eye. ¢ 12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1925 What Does the Cover, Cover? The Davenport, as pictured, When you select your davenport at BROWN- UMLANDT'S, all you need consider is the style and covering best suited to your particular needs. Good wear and underly- ing quality you may take as a matter of course. ig pricediat i ie. se ee Sani nein Ros Wmlandt "Eos Tel. University 6300 [ Sd OUR NEW BEDDING DEPARTMENT in the additional space, which we re- cently acquired, adjoining our pres- ent store, will soon be opened. A large assortment of mattresses, cot pads, crib pads, springs, cots, sanitary couches, odd beds, also kitchen fur- niture will be shown in our new de- partment. THE MOST COMPLETE BEDDING DEPARTMENT BETWEEN CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE. Open Evenings Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7:30-9:30 a 2 A most complete selection of tea Thirty different designs finish, and carts. in every possible priced from 120: to 63: "Good Furniture Makes the Home" 1567 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Service~ How many Crimes have BUY YOUR CHRYSLER WHERE GOOD SERVICE IS HANDY been Committed in its name! We are bending every effort to place CHRYSLER SERVICE on the North Shore, on a par with the wonderful perform- ance of the CHRYSLER car. Let us furnish a list of SEVEN- TY-SEVEN CHRYSLER OWNERS in Wilmette, Win- netka and Glencoe who are well pleased with the service and treatment received. Evanston Motor Sales W. D. Reagan, Mgr. 1017 Davis Street CHRYSLER Phone Univ. 2277 IN SOCI Winnetka Representatives at Forum EVERAI Winnetka women have been asked to go as delegates from the Winnetka League of Women Voters to the Illinois Women's Joint Legislative Forum to be held in Chicago on Febru- ary 6 and 7. Miss Elizabeth Gemmell, Mrs. Willoughby Walling, - Mrs. Arthur Cushman, Mrs. Edwin E. Brown, Mrs. Ryerson Gates, Mrs. Charles Strong, Mrs. Harold de Lay, Mrs. Harry Moore, and Mrs. John Vander Vries will represent Winnetka. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss measures to be con- sidered by the Illinois General Assembly now in session, and notably among those measures are: legi slation pertaining to. child labor, maternity and infancy care; industrial matters; structure of the government, and education. The sessions will be held as follows: on February 6, 10 o'clock in the morning and at 2 in the afternoon, at the Congress Hotel Gold room; on February 7, at 10 in the morning at the Chicago Woman's club and at 12:30 o'clock at the Congress hotel. Visitors will be admitted to the gallery upon the purchase of a ticket. Woman's Society Plans Varied Program HERE is a great treat in store for the women attending the next meeting of the Woman's Society of the Winnetka Con- gregational church on Wednesday, February 4. "Thursday Eve- ning", a play by Christopher Mo rley, will be presented under the auspices of the Community Drama League, an organization whose very name guarantees value and entertainment. The play will fol- low immediately after the noon luncheon. Those unable to come to the luncheon will be welcomed at the play later. The morning session at 10 o'clock offers these interests, open to all Winnetka women: In the Neighborhood room, devotional ser- vice by Mrs. Hadley, and some short stories by Edna Ferber read by Mrs. Faxon: in the Scout room, M Irs. Frederick Dickinson will read to the auxiliary from the poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay; in the Camp Fire room, Mrs. John C. Marshall will sing and Mrs. Harry FF. Roberts will play. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kendall of Los Angeles have formally announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Vir- ginia, to John R. Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred G. Bentley of Wil- mette. Miss Kendall was graduated from the University of California at Berkeley where she was a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Miss Kendall and her family were residents of Wilmette for many years. Mr. Bentley, a graduate of the class of 1923 at Northwestern university, and a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra- ternity, left eight months ago to make his hime in Los Angeles. No date has been set for the wedding. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Weingarten of 860 Lincoln avenue, will have as their guests at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Erman, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kornblith, Mrs. Gwendolyn Strauss, Mrs. Carl Hess, of Chicago, and George Levi of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Weingarten will entertain their guests with winter sports and tea at Northmoor club in the afternoon. ---- Ruth Weil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Weil of 1040 Pine street, gave a dance and supper on Friday, January 23, at the Edgewater Beach hotel for the following friends: Ruth King, Louise Clabaugh, Maxine Falinger, Ruth Ham- berger, "Hick" Martin, "Bud" Jewel, Walter Neubacher, Edward Riddle, Dan- 'el Nicholson and John West. Mr. and Mrs. Weil chaperoned the guests. - =)~ Mrs." John Ritchie of Arbor Vitae road, Winnetka, assisted by Mrs. Carrie Burr Prouty, entertained the Winnetka Community Drama club and guests Wednesday afternoon at the home of the former. Mrs. Myron T. Harshaw read Phillip Barry's play, "You and I", and Mrs. Jocelyn P. Yoder gave a vocal pro- gram, arr The Hawthorn Lane circle will give a benefit bridge on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 3, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein, 369 Hawthorn lane. Members are invited to bring guests. MISS HERBST GIFTS Exquisite new things arriv- ing daily at the | Gift Shop WINNETKA 57615 Lincoln Ave. Phone 1811 An attractive home wedding takes place in Wilmette on Saturday eve- ning, January 31, when Miss Dorothy Miss Dorothy Dean Seymour Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Warren Dean of Morris- town, N. J. becomes the bride of Harold Edward Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Moore, 531 Wash- ington avenue. Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal church will read the service at the home of the bridegroom's parents in the pres- ence of the family and about 50 friends. Miss Dean, a graduate of Bradford academy at Bradford, Mass, has many school friends on the north shore. While in school, she specialized in music and after graduation pursued her studies further at the Institute of Musical Art in New York under Frank Damrosch. Recently she has been ac- companist for Miss Nadine Henry, a noted teacher of the art of Interpretive Dance. During the war Mr. Moore was lieu- tenant of Aviation and served as an 'nstructor in the Combat school at Carl- strom and Dorr fields, Arcadia, Fla. S'nce the war he has resided at Morris- town, N. J. After February 10, Mr. Moore and his bride will make their home at Noblesville, Ind. Among other prenuptial affffairs given for Miss Dean was the shower Miss Elizabeth Merrill of Evanston gave Thursay, at her home in Evanston. Mrs. Dean arrived from Morristown Monday evening to be the guest of Mrs. Moore until after the wedding. --C-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ball, III, 484 Elder lane, are leaving Saturday for Pinehurst, N. C. They will remain there for two or three weeks, returning home by the way of New York where they will spend several days. --y-- The Pitch-In supper club will be en- tertained at dinner on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Charles Patterson of 370 Walnut avenue. -- Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wooten of 949 Spruce street had as their guest last week, E. C. Robbins of Pineola, N. C.