Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Dec 1924, p. 23

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oF 7, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1924 E IS A PAGE OF VERY GOOD NEWS TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. papers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE B50c¢c. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. ; : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 1 o'clock for 'he GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNEZKA 2000-2001. Xi REAL ESTATE 1 : REAL ESTATE SOLID VALUES NORTHEAST WINNETKA NEW SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE, HOT water heat, 2 porches, lot 72x150-- $20,000. SOUTHEAST WINNETKA New six room brick house, one block from lake, 63 foot frontage-- $24,000. INVESTMENT VACANT Lot 70x187 opposite new school-- $85 per foot. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 1LTN10-1tec Reduced to $20,500 ALMOST NEW 6 ROOM COLONIAL house, sun and sleeping porches, tile bath, water heat. Garage. On a beautifully wooded. $10,000. Lot 90x190. All in perfect condition. For Rent Five room house, furnace heat. Corner Locust and Ovoca Aves., just outside Winnetka limits. $30 per month to May 1st. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 556 Center St. Phone Winnetka 254 1LTN10-1tec YES, THE REAL ESTATE MARKET on the North Shore has greatly im- proved. Vacant is increasing in value so much that we have been justified recently in making several loans on vacant lots. If you own a good lot or home we can make you a quick loan at very low rates. This is the 1st time in 30 years we have solocited loans on vacant property. List your properties with us for quick sale. Bargains in vacant. E. P. Maynard & Co. (Ask for Mr. Franklin) 8 So. Dearborn St., Chicago 1LTN10-1te FOR SALE--LET US SELL YOU OUR beautiful 5% room bungalow, large fireplace, built in tub, etc., complete for less than $7,000 which requires only $750 cash and $50 per month-- if you own your own lot on the North Shore. Investigate this bar- gain. No obligation. Special low price for winter building. LAKE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION CO. 10 No. Clark St. Chicago Phone State 8825 212 W. Washington St., Waukegan 3031 Phone Winnetka 755 after 6 p. m. 1LTN9-3tc WINNETKA--RIPARIAN $225 PER FOOT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE ON THE lake in the choicest section of Win- netka, do not fail to see this beauti- fully wooded lot now. Get in on this sacrifice price before it is too late. Clore, Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 1750 1LTN10-1tc FOR CHOICE LOTS OR ACRE tracts, fire and tornado insurance, liability or property damage, work- men's compensation insurance or surety bonds. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridgé Avenue Wilmette, Ill. Phone Wil. 364 1LTN10-1tc "Is Your Home for Sale?" BE SURE IT IS LISTED WITH US. The spring will bring a big demand for homes and vacant and your prop- erty should be on our lists. A post card or phone call will bring a ready response. GLEASON & PERRIN 554 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1949 1LTN10-1te For Sale--Wilmette VERY COZY LITTLE HOME LOCATED in extreme east section Wilmette; glazed sleeping and breakfast porches; 2-car garage; beautifully landscaped lot with abundance of shrubs and several fine trees. Land alone worth $8500.00; this is actually the best buy in Wilmette at $10,- 500.00. Phone Wilmette 2066. 1LTN10-1te OWNER MUST SELL VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW COLONIAL, tile roof, 3 master bedrooms and maid's room, sun parlor, water heat, all large light cheerful rooms; 2- car garage; deep wooded lot; cen- trally located for electric and steam trains. Price $25,000. Phone Wil- mette 308. 1LTN9-2tp FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blocks west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park 989-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfe INDIAN HILL, HOME HIGH GRADE; ON LARGE LAND- scaped lot; near schools; priced right; or will rent to May 1. Phone Winnetka 1298. 1LTN10-1tp OWNER MUST SELL LOT ON CHER- ry St., Winnetka; 75x180 at $45 per foot. $1,000 down, $40 per month. Address Winnetka Talk 393. 1LTN10-1tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE IN Highland Park; 11 rooms, 3 baths, hot water heat, % acre garden, large garage, on the lake. For one year or longer. Terms. $3,000 per vear. For appointment phone Highland Park 1035. 2LTN10-1te FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED home; garage; convenient to trans= portation. Phone Winn. 1769. 2T39-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 625-11TH ST. FOUR room apartment, steam heat, in-a- dor bed in dining room, janitor ser- vice. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS SITUATION WANTED MIDDLE- aged man with wide experience in general office work wants half time work. Address Winnetka Talk 398. 