tax- payers association which has been wag- ing a vigorous campaign against the contemplated land purchase by the Park board The hearing will be conducted in Rudolph Matz hall and is scheduled to begin promptly at 8 o'clock. All 'nter- ested citizens are urged to attend and express their opinions regarded the mat- ter in question. Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler of 1119 Sheridan road has returned from a visit with her mother, Mrs. I. R. Warner of Clinton, Illinois. BOOKS Alice McAllister Skinner Mrs. Otis Ainsworth Skinner announces the opening of her BOOK SHOP at 724 Elm Street Winnetka, Illinois Books of Every Description, Stationery Recent Fiction, Dramas, Plays, Art, Science, Music, Poetry, Children's Classics Playing Cards, Place and Favor Cards For order Miss Florence Hendershot shows Artistic Photography Paintings by Anita Willitts Burnham Ftchings by Bertha Jacque Engraved Book Plates and Christmas Cards. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 1101 Second Birthday Sale of the Community Pharmacy Charles R. Patchen NOVEMBER 19TH TO 22ND, 1924 On November 18, 1922 we opened this new store. T'wo years have passed and in that time we have had the privilege of serving hundreds of Winnetka Folks. We have tried to serve well, both as to merchandise and personal service and your increasing patronage has made us feel that we were not serving in vain. And now during our Second Birthday Week we're going to celebrate a little by offer- ing some special items that are really remarkable values. We think you'll want to take advan- Special No. 1 Mag-lac Tooth Paste and Mag-lac Tooth Brush 50c ' tage of one or more of them but whether vou do or not be sure and come in dur- ing the week. Special No. 3 Colonial Club Because we want personally to thank Shaving Cream you for helping to make the past two years prosperous for us and to remind you again that with every purchase we still include our original brand of and Gillette Razor 50c Smiling Service Special No. 2 Ma Ma Doll $1.25 Value 98¢c Special No. 4 Double Compact $1.00 Value 49¢ FREE With every 50c¢ purchase a birthday gift bag of samples. 3e sure and ask for yours. 574 Lincoln Avenue Community Pharmacy Phone Winnetka 164 WINNETKA