Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Dec 1924, p. 31

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a > WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924 31 "WANT-ADS WILL SAVE MUCH MONE: TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. 50c. Average of five words to 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG, HIGH schoot giil wants work before and a.ter school; room on place, $7 per Phone Univ. 3650 after 6 p. m. 15T41-1t) FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- .e ations call M:ss <Carlsten, Win- netka 911, before 8 a. m. 15TN38-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL housework or part time work by th : > week. 1119 Sheridan road. Phone { Classified advertisements will be ac- inn. 350. 15LTN12-1tc Deadline fov insertions cepted up Wednesday 12 o'clock for | Won ae e JME 4 or all three papers: Thursdav 12 o'clock for the S JATION WANTED--EXP. YOUNG WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for "he GLENCOE NEWS SITUA woman desires position as Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001 | nurse for children. Phone Kenil. 3180. 15LTN12-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 REAL ESTATE 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES F ANTIQUES FOR CHA AY sr TS : FOR RENT -- GARAGE; REFER- We have some beautiful old pieces Christmas Presents ences. Phone Winnetka 1206. in perfect condition. Mahogany and TWO YEAR OLD SHINGLE COLONIAL 6T41-1te walnut shaving stands; O. G. mir- house; 6-rooms, h. w. heat, encl. rors; oval picture frames; colored slpg. porch; 2-car garage; close to|10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS lamps; bedside stands; maple and school and transportation; 65 ft. cor- walnut spindle and poster beds; ner lot. $19,500.00. Terms. WANTED--ONE OR TWO WELL- cherry and mah. drop-leaf tables; NORTHEAST WINNETKA heated sleeping rooms with or near walnut sleigh-end day-bed; mahog- New 6-room brick house, h. w. heat, 2 porches, lot 72x150. $20,000. WINNETKA INVESTMENT VACANT Log 70x187 opposite new school, $85 per . E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 1LTN12-1te FOR SALE--EXCEPTIONALLY WELL built, splendidly located 9-room resi- dence, two bathrooms, oil heat, auto- matic hot water, electric range, elec- tric dish washer. Lot 65-foot front- age, plenty of trees, arbor, flower garden, garage. Within one block of New Trier High School, three blocks of steam and electric stations. Property clear. For sale at reason- able price but not at sacrifice. Terms half cash, balance 6%. Dee A. Stoker, owner. 72 Abbottsford Rd. Win- netka. Phones Kenil. 657 and Har- rison 8538. 1LT12-1te FOR SALE -- WILMETTE VERY COZY LITTLE HOME LOCATED in extreme east section of Wilmette: glazed sleeping and breakfast porch- es; 2-car garage; beautifully land- scaped lot with abundance of shrubs and several fine trees. Land alone worth $8,500; this is actually best buy in Wilmette at $10,500. Phone Wilmette 2066. 1LTN12-1te 180 Foot Frontage BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT; i-room kellostone house, built right; h. w. heat oil burner. 259% below re- placement cost if taken before Jan. 1. Phone Winnetka 1298. 1LTN12-2tc FOR SALE--IN FLORIDA NEAR MI- aml a very desirable lot 80x168 ft. on hill overlooking Biscayne Bay. $5500, $3000 down. Tel. Glencoe 976. 1LTN12-1te FOR SALE--50 FT. WOODED Lom: 7 blocks from Hubbard Woods sta- tion. Phone Winnetka 235. 1TN41-1tp bath; near Winnetka Post Office. State full particulars and price. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk 406. 10T41-1tc i1 HELP WANTED--MALE INSURANCE REPORTERS--MAN IN each suburban town and village in Cook County to make confidential in- surance reports during spare time. State age and occupation. N. > Green. Box 192, Chicago. 11LTN9-5tc any Empire sideboard with original Sandwich glass knobs; brass candle- sticks: sets of 6 dining room chairs; odd chairs in mahogany; walnut and maple; chest of drawers; old china plates and a few pieces of Sandwich glass. Several other fine pieces at rea- sonable prices. LINDWALL'S ANTIQUE SHOP $08 Oak St. Winnetka 17TN41-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WOMAN TO TAKE NAMES for North Shore Directory. Apply R. L. Polk & Co. c/o Chamber of Commerce, 608 Davis St, Evanston. 