14TN39-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MAN WISHES work weekday afternoons and eve- nings or Sunday. Phone Wilmette 1972. 14LTN10-1tp Dance Music For All Occasions Booking Agent for TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp SITUATION 2 years experience; city ref. WANTED--CHAUFFEUR, Frank Jaudon. IPhone Wilmette 1170. 14LTN10-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- TENDING furnaces, serving parties or day Phone Glencoe work of any kind. 616. 14TN39-1te SITUATION man wants mette 3254. WANTED -- RELIABLE day work. Phone Wil- 14TN39-1tp i5 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--COMPETENT cateress wishes place in private fam- ilies to cook dinners for parties, etc. 913 Linden Ave.,, Hubbard Woods. Phone University 3792 evenings. 15T39-1tc FRUIT CAKES Plum puddings and cakes of | all kinds baked to order. 1073% THE MORITZ HAND LAUNDRY WE DO FAMILY WASHING; blankets and curtains a specialty. Goods called for and delivered. Refer- ences if desired. 1620 Darrow Ave, Evanston. Phone University 1389. 19T29-4te ALL KINDS OF PLEATING, PRESS- ing, repairing, altering and dress- making done. 2111 Ashland Ave, Ravinia. Phone Highland Park 889-J. 19TN39-1tp MAY WE ASSIST YOU IN DISPOSING of your discarded gowns, coats, etc.? We pay cash. Third apt, 1403 Jar- vis Ave., Chicago. Tel. Rogers Kk. 3137. 19TN27-4tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTNS-tfe WANTED -- 4-ROOM DOLL HOUSE. Phone Univ. 3657-M before 10 a. m. 19LTN10-1te WANTED -- WRITING DESK OF medium size. Tel. Winnetka 1755. 19TN39-1tp WANTED--A SET OF "MY BOOK House" in good condition. Tel. Winn. 360. 19TN39-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc LOOKING FOR A GOOD We have it--see us first. ARE YOU used car? A GF. G 3 Pr Gage St. Phone Winnetka 1333. Wersted Motor Co. ce rooms. . F. Gonsalves. one " : ro i J : LTNS-6tc 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Winnetka 62. 3L/TN43-tfc 13 20LTN10-1tc FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM FUR- aw 3 Ye OY ) 4 7 nished apartment. 819 Oak oR SITUATION WANTED -- GRADUATE FOR SALE--COMPARATIVELY NEW Phone Winnetka 112 3TN39-1te col. nurse will take care of children Electric; will sell at a sacrifice. Can . : or invalids; help with housework; be seen at North Shore Auto Co., 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS permanent position; refs. Phone or phone Univ. 3636 evenings. FOR RENT--TWO PLEASANT, BUSI- ness rooms in good business loca- tion in Winnetka; very reasonable, heat and water furnished. Phone Winnetka 2024. 4LTN10-1tp FOR RENT--TWO LARGE, LIGHT, furnished rooms, single or in suite; private bath; near transportation; garage. Phone Winn. 1543. 4LTN10-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room; conv. to all transportation; gentleman preferred. Address Wil- mette Life 391. 4L/TN10-1tc FOR RENT--TWO COMFORTABLE rooms with private bath. Phone Kenilworth 3241. 4LT10-1tc FOR RENT--NICE, FRONT ROOM. 688 Ash St, Winnetka. 4LT10-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOM; gentleman only. Phone Winetka 404. 4LTN10-1te [] FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR "RENT -- GARAGE SUITABLE for 4 cars or for storage of any goods; reasonable. 467 Chestnut St. Phone Winn. 730. 6T39-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE; ONE OR TWO cars. 839 Ash St. Phone Winnetka 2213. 6T39-1tp Drexel 4605. 15LT10-1tp 20LTN10-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- CAPABLE woman wishes position as governess or nurse; can teach French, German and piano; best references. Address Winnetka Talk 397. 15TN39-1tp WANTED EXPERI- college graduate as governess; rea- sonable. Address Winnetka Talk 399. 15TN39-1tp SITUATION WANTED--WHITE WOM- an wants general work by the hour from 5 p. m. until any time at night. Address Winnetka Talk 395. 15T39-1tp SITUATION WANTED--LAUNDRESS wants work at home; finished, rough dry, wet wash. Will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1351. 15LTN9-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED laundress wants position Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Phone Univ, 8120. 15LTN10-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXP. WOMAN wishes cooking and serving; will do other housework by day or hour. Phone Wil. 3129. 15LT10-1te SITUATION enced, cultured, wishes position FOR SAL1--1921 AUBURN TOURING car, excellent cond., $300. 509 Wash- ington Ave. Glencoe. Phone 836. 20LTN10-1te FOR SALE--WINTON TOURING CAR, model 21; with extra sedan winter top; $200. Phone Winn, 1419. 20TN39-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--TWO ORIENTAL RUGS, Seth Thomas clock, small mahogany rocker, three gold frame mirrors, pair andirons and fire set, four small lamp shades, three lamps, tea cart, three overcoats and two men's suits. Phone Winnetka 2014. 21LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- DECIDEDLY CHEAP. Electric grill; elec. heater; wringer; gas stove; ash sifter; curtain stretcher; baby buggy; baby bassi- nette. Phone Wilmette 1615. 