WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925 Northwestern Links Club House The ne clubhouse of the Northwestern Public links in the Forest Preserve which is considered a model »f low cost and efficiency. Although the building is attractive and adequate to the needs of the club its cost will only be $12,000 when completed. Miste «nx Says: Spring will soon be here! How do I know? I was told the other morn- ing by the most infallable of weather prophets, the wild geese. They ought to know and they generally do. These gray voyagers of the skies aroused me from a deep slumber on the morning of which 1 speak. It was barely dawn; the sun had scarce- ly colored the eastern rim of the hori- zon. I lay wondering what had awakened me, for my alarm clock was set for some two hours later. Then suddenly I heard it! That indescrib- able cross between the honk of an old-fashioned, rubber-bulb-operated automobile horn and the high-pitched bay of a far-off hound that is the call of the big Canadian gray goose. I knew then what had been the cause. That harsh but melodious shriek, though faint in the distance, never fails to reach down into my sleep and arouse some half-buried, atavistic sense or emotion which brings me awake in a moment. The flock was approaching, for the clamor increased. I felt, as always, a strange incomprehensible pounding of my heart and stirring of my blood. Jump- ing up, I ran to the window and watching the sky to the e geese travel almost due s particular point in their ney northward--and final- : rded with the sight of the long, low-flying, gray "V". I watched until they passed out of sight and then, filled with a restlessness I could not explain even to myself, I gave up all thoughts of further sleep and, dressing, went out into the chill dawn for a walk along the lake shore. This may explain to my wondering boss why I came to work early one morning. Now 1 am happy but im- patient, waiting for the coming spring to arrive. I know it will be here soon for its advance agents, the wild geese, told me so. Cook County Pays Big Revenue to Road Fund According to a statement issued this week by Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson, © Cook County $4,146,988 or more than one-third of the $11,546,206 collected in automobile fees during 1924. This is an increase of $916,718 over the total fees paid by that county in 1923. Peoria county paid $271,725, leading the downstate counties; St. Clair county paid $255,653; 'Kane county $237,250; Madison county, $219,872; Winnebago county, $209,671; Sangamon county, 206,024, and LaSalle county $203,732. In 1923 Peoria and St. Clair counties were the only downstate counties pay- ng $200,000 a year. Hardin county paid $5,635, the small- est amount collected from any county. This is an increase of $1,875 over the previous year. All of th money collected by the automobile department goes directly in- to the Good Roads fund and the cost of operation of the office is paid from the general revenue fund. Of Interest Only to Our Advertisers Why do we call it 'a' "Roll of Honor"? Because we think it fitting that hon- or be done any man or group of men so enterprising and ambitious as to invest in a Full-page Ad. We believe that setting forth one's intentions in so prominent a way indicates a con- fidence in the value of one's plans and nerchandise, and heartens those who are less aggressive. Full-page adver- tisers should therefore be honored by having their names displayed where everyone may see them. Here is the Roll to Date Lake Co. Construction Co. ........ 2 Wilmette Shoe Store .............. 1 Hubbard Wds. Lumber & Coal Co..1 Meyer Coal & Material Co. ........ 1 John Evans Apt. Homes .-.......... 1 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. ........ 1 A. Starr Best "o. 0. il .0 0. iva veariens 1 Plerce Radio Co, i... 15s icccvironierss 1 R. H. Schell £ Cb.2... ......v. 1 S. "Rosenbaum Co,i.... 5 i. 0 dina. 1 GOOD T 128 Always on hand Nut and n pd DEEED iL "2s "HUBBARD WOODS.ILL COKE Egg size FILL YOUR CELLAR NOW with the coal that is to insure your warmth, comfort and health. You will find every ton of our coal synonymous of the maximum in heat units as well as a thorough lesson of practic- al economy in the home. The courtesy of our drivers coupled with the cleanliness of our de- livery makes your order an in- surance of repetition. 3 ] contributed "Los Quixotes," Newest Club at High School "Los Quixotes" will be the name of the Spanish club which has been re- cently organized at New Trier high school. The members selected this name at the second meeting of the new organization held last week. The following officers were elected: Hardin VanDeursen, president; Helen Gay, vice president ; Bessie Weiss, sec- retary, and Mildred Melone, social chairman. RAILROAD CHANGES TERMINAL Wilmette residents who have oc- casion to travel over the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad out of Chicago were advised by Earl E. Orner, local North Western railroad station agent, this week, that on and after March 1, the trains of that road will operate from the Illinois Central station instead of, as at present, from the Dearborn sta- tion. ATWATER NT R' AHD 1:0 THINK WHAT IS BACK OF IT E unfailing performance of the ATWATER KenNT combined with its ease of operation makes everyone a master of the air. Now is the time, with radio broadcasting at its very best, to buy an ATwaTer KenT Receiving Set and Loud Speaker. Whether you are in the market right now or not, call on us. We want everyone to see for himself these wonderful instruments. 4-5 and 6 Tube Open Sets. 4-5 Tube Cabinet Sets. DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME Prices from $65.00 to $105.00 PIERCE RADIO CO. Across from North Shore Hotel 522 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. Univ. 5067 sad 2. r- 1t is not possible to explain the really remarkable demand for this car on the basis of beauty and comfort alone--notable as these qualities are. Confidence in Dodge Brothers and the goodness of their product is without question the fundamental influence at work. $1245 f.o.b. Detroit; $1345 delivered ul LN A i ad 3 Pools of the FontiGrade Dopee BROTHERS TYRE -A SEDAN GERRY TEE hus Bee fect PREYS Woke sud Finducsd Bodbird Scho i. DODGE BROTHERS TELEPHONE WINNETKA MOTOR CARS 165 COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FTIR. JF y -