ad ss a Ee 12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925 | e-- . tac. 51 % M ESTABLISHED 0 VE rR 3 0 'YEARS Have Bad, ey a choice improved North Shore Suburban hi residence property at 5% % in- Phone: . NorrHBROOK TS 'Steak LUNCHEON SERVED AT NOON : Bartelmes Morthiield Im MS Cg WAUKEGAN ROAD AT NORTHBROOK J ws terest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 FORMERLY SHERMERVILLE The Finest of A Radio Outfits fy SUPER HETERODYNE ATWATER KENT BE SUPER ZENITH & ChichenDinners OPERADIO BRUNSWICK RADIOLAS Pierce Radio Co. 522 DAVIS STREET Across from North Shore Hotel Univ. 5067 Evanston Illinois 1567 Sherman Ave. Roto Wmlandt "ae FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Tel. University 6300 "Good Furniture Makes the Home" ne | | | LA A Problem Solved! Bench ... Nite Stand You have often wanted to furnish an extra room at little cost--yet you wanted it attractive and artistic. Dresser i. ..covv inn $75.00 The bedroom group sketched above offers a real op- Beds (each) ...... $44.00 portunity. The design is patterned after the quaint spool turnings that were so popular two generations ago. Many fine old pieces found in homes of the "Old South" Chest Wan, . ois 4 $63.00 were fashioned with spool turned legs. If you will write us we will gladly give you an inter- esting history of the spool design. The prices are very reasonable--listed separately for EAR $12.75 ; your convenience. Ee fr] $10.50 Come in and spend an hour the next time you are in Evanston. Our stock of home furnishings is complete and +1200 carefully selected. You will be pleased at the prices. BROWN-UMLANDT FURNITURE COMPANY &IN SOCIETY Indian Hill's Winter Season Popular INTER Sports at Indian Hill are attracting a large number of devotees, especially in the evening when in addition to the skating and tobogganing, radio music is wafted on the air Wednes- > day evenings to add to the delight of skaters. An innovation of this season was the dinner-bridge given on Thursday evening, and from the number of reservations the popularity of this adventure 1s as- sured. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Junior Carnival commences with a parade of the young folk in costume. refreshments will be served in the clubhouse. An orchestra will play and In the evening fol- lowing the skating and tobogganning the members will dance to radio music. On January 24, the adults will have their carnival and on Janu- ary 31 a dinner-dance will be the son, as the club closes for repairs February 1. "grand finale" of the winter sea- The new windows in the dining room are one of the first changes that will make the remodeled club more delightful. Junior Leaguers Will Play on North Shore T= Wizard of Oz" given in December by the Junior League players of Chicago in Highland Park met with such success that the committee has decided to give the residents of the north shore the opportunity of seeing these gifted players in their latest performance, "Sleeping Beauty." This play will be given in High- land Park Wednesday afternoon, January 28, at the Elm Place school at 4 o'clock. Tickets for this entertainment may be pro- cured at the school and at Gsells Drug store, Highland Park. An early purchase is advised. This production is the third given by the leaguers this season to delight the hearts of both grown-ups and youngsters. Those who entertained at Indian Hill in the past week were Mr. and Mrs. William Dow Harvey of Indian Hill road, who entertained at a New Year's dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Her- mon Smith of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Dunlap Smith of Winnetka, and Elliott Smith of Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball of 296 Forest avenue who had as their guests at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wilder, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ball; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Flood of Kenilworth entertained at Sunday dinner for guests who came from the city; Mrs. George W. Blossom, Sr., of Green Bay road, who entertained for Miss Emily Hoyt, and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross of Kenilworth. who gave a tea. --_---- Mrs. J. Williams Macy of Hubbard lane gave a luncheon on Wednesday for the committee of the Merrill lec- ture courses, in honor of Mrs. An- thony French Merrill, whose classes in current events began on Wednes- day at the Woman's club. They will continue to be held there at 10:30 o'clock. There are five more lectures in: the course. --Q-- Godfrey H. Atkin and Mrs. Talia- ferro Milton are cast for the two parts in Sutro's clever one-act play "A Mar- riage Has Been Arranged Between--" which the Community Players will pre- sent as part of their programme at the Community theater on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, January 14 and 15. Os The January meeting of the Scott Avenue circle will be at the home of