WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924 BAD FOR CARS; FINE FOR KIDS Garage Business Flourishes When Streets Become Vast Field of Ice GREAT FOR SKATING Holiday Suffers Business Set-Back A fine rain drove down out of the north last Tuesday night freezing on everything it touched and Wednes- day morning villagers awoke to find Winnetka converted into one vast skating rink, Commuters literally slid along to make their trains; milk wagons, drawn by slipping, terrified horses were hours late at their rounds; drivers of motor cars showed strained faces as they crept slowly along--even those with the foresight to put on tire chains were little benefited by their care. The children on their way to school were about the only ones who enjoyed it, and even they suf- fered some slight casualties, it was reported. Many Minor Accidents Naturally, this unexpected sheath of ice caused many accidents, fortun- ately mostly minor ones. The ga- rages did an alert business in towing in machines with broken wheels. Calls came thick and fast from all parts of the village. It was reported that several children were hurt from falls on the icy streets but no reports of any accidents which resulted in serious injuries were made to the po- lice station. Villagers Cooperate This may have been partly because of the enterprise the department of public works and various householders and business men displayed in getting ashes spread over the more dangerous spots in the village. Early in the morning the department of public works had crews out spreading ashes over the grade crossings of the rail- road and electric line, and at danger- ous intersections. And as the town began to wake up the good citizens got out their individual buckets and shovels and spread ashes, sand and salt over the sidewalks and at street crossings. The kiddies had a great time. Mamma wasn't afraid to let them go skating when they could skate right vp Elm street without the dan- ger of the ice breaking and precipitat- ing them into cold water. And the coasting was great--when school was out the streets were full of children on skates and sleds taking advantage of the fine playground old man win- 'er had suddenly provided. Ice Makes Trade Fall Off But local merchants were not so enthusiastic. One man reported that his business had fallen off more than fifty per cent. Even the urgency created by the rapid approach of Christmas was unable to bring many of the Christmas shoppers out upon the slippery pavements. And it was a rather unique sight to glance up and down Sheridan road at noon- and see scarcely a motor car in sight. There was no need for motorcycle policemen--most motorists kept well under fifteen miles an hour. From all over the north shore and Chicago reports of accidents came in. As far as could be learned, no one was seriously injured in the vicinity, but all garages along the shore reported an epidemic of broken wheels and battered fenders. Trains were delayed and many motorists caught out last night spent hours reaching their homes, where normally it would have taken them only min- utes. Fencing Wins Attention of North Shore Women The new North Shore School for Physical Development at Church street and Benson avenue, Evanston, is becoming decidedly popular with the women of the north shore. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons each week are reserved for women and on those afternoons they have exclusive use of all the facilities of the new school. Fencing has made a particular hit with the women and many of them are already taking lessons in this art while many others have expressed their intention of so doing. Under a very capable director several of the women have already become fairly adept and proclaim it to be wonder- ful exercise. TELEPHONE WIRE AND ROADS There are now over 45,000,000 miles of telephone wire in service in the United States. This is fifteen times the mileage of rural public roads in this country. If all this wire were strung along these roads, there would be fifteen telephone wires alongside every rural public road in the United States. Urges Residents to Stop Erection of Apartments A last appeal to the "civic pride" of the residents and members of the In- dian Hill Improvement association was made -at the meeting of that or- SELLING BY TELEPHONE Selling a car load of matches by telephone 'is no unusual experience for the salesman of a well known match company to accomplish in the course of one day. Often .the sales- man "covers" in a single day as much territory in this way and produces as effective sales results as if he had spent two or three weeks and -sev- eral hundred dollars: in traveling ex- penses. i Read All the Want-Ads ganization Monday of this week in a spirited talk by Abbie Birdsall Phil- lips in which she urged the associa- tion to secure the foundation now being built on Winnetka avenue, near the Indian Hill station, to be used, not to hold an apartment and store building, but, rather, a structure that will be of "lasting benefit to the cul- ture of the residents of the district." Mrs. Phillips suggested for this fast-growing section another Com- munity House or club, and also cited the opportunity of having a church edifice erected at this central point. The residents of the section do not favor the building of this apartment and store structure, she emphasized, declared that they regarded "it as a disgrace that the first apartment building this side of Evanston should be placed in their residential district." 551 Lincoln Avenue "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room The Cameo is just what the name implies "A Veritable Jewel"'--when it comes to high class, clean well cooked meals and lunches at reasonable prices. And once you have patronized "The Cameo" you'll come again. Joe Stoner & Co. Washing and Polishing Get your automobile all dolled up "The Home of the Well-Groomed Car" 724 Elm St. for the Holidays. and we will give it a first-class job of Washing and Polishing. owe it this service anyway. Just think how many miles it has taken vou without a single complaint. Richardson's Garage WINNETKA Bring it to us You Phone 841 and 25 Come In All ALFRED JOHNSON SKATES For Christmas $10 and $11.50 per pair GOOD LAST MINUTE GIFTS ELECTRIC IRONS 3 and 6 lb. All Leading Makes A Good Assortment to Select From LL Sizes i wip > lr i W \ » Wav) Zh fifo il I i el L o ed (= ~ 2 3 /] ELECTRICAL GOODS ALWAYS APPRECIATED Toasters Curling Irons Electric Percolators and Waffle Irons Tel. Open Evenings Until Christmas SAVORY ROASTERS ALUMINUM ENAMELED STEEL You Will Need One to Prepare Your Christmas Dinner A ROASTER MAKES A GOOD GIFT Eckart Hardware Co. 735 ELM STREET Winnetka, Ill. Tel. TREE LIGHTS Genuine Mazda Lamps with Add on Attachment 8 Light Set Extra Lamps and Reflectors. Here are some lines that are easy to select from for Good Gifts. PYREX WARE WEAREVER ALUMINUM WEAR STANLEY TOOLS FIREPLACE GOODS WEAREVER HEAVY ALUMINUM GRIDDLE a r-- $2.00