21LTN10-1tc FOR SALE--FACTORY-BUILT HAZEL- tine, 160 neutrodyne radio; just like new; coast to coast; 4 tubes, phones and aerial. $75.00. Phone Winnetka 1915. 21LTN10-1tc SITUATION WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position for afternoons; will stay on premises. Phone Univ. 6813. 15LT10-1te 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEASE AN unfurnished house to responsible tenants who will take the same par- ticular care of the premises that they would of their own property. The family consists of 4 adults. The house must have 3 master bedrooms. Rental about $150. Local refer- ences if desired. Phone Superior 4200. Room 1027, between 5:30 and 6 p. m. or write Winnetka Talk 396. 7T39-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE INSURANCE REPORTERS--MAN IN each suburban town and village in Cook County to make confidential in- surance reports during spare time. State age and occupation. N. P. Green, Box 192, Chicago. 11LTN9-5tc WANTED--GOOD, RELIABLE MAN for taxi driver; must know Win- netka. Apply Black & White Cab Co., 552 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. 11LTN10-1te 11 SITUATION WANTED--COMPETENT, experienced woman will take charge of children days or evenings. Phone Winn. 533-R. 15T39-1te FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Win- netka 911, before 8 a. m 15TN38-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED laundress, experience, good refs. Phone Univ. 7665. 15LTN10-1tp SITUATION WANTED--WOMAN WILL do ironing only. Phone Glencoe 137. 15LTN10-1te SITUATION WANTED -- GIRL: WILL take care of children evenings. Phone Winnetka 1719. 15TN39-1tc FOR SALE--EDEN WASHING MA- chine, swinging wringer; good cond. $40. Phone Wilmette 1485. 21LT10-1tc FOR SALE--TWO WINCHESTER RE- peating rifles; 22 calibre. Bargain. 490 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 1385. 21TN39-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S LARGE SIZE crib and mattress; safety drop side. Phone Winnetka 2076. 21TN39-1tp FOR SALE--FINE, 2 MONTHS OLD, male, mixed Collie and Chow puppy; cheap. Phone Winn. 969. 21T39-1tc FOR SALE--ENGLISH WALNUT DIN- ing room set, child's wagon, Irish mail. Phone Winn. 269. 21TN39-1tc FOR SALE--NEW VICTROLA AND records, $50. Phone Winnetka 1066. 21TN39-1te SITUATION WANTED--GIRL WANTS any kind of day work. Address Win- netka Talk 390. 15TN39-1tc FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER -- COM- plete for small home, $75. Winnetka 1686. 21T24-tfe DRESSMAKING; COATS AND DRESS- es. Johanna B. Andersen, 916 Ash St. Phone Winn. 1758. 15TN39-1tp 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED, WHITE girl for general housework; no laun- dry; small house; private room and bath; best wages. 303 Fairview Ave. Phone Winnetka 852. 12TN39-1tc WANTED -- FIRST CLASS DRESS- maker for day work. Laundress for 2 days a week; permanent. Address Wilmette Life 392. 12LLTN10-1tec WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE girl for general housework; good wages. 653 Walden Rd., Winnetka. Phone 1486. 12LTN10-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; references required; 3 adults. Apply 874 Bluff St., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 11. 12TN39-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ACT AS nurse maid; 2 small children in fam- ily. Call Mrs. B. Reinicke, Wilmette 2520. 12TN39-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; thoroughly experi- enced; best references. Phone (ilen- coe 1035. 12TN39-1te SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRESS wants work Thursday and Friday. Phone Glencoe 616. 15TN39-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano in good condition. 1009 Vine St., Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 46. 17TLTN10-1te FOR SALE -- OAR DINING ROOM table and six chairs in excellent con- dition, $35. Phone Winnetka 704. 3 17TLTN10-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOGANY COLONIAL sideboard, perfect condition. Cheap terms. Phone University 80. 17T39-1tc 22 FINANCIAL HAVE $4,500 TO INVEST IN FIRST mortgage on local property; 2-5 yrs. Address Wilmette Life 394. 22LTN10-1tc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--SMALL, BLACK, BEADED BAG near New Trier High School on Mon- day evening; bag contained keys on keyring (badly needed), compact, program of the Little Symphony concert, small amount of money. Phone Wilmette 763-M. 24L/TN10-1tp LOST--RED PEKINGESE, MALE DOG on Thanksgiving day; wore black muzzle; answers to name of Chin- chin. Liberal reward if returned to Robert Cruett, Hubbard Woods. Ph. Winn. 1020. 24T39-1tc FOR SALE--OAK BED-DAVENPORT, genuine leather; cheap. Phone Winn. 1769. 17T39-1te FOR SALE--BREAKFAST SET OF table and 2 chairs, good condition, $6. Phone Winn. 1589. 17LTN10-1tc FOR SALE--SCHAAF PLAYER PIANO, music roll and cabinet; very reas. Phone Wilmette 1068. 17LTN10-1tc WANTED--FIRST CLASS LAUNDRIESS for Monday or Tuesday. 680 Locust St. Phone Winn. 315. 12TN39-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--WHITE MAN wants housecleaning by the day. Phone Glenroe 643. 