Mrs. Max Woldenberg of 1168 As- bury avenue, on Tuesday, January 13, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. William W. Raub and Mrs. Charles S. Sweet will be the assisting hostesses. --_-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sommer of 425 Provident avenue gave a sleigh ride for 18 of their friends on Wed- nesday night. Refreshments and danc- ing at the Sommer residence follow- ed the ride. --0-- : Philip Swabacker of 815 Ash street gave a skating party for seven o his friends on December 29. The ten- nis court was flooded and made an excellent rink. Warm refreshments in the house followed the skate. ---- Mrs. Edwin P. Price of Hill road has issued invitations for a tea on Fri- day afternoon, January 16, from 4 until 6 o'clock for Miss Marjorie Farwell of Evanston who is to be married to Don- ald Brock of Kenilworth January 20. Oe Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom, Sr., of 955 Green Bay road have gone to Chicago. They will live at the Lake Shore Drive hotel for a month and then go to California to remain until spring. --_-- The Winnetka Heights circle will hold its next meeting Tuesday, January 13, at the home of Mrs. Bemis, 682 Ardsley road, at 2 o'clock. Members will bring their own sewing to this meeting. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller and their little son have recently moved to the village from Lake Geneva and are settled in their new home at 849 Lin- coln avenue. --0-- Mrs. William Eldridge of 558 Prov- ident avenue will have as her house- guests in a few days, Mrs. Kent B. Skelies and her sister, Mrs. R. M. Thompson of Bluffton, Ind. --C-- Carlton Prouty is recovering rapid- ly from an operation undergone at his home, 693 Willow road. A week after the announcement of their engagement, the marriage of Miss Blanche Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stanley of Okla- homa City to Franklin Osborne Alex- ander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank- lin Rittenhouse Alexander of Hub- bard Woods, was announced. Dr. James M. Stifler of the First Bap- tist church, Evanston read the ser- vice on Saturday afternoon, Decem- ber 27, at 4:30 o'clock at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nason of Evanston, whom the bride had been visiting for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are spend- ing their honeymoon at the bride's home in Oklahoma City. Mr. Alex- ander is an alumnus of Northwestern university and his bride attended Kansas university. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Barnes of Wilmette, formerly of Winnetka, an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, lone Dora Barnes. to Harold Evan Surridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Surridge of Chicago, on December 24, at 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Surridge are now at home at the Hotel Harper Crest, Fifty-fourth and Harper streets, Chicago. ---- The Ash Street circle will meet with Mrs. Florence Sommers of 415 Provident avenue on January 13, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Carl G. Anderson and Mrs. Verne FE. Hopkins will assist. Mrs. John Marshall will sing several solos, and there will be a music en- semble while refreshments are being served. ---- Hostesses at supper on Friday Jan- uary 2, prior to the dance Mrs. Bruce MacLeish gave for her daughter, Jean dance at the Woman's club were Mrs. Raymond E. Durham of 808 Auburn avenue, who entertained for her daughter, Betty, and Mrs. Edwin H. Cassels of 750 Bluff street, Glencoe. --_--Q-- The East Elm Street circle will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. William F. Babcock, 566 Ash street, on Tuesday, January 13, at 2 o'clock. §| Mrs. Charles M. Thomson, Mrs. A. S. Littlefield and Mrs. A. H. Woodward will assist the hostess. --O-- Mrs. Eugene Feuchtinger of 947 Oak street is leaving on Monday for Nashville, Tenn. After a month or two, she will go on to Florida for the winter. Mr. Feuchtinger will join her there. --_---- Miss Marjorie Meeker of 501 Wil- low road spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goodman of the Parkway hotel, Chicago. Mr. Meeker has returned from a short business trip to Rockford. On Mrs. Charles H. McNie, 266 Forest avenue, entertained the Women of the Rotary of Chicago at luncheon Tues- day. This group of women meet every two weeks to sew for the Cook County hospital. --) Miss Theda Ellison and Miss Mar- tha Breckenridge entertained a num- ber of friends at a dance in the As- sembly room of Community House on Friday evening, January 2 Os The Paul F. Williams, Charles P. Barkers, and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Girardin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Byron of 768 Foxdale avenue, on New Year's day. --_--Q-- Mrs. E. A. Meyers of 812 Foxdale avenue is home from the Evanston hospital where she had been for a week. She is recovering rapidly. ape La met ak.