gl an cg ear me WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1925 - : Eo] : - = = E = 2 e - 0000000 0 . Women only. Women of Winnetka!! le SI ___.__ I, Iii The other day a local merchant made this statement: "The women of Winnetka do not know a good advertise- ment when they see one." We don't agree with him and we are going to give the women of Winnetka a chance to prove that this statement 1s incorrect. little extra pin money to the women for their time. to the woman who picks the best advertisement of a Winnetka store which is pub- lished in Winnetka Talk and who gives the best explanation for her choice in not more than 100 words. There are absolutely no pit-falls or strings tied to this offer. b is chosen by the largest number of women will be considered as the best. that faith in your ability. The advertisement that We have Next, the explanation for the choice (not over 100 words) that gives the best reasons for the selection will be awarded the $10.00 for that week. Read These Rules Of course you will all be young, but not under 18. No fair asking your husband for his opinion. . Look over all the advertisements in this issue of WINNETKA TALK. Pick out the one of a Winnetka store that you think is the best. 3. Tell us in not more than 100 words why this advertisement appeals to you. It Answers must be re- ceived not later than Wednesday noon, Feb. 11. may be the general appearance; it may be...7= the wording; it may be the merchandise offered. Use the coupon on this page or answer on your own stationery and mail it to "Mister Inx," WINNETKA TALK. At the same time we are going to offer a WINNETKA TALK WILL GIVE T ] | i ] ] 1 1 1 | 1 ] | ] i ] ] ] ] 1 1 1 1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 ] ] |] | | 1 1 ] 1 L] ] ] 1 L] ] ] | 1 ] ] [] ] -" February | I believe that the advertisement of 7, 1925 NOTE: The check will be made payable to any charitable organization if the winner so des'res Hmmm 000 San