14T39-1tc WANTED SITUATION; TAKING care of furnaces and general work. ~ Tel. Winn, 1552. 14T36-tfe 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN10-tfc LOST--CHILD'S BROWN SWEATER on Linden Avenue or at Hubbard Woods station on November 16. Ad- dress J. Meyer, 245 Linden Avenue, Glencoe. 24TN39-1te LOST--MAN"S OVERCOAT BETWEEN Sheridan road and depot on Novem- ber 26; reward. Phone Winnetka 454. . 24T39-1tp LOST---BOSTON, BRINDLE BULL dog. Reward. 688 Ash St. Phone Winn, 1276. 24T39-1tc 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA- rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd. Ev- anston. Tel. University 1707. spection invited. Cash or terms. Information gladly furnished. 25LTN50-tfe In- MR. LOT OWNER QUALITY BUILDER WILL BUILD and loan entire cost of home ready for spring delivery. Easy terms. Write today. Address Wilmette Life 358. 25LTN10-4tc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 27LT45-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty ' Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, T11. 27T31-tfc CLUBS PROMOTE CHILD HEALTH "Little Mothers Clubs" Or- ganized in State % "Tittle mothers clubs" will be organ- ized in every county in Illinois if the plans of the state department of public health materialize, according to a state- ment issued today by Dr. Isaac D. Raw- lings, state director of health. Work along this line has already begun, the first club, with about 20 members, hav- ing recently been established in St. Charles. "The object of the clubs," said Dr. Rawlings, "is to promote the health and well being of infants and children as well as that of the mothers. Vigorous clubs of the character anticipated in the plans would certainly constitute an im- portant factor in reducing the infant mortality in the state. Members Take Pledge "Mothers of young children and pros- pective mothers will be eligible for mem- bership in the clubs. Each member will be required to take a pledge relating to the execution of well recognized, fun- damental principles in child care. Each club will be an independent unit so that organizations may be created in any fav- orable district and may function to the best advantage to its members. "Club programs will relate wholly to prenatal and child care. This will in- clude such important items as diet, habit, medical service, immunization against preventable diseases and training. Ma- terial along these lines will emanate from authoritative sources so that the mothers may have the benefit of the best medical opinions. Such a course will minimize the danger from 'old wives tales" and will tend to relieve young mothers from a great deal of experi- mental procedures that are sometimes exceedingly costly. It will teach mothers to depend on scientific fact more than upon current gossip or proprietary medi- cine propaganda. State Supervises Instruction "The courses of instruction for the clubs will be outlined by the chief of the division of child hygiene of the state department of health. They will involve talks by local members of the medical profession, the study of. authoritative books and pamphlets and a correspond- ence course on prenatal care for club members who desire it. "The plan anticipates the frequent ex- amination of infants and children by competent physicians. For those who are able to pay for this service the family physician is recommended. Others may take their children to infant hygiene centers which are already established or which will be created under the influence of the clubs. "At the present time the first year of life is by all odds the most hazard- ous that a person is ever called upon to face. An average of 10,000 babies under one year of age die annually in Illinois. It is estimated that 100,000 children in the state are suffering from malnutrition. The organization of a few hundred 'little mothers clubs' in the state will go far toward solving these two serious problems." The next meeting of the MacDowell society of the North Shore will be held in the Boy Scout room of Community House, Winnetka, Wednesday evening, December 10, at 8 o'clock. Mrs, Anita Willets Burnham will give the program, her subject being, "A Trip Abroad with a Paint Box and a Family of Six," illus- trated by sketches from the paint box. Guest tickets may be obtained from Dr. W. A. Colledge, treasurer. (Jr Mr. Valentine Smith and Mr. Otto Owen are touring through Florida. They expect to be gone about four weeks. Mrs. Valentine Smith is giving a series of parties during the month of December. . --r-- 2 Mr. and Mrs. Parker Dodge of Wash- ington, D. C., are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Margery. Mrs. Dodge was Miss Charlotte Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Phelps of 328 Leicester road. Mrs. Phelps is now in Washington. --Q-- Mrs. Frank E. Pfannmueller, 328 Raleigh road, has invited her bridge club to have luncheon with her Tuesday, De- cember 9, at the Sovereign hotel. meng

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