12LTN12-1tp FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, 4 BURNERS, $5. 481 Elder Lane. Tel. Winn.783. 17TN41-1tp SOLID MAHOG- Phone Win- 17LTN12-1tc FOR SALE--BROWN, any, dining room table. netka 607. TELEPHONE permanent, interesting and plan is provided. it over with the 740 ELM STREET is a desirable occupation for young women. are well paid. They like their work and associates. Va- cations (with pay) are given each year. Come to the telephone office and talk WINNETKA CHIEF OPERATOR [llinois Bell Telephone Company OPERATING The work is near home. Our operators A liberal benefit 12T41-2tc WANTED--WOMAN TO CARE FOR 2 children from 3 to 5 on Tuesdays and Fridays; extra time on occasions. Mrs. Edgar Freeman, 185 Chestnut St." "Tel." Winn. 174. 12T41-1tc WANTED---GIRL OR WOMAN FOR housework from 3-7:30 P. M.; small family. Phone Kenilworth 2851. 12T41-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry; ref. req. Ap- ply 560 Elm St, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 1158. 12TN41-1tc FOR SALE--NE > rap. | WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR HOUSE- large size dh dy FER a York: Sood cook; pms lke Shi. ka Talk 407. 1TN41-1tp dren, ref. Phone Drinnina 2d. 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES WANTED -- THOROUGHLY EXP. children's nurse, refinement and edu- FOR RENT -- NEW COTTAGE; 2 cation essential. Phone Winn. 2114. rooms, bath and kitchen. $50 per 12TN41-1tc month, 338 Lincoln Ave. Owner - at 341 Lincoln Ave., Glencoe. WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP 2TN41-1te FOR RENT--FOUR ROOM COTTAGE on Winnetka avenue. Call at cot- tage, 80 Locust Rd. Phone Wilmette 889-Y-2. 2LTN12-1tc FOR RENT--FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, newly decorated. Phone Winnetka 800. 2TN41-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 625-11TH room apartment, steam dor bed in dining room, ice. ST. - FOUR- heat, in-a- janitor serv- Phone Wilmette 2399. ithd 3LTN2-tfc Yor DS alanvvmNTY AND OF- € rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. P. Winnetka 62, ¥ SLND (Fe 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- TWO ROOMS WITH bath on third floor; hot water heat; electric grill for cooking. Very rea- with housework during the holidays. Phone Winn. 1158. 12TN41-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework; 3 in family; small house; good, considerate home. Phone Wilmette 2576. 12LTN12-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE girl for general housework; no laun- dry. Phone Winnetka 1080. 12LTN12-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO TAKE OUT children of school age for a few hours a day during Christmas vaca- tion. Phone Winn. 1080. 12LTN12-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Phone Winnetka 1884. 12LTN12-1te WANTED -- EXP.,, WHITE MAID: small house; small family. Phone Winn. 1106. 12TN41-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND sonable. Prefer help evenings as Fee payment. Phone Winnetka 2032. WANTED -- GIRL FOR SWITCH 4T41-1tc hosed operator and stenographer; also an office boy. Apply Wi t Bon BENT-TWO LARGE, LIGHT Coal-Lumber Co. S28 nvenaetke urnished rooms, single or in suite: Winnetka. 13LTN12-1te Private bath; near transportation; rage, one Winn. 1543. \ 4. TN12-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--ROOM AT $5 PER | SITUATION WANTED--MAN WANTS week: for couple at $8 per week. 564 work around house, tending furnaces, PIoyident Ave. Phone Winnetka etc. Address Winnetka Talk 407. 19. 4T41-1tp 14TN41-1tp FOR RENT--TWO, NICELY FURN-|SITUATION WANTED--EXP. BOOK. ished bedrooms; convenient to trans- keeper and typist offers part time portation; with garage. Phone Winn. services. Address Winnetka Talk 1769. 4 2 '41-1tp 398. 