y- ¥ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925 13 Tony Sarg's Marionettes Will Play at Evanston ONY Sarg's Marionettes, the orig- inal Marionettes that gave "Rip Van Winkle," "The Rose and the Ring," and "Don Quixote" are coming with a beautiful new production of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island." The performance will be given at the Evanston Woman's club, Wednesday af- ternoon, January 14, at 4 o'clock, and Wednesday evening, January 14, at 8:15 o'clock. In this play, the Puppets are seen at their best, and there are beau- tiful scenic and lighting effects. Among the special features are a Pirate Chorus, a Hornpipe Dance, a Pirate ship in a storm at sea, and some wonderful ani- mals. All the famous characters appear, in cluding Billy Bones, John Silver, Cap- tain Flint, Captain Smollet, Mrs. Haw- kins, Jim Hawkins, Dr. Liversy, and pirates, sailors and villagers. Make early reservations for seats. Tickets will be mailed if check and self- addressed stamped envelope accompany order. The front section of the house will be reserved for children. Tickets are on sale in Evanston at Evanston Pharmacy, Davis street, and Chicago avenue, North Shore Talking Machine company, Church street and lee's Drug store, Chicago avenue and Main street. In Wilmette, at Snider & Cazel's, Wilmette and Central avenues. They will also be on sale at the door. The production is under the direction of Rachel Busey Kinsolving, Telephone Harrison 0536, 925 Fine Arts building, Chicago. --O-- A benefit bunco and card party will be given at Winnetka Community House February 4 by the Royal Neighbors Camp 3076. Refreshments will be served. --O-- A meeting of the North Shore Vas- sar club will be held on Monday, January 12, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Addison Millard, 427 Green- wood boulevard, Evanston. --0-- The Foxdale circle will meet Tues- day afternoon, January 13, with Mrs. Theodore Schultz of 777 Foxdale ave- nue. She will be assisted by Mrs. Grassel. --C-- Mrs. Henry K. Urion of 989 Cherry Street returned recently from a visit in Cleveland and has as her guest "for two or three days, Mrs. Rudolph Leick who is en route to Vienna. --0-- it Mrs. John Wesley Poff of Olney, Il, is spending the winter with her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff of 739 Walden road. as Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Roth and family of 511 Willow road have sold their home and are moving back to Chicago on February 1. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morphett of 694 Tower road entertained a num- ber of guests from Chicago and Win- netka at a supper on New Year's Eve. --Os The Pine Street circle will be enter- tained on Tuesday, January 13, by a former member, Mrs. Eugene Rumm- ler of 1015 Starr road. The morning session of the Woman's society of the Congregational church offered the usual attractions on Wed- nesday morning. In the Neighbor- hood room, after Mrs. Charles Jewell had opened the meeting, the time was given to sewing and friendliness. The auxiliary listened to the reading by Mrs. E. V. L. Brown of some of Step- hen Leacock's humorous observations on the modern drama. The music group had an attractive program of numbers given by Mrs. Percival Hun- ter, Mrs. Arthur Dean, Mrs. Charles Burkhardt, Mrs. Harvey Brewer, Mrs. Robert Kingery and Miss Clara Harsh. --O-- The North Shore Wellesley club meets on Monday, January 12, at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. John McClellan of 1716 Ridge avenue, Evanston. Mrs. A. P. Kenny will speak on this occasion. --(-- Mrs. Arthur Mitchell and her chil- dren, 263 Woodlawn avenue, are leav- ing Sunday to spend four months in California. Mr. Mitchell plans to join them in the spring. --Q-- The Indian Hill circle meets at the residence of Mrs. F. C. Biggs, 446 Sun- set road, Tuesday, January 13, at 2 o'clock. --Ots After the departure of her daughter, Miss Phoebe Fuller, Mrs. Frank Fuller went into the city for a stay at the Ambassador hotel. nO Mrs. Vernon Welsh of 791 Foxdale avenue has as her guest this week, her sister, Mrs. Percy Peck of Grand Rapids, Mich. ol Jane Crilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Crilly of 606 Provident avenue, is quarantined at her home with measles. uo Mrs. James Ashenden of 839 Lin- co'n avenue is visiting relatives in Rogers Park for a short time. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Baptista of 876 Foxdale avenue were guests at a New Year's party given by friends in Chi- cago. ; --0-- The "Hungry Twelve Solitaire club" meets this evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart of Wilmette. -------- Mrs. William M. Morse of 433 Pro- vident avenue is convalescing from a recent illness. ---- Mrs. Jacob Replogle of 910 Oak street gave a shower Tuesday evening for Miss Stella Heinzelman. --O-- Skokie club is giving a dinner on Saturday night. Pivot bridge will be played later in the evening. Telephone Wilmette 37 INSURANCE Business, Life, Estate Annuities, Endowments, Trusts J. E. SWIFT TEAL 1017 Central Avenue Wilmette, Illinois The Orrington. Winter Bachelors! I your family is journeying to the sunny south or golden west, close up your lonesome home and live at Or, if you are ex- periencing cold weather discomforts, move your family into an Orrington apartment until milder breezes blow. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Finney, for- merly of Kenilworth, announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna Katherine, to Walter Landor, on De- cember 27, at Great Neck, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Landor will be at home at 10 Fredericksburg avenue, Atlantic Ctiy, N, J. : Ete The marriage of Miss Avice Mc- Mullen of Kimball, West Virginia, to Devid Kenneth Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Evans of Evanston is'-announced. The Evans lived in Kenilworth for many years before moving to Evanston. RS inhp Arthur Black of Port Huron spent several days with Robert Prentiss of 201 Cumberland avenue. Both boys went back to Ann Arbor last Monday. ---- Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn entertained their Evening Bridge club for dinner at the Orring- ton hotel. --O-- Mrs. McClintock's Kenilworth Reading club held a meeting on Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Kelly on Cumnor road. --O-- Miss Dorothy Foresman is leaving next Monday for a visit of several weeks in New York. SRE Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. of Essex road, returned Saturday from Balti- more, Md. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Taylor moved into the Sherritt cottage on Oxford road last Monday. --_---- Mrs. Harry P. Harrison left Mon- day for Mount Vernon, Iowa, to visit her mother who is ill. --r-- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross enter- tained 24 friends Sunday evening a. supper at the Indian Hill club. iO Richmond Kenyon spent last week- end in Lafayette, Ind. Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" Book Murine Co., Dept. H. S.,9 E. Ohio St., Chicago On Tuesday Mrs. Craig Ketcham gave a large luncheon and bridge at the Indian Hill club. ---- Miss Elizabeth Lemtertz of St. Louis, who has been visiting the Carl Keiths, has returned home. ---- Mrs. Bentley McCloud entertained her bridge club Wednesday. obi Sl Mr. and Mrs. D'Aix entertained at dinner on Monday. ---- Wednesday Mrs. Grant Ridgway was hostess to her mah jongg club. When two Russians who had been engaged specially to do the "kozats- ki," a Russian folk dance, for "Salome of the Tenements," confessed to Sid- ney Olcott that they knew nothing about that trepsichorean feat, the di- rector pressed into service his two trusty assistants, Carl Fleming and Fred Fleck. They donned old clothes, make-up and the tradional over-size derbies. There's nothing like being versatile if you work in the Para- mount studio. Wilmette Pianists Attend New York Festival Event Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Deis, teach- ers of artistic piano playing with studios in the Capitol building, Chi- cago, and in Wilmette at 1200 Central avenue, have returned from New York where they spent the holidays. Among other interesting things, they heard the Piano Festival pro- gram at the Metropolitan Opera House under the direction of Walter amrosch, where 19 celebrated ar- tists of the keyboard appeared in en- semble, Chicago Winnetka CLEANER Lake Forest Highland Park 20% 10% Discount on Hosiery RUBY'S Mid-Winter Shoe Sale Discount on Our Entire Stock of Quality Footwear for Women and Children Discontinued Lines Radically Reduced. Pumps, Oxfords, Strap Slippers and Boots, $6.85 to $8.85. Values to $18.50. Alfred J RUBY Inc Om Washington near Michigan 1140 pairs of 20% Discount on All Buckles January Sale Boys' Department WONDERFUL BARGAINS in Boys' Suits - Overcoats - Furnishings Hats, Caps and Shoes Boys' All Wool Suits, Boys' All Wool Winter Coats, Junior Wool Jersey Suits, Junior Winter Overcoats, Finest Pure Wool Sweaters, Imported Wool Hose, Pure Worsted Gloves or Mittens, All broken lines of Boys' Hats and Caps, formerly priced from $1.50 to $5.00, 69c Very Drastic Reductions in Children's Underwear and Bath Robes TARR BEST Randolph and Wabash CHICAGO Values to $12.00 Values at $2.00 Values to $2.50 7 to 17, reduced to 10 to 17, reduced to 4to8 reduced to 4to8 reduced to $14.95 17.95 5.95 10.95 5.95 95 95 reduced to reduced to reduced to