14LTN11-tfe FOR RENT--NICE, COMFORTABLE, furnished room next bath: reason- able. 1130 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 3014. 4LT12-1te FOR RENT--ROOM; NEAR TRANS- portation; gentleman preferred. 725 Prairie Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 442, 4LTN12-tfc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two men; near trans- portation. Call at 601 Main St, Wilmette. 4LTN12-1te Dance Music For All Occasions Booking Agent for TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND FOR RENT--1153 WILMETTE AVE.; May 1 occupancy. Phone Wilmette 214. 5LTN12-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRESS wants work at home; finished, rough dry, wet wash. Will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1351. 15LTN9-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE IN 900 BLOCK of Pine Street; $6.00 per month. Ph. Winn. 2251. 6LT12-1tc "| SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG MAR- ried woman with 3% months old baby wants housework or position as waitress. Phone Glencoe 522, 15LTN12-1tc FOR SALE--IMPORTED RUGS, FAST colors, very strong, washable and reasonable; modern Chippendale; ob- long, dining table and 6 chairs, brown mahogany finish; just like new; will sell cheap. 808 Oak St. Phone Winn. 145. 17TN41-1te FOR SALE--HAYWOOD BROS. REED furniture; large table, fireside chair and rocker; newly re-finished in French gray. Phone Glen. 711. 17TN41-1te FOR SALE--TWO WRITING DESKS; one set "Book of Knowledge," lat- est edition; god-looking china cabi- net in fine condition. Phone Winn. 2297. 17TN41-1tc FOR SALE--HAND DECORATED, bridge and mah. mah jongg, folding tables, $9 and up. Make lovely gifts. 808 Oak St., Winnetka. 17TN41-1te FOR SALE--WHITE ENAMEL BED- room set of 5 pieces, $35; baby bassi- nette with stand; 2 small desks; odds and ends of china. Phone Winn. 206. 17T41-1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET OF 6 chairs, 54 inch table and buffet in excellent condition; exceptional bar- gain. Phone Winnetka 2111. 17TN41-1tc Lsed Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--COMFPFARATIVELY NEW Electric in good running condition; will sell at a sacrifice. Can be seen at North Shore Auto Co. or phone Univ. 3636 evenings. 20LTN122-tfc FOR SALE--WINTON TOURING, 7 pass., extra sedan winter top, $200; Cadillac limousine 57, just over- hauled, interior in fine condition, $700. Phone Winnetka 1419. 20LTN12-1tp 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Gifts From China UNIQUE GIFT SELECTIONS, DIRECT importations of my nephew who is financing his education through these sales before returning to China. Chains, necklaces and pendants in many combinations--$1 to $150. Richly embroidered silk runners, mandarin coats and skirts. .$2 to $65. Embroidered table linens, center pieces, lunch sets, etc. $1 to $85. Novelties in vases, bags, purses, Chinese pictures, etc.--$1 to $15. SPECIAL Beautiful, dark grey, squirrel coat from north China; unfinished; a bar- gain at--$450.00. LOUISE B. PANUSHKA 929 Thirteenth St, Wilmette S. W. Cor. Forest Ave. Phone 676 21LTN12-1tc WINTER REDUCTION UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PUR- chase some private breeder, quality, show-type Airedales priced surpris- ingly low to good home. REKLAW RAPTURE, A. K. C., 387682, female, born Jan. 1922; good watch dog and pet: gentle with children; won rib- bons at Chicago, Columbus, Detroit, S racuse and Rochester, N. Y.; for in ediate acceptance, $75. REKLAW REX, A. K. C, reg., male, born Feb. 1924; husky, sensible pup, show prospect; sire Ch. Earlwood Warlock, dam Sunmount Surprise; for immed. acceptance, $50. Little sister to Rex, with more quality, $50. Five generation pedigree furnished with all dogs. John L. Walker, 228 Mary St., Hubbard Woods. Phone Glen, 827. 21LTN12-1tc PUPS FOR SALE ST. BERNARD, CHOW-CHOW AND wire-haired Fox terriers. These pedigreed pups are in perfect health and will make wonderful Christmas gifts. It will pay you to drive out and see them. - A DOGS BOARDED We have room for a few more dogs in our country kennels. They will be given the best attention under the most healthful conditions. Dogs called for and delivered. 3 il Riveredge Kennels On Half Day road, Route 22, 6 miles west of Highland Park and one mile east of Half Day at the Des Plaines river. Phone Prairie View 606-W-2. P. O. Area, IIL 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--THREE TUBE RADIO set using WD-11 tubes, complete with tubes, batteries and Baldwin unit loudspeaker. Set built by Rad- io Chain Stores of America and is in excellent working condition. Owner has bought more expensive set. Will sell for $55. Phone Kenil- worth 1369. 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--FOUR, BEAUTIFUL, OLD hooked rugs, in very good condition. Phone Winn. 145. 17TN41-1tc 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN10-tfc PEDIGREED BOSTON PUPPIES FOR SALE--THREE, BEAUTIFULLY marked, Boston terrier puppies sired by Master King V. Would make an ideal Christmas gift for your boy or girl. Good home considered rather than price. Phone Winn. 263. 21LTN12-1tc FOR SALE--OLD ENGLISH WHITE- stone soup tureen, complete with ladle and tray; Wedgwood, covered vegetable dish; both perfect. Also several pieces of early American glassware including sets of goblets, fruit and cake dishes, vases, etc. Phone Winn. 462. 21LTN12-1te 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS THE MORITZ HAND LAUNDRY WE DO FAMILY WASHING; blankets and curtains a specialty. Goods called for and delivered. Refer- ences if desired. 1620 Darrow Ave. Evanston. Phone University 1339. 19T39-4tc LAUNDRY WORK AT home. All fine linens washed and ironed by hand, dried outdoors. Make your clothes snow white and smell sweet. Called for and deliver- ed. 376 Jefferson Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glen. 179. 19TN41-tfe WANTED--BABY BASSINETTE OR large size doll's bassinette; must be 33 inches. Phone Winnetka 1175. 19TN41-1tc BUY -- DOLL-HOYJSE FIRST CLASS WANTED TO FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE WIRE- haired Fox terriers 4-5 months old. Dogs boarded and cared for. VICKERY KENNELS Barrington, Ill Phone 607 21LTN12-1tp FOR SALE -- ROCKING HORSE, wagon, automobile, baby cab, bassin- ette, crib, sleigh, kerosene burner, 30 and 40 ft. ladders and other gar- den tools in good condition. Phone Winnetka 1428. 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--CHILD'S TRICYCLE IN A-1 condition; fine Christmas pres- ent. Can be seen at 1233 Hill St. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 2054. 21LTN12-1tc FOR SALE -- MAN'S, BLACK, FUR lined overcoat; furnished, 4-room doll house. Phone Winnetka 986. 21LTN12-1tc for 8-year old girl. Phone Winn. 631-7J. 19TN41-1te WANTED--FLOOR SANDPAPER CON- tractor. Call at 536 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette. 19LTN12-1tp WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash St. 19LTNS8-tfc 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--BUICK TOURING CAR completely overhauled, new top and curtains, 5 cord tires, motor in won- derful mechanical condition. A real buy for some one who wants a good car. $275 cash. Hubbard Woods Garage. Phone Winn. 617. 20LTN12-1te FOR SALE--TWO RADIANT FIRE gas heaters; a bargain. Glencoe Bakery, 336 Park Ave.. Glencoe. 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--SCOTCH TERRIER PUPS, 6 weeks old on Christmas; thorough- breds; champions. Phone University 5240. 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--PAISLEY SHAWL; NEW, linen table cloth; practically new skates and shoes. Phone Wilmette 143. 21LTN12-1te FOR SALE--KINDLING WOOD AT $3 a load for small truck. dan Rd., Wilmette. , FOR SALE--RADIOLA 5, COMPLETE with Magna Vox loud speaker, $65; laige se.tee with cane panels, holstered seat and pillows, $25. I hone Winn. 433. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL PEKING- ese dog, 9 mos. old, housebroken; also puppies, 21% mos. old. 1014 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 753-M. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--CORAL INLAID STAND suitable for mah jongg; beautiful oil painting; table silver. Phone Wilmette 1998. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--RACCOON COLLAR AND cuffs, fine for girl's coat, reason- able; also black fox scarf. Phone Wilmette 2665. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--RADIO; 1 TUBE SET EX- ceptionally well made, never used. Phone Winn. 529-W between 6-8 P.M. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--NEW VICTROLA AND records, $50. Phone Winnetka 1066. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER -- COM- plete for small home, $75. Winnetka 1686. 21T24-tfc FOR SALE--SEAL COAT, SQUIRREL collar and cuffs; good eondition; $40. Phone Winn. 1158. 21TN41-1te FOR SALE--NEW, DARK BROWN fur coat; also white fur coat. hone Winn. 912. 21T41-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--GOLD MESH BAG AT NEW Trier High School evening of Nov. 4 at the MacDowell concert. Reward. Finder please return to 142 Church road or phone Winn. 1619. 24LT12-1te FOUND--HAMMERED SILVER BAR pin with letters W A A engraved on front. Owner may have same by identifying and paying ad at Lloyd Hollister, Inc, 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette. 24T41-1tp LOST--YELLOW KITTEN IN VICIN- ity of Poplar and Oak streets; re- ward. Phone Mrs. Lowrey, Win- netka 1263. 24T41-1te LOST -- MALE AIREDALE; SORE spot on back near tail; Wilmette license 74. Reward. Phone Wil- mette 2828. 24L.TN12-1tec LOST--A STEAMER RUG IN WIN- netka on Monday evening; reward. Phone Winn. 1998. 24T41-1tp 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA- rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd. Ev- anston. Tel. University 1707. In- spection invited. Cash or terms. In- formation gladly furnished. 25LTN50-tfe MR. LOT OWNER QUALITY BUILDER WILL BUILD and loan entire cost of home ready for spring delivery. Easy terms. Write today. Address Wilmette Life 358. 25L.TN10-4te 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSECLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. ~ 27TLT45-tfe NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning. Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 111 27T31-tfe MWCLURE HEADS STATE ADVERTISING ALLIANCE W. Frank McClure, 219 Brodway, president of the Wilmette Sunday Eve- ning club and a prominent civic leader, last week was elected president of the newly organized Advertising Clubs of Illinois at a meeting held in the Chi- cago Association of Commerce offices. Mr. McClure is vice president of the Albert Frank and company advertising agency. One of the first responsibilities ac- cepted by the new organization is to se- cure legislation in Illinois against fraud- ulent advertising practices. A bill simi- lar to the "Printer's Ink Statutes" now in effect in 23 states will be suggested for passage before the next session of the state legislature. The new organization of clubs follows a long effort by the advertising council of the Chicago Association of Com- merce and of other Chicago, state and national associations to co-operate in getting an "honest advertising" statute for Illinois. The only existing state efforts which have been able to prevent fraudulent advertising are, notably, the Investor's Protective bureau in Chica- go, a Better Business bureau in Peoria and a municipal ordinance in Joliet. "There is a distinct need in Chicago, it being the nation's second largest city, for a law that will enable prosecution of advertisers who misrepresent their goods," said Mr. McClure. The statute was given approval by 3,000 people in a rising vote at another meeting in Orchastra hall, at which, be- sides representatives from the advertis- ing council, there were men from the local Engineering Advertising associa- tion, Woman's Advertising club of Chi- cago, Advertising post of the American Legion and the American Council of Ad- vertising Agencies. BLUES SEEK CAGE GAMES Bob Townley of the Kenilworth Com- 536 Sheri- | team, munity House announces that the Kenil- worth Blues, the heavyweight basket ball is seeking games with any team on 21LTN12-1tp the north shore.

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