Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Feb 1925, p. 23

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te nen, 55 ili PSSST - x, a » i " hie -. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925 23 THIS PAGE IS INTERESTING READING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | . Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. apers. the line. No black ; ; Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the 12 o'clock for Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. WINNETKA TALK and Friday MINIMUM CHARGE 350c. Average of five words to face type used. Rates for Display type on application. 20 cents per line in all three 'he GLENCOE NEWS. 1 REAL ESTATE : 5 REAL ESTATE WINNETKA Jusiness reasons necessitate owner o a house now being completed, 600 ft. from lake, to sell at sacrifice. Buff brick; tile roof; copper gutters and Screens; weather stripped; H. W. heat; oil burner; spiral stairway; sun parlor--126 ft. frontage; 6 rms. 2 baths; 2 car att. htd. garage. Nr. stations and schools. Price $29,500. Home in Indian Hill club grounds, 1 acre property; landscaped; 8 rm. brick Colonial; 3 baths; vapor heat; 2 car garage. $55,000. KENILWORTH Home at a sacrifice price; Dutch Colonial; 8 rms.; 2 baths; 60 ft. wood- ed lot. You owe it to yourself to see this home at $21,500. ACREAGE 20 OR 40 ACRES OF HIGH WOOD- land, 6 min. from Winnetka station; accessable to all golf clubs; for country home or subdivision. Very reasonably priced. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winnettka Phone Winnetka 1800. ILTN21-1tc BARGAINS 5 ROOM AND BATH, SOLID BRICK residence, Hardwood Finish, Hot water heat, modern convenience, 2 car garage, lot 100 by 207. Terms. $14,000.00. 5 room and bath, brick residence, hardwood finish, hot water heat, modern convenience, 2 car garage. Lot !75 by 265, on State road, (cement). Terms. $14,000.00. 5 room and bath shingle bungalow, hardwood finish, furnace heat, ga- rage. Lot 50 by 145, in choice sec- tion of Glencoe, convenient to trans- portation. Easy terms. $11,500.00. FOR RENT 6 room residence, furnace heat, convenient to C. & electric line, $85.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Avenue Wilmette, Illinois. Phone 364 .'W. Ry. and immediate possession. ILTN21-1te NEW OFFERINGS $14,500 for attractive stucco in choice east Winnetka; 6 rooms; 2 car gar.; beau. lot. Owner ready to sacrifice for quick sale for business reasons. $18,600 for 6 rm. bungalow in choicest southeast Winnetka. Attic large enough for 4 more rms. H. W. heat. Wonderfully wooded lot alone worth $10,000. $36,000 for delightful 8 rm. Colonial; 3 tile baths; 2 sun and 1 brkfst. pch.; h. w. ht.; 2 car gar. Beau. wooded $20,000 lot. Fine East Hubbard Woods lots for $4,000 and up! Who said vacant is high--not if you know where to buy Helios & Kroll, Inc, 556 Center St., formerly W.R.R. Ave. Winnetka 254 1LTN21-1te OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME 60 ft. on Davis St., Evanston sold last week for $1,000 a front foot and 3 years ago the price was $250. Owner offers 100x250 prime ripe business property in Heart of Hubbard Woods for only $230 per foot. Act quickly; here it is a sure money maker. Address owner, Wilmette Life A-456. 1LTN21-1tc FOR SALE CAMP IN NORTHERN on Connors Lake; large log cabin; 3 master bedrooms; hot and cold running water in each, toilet; living room, dining room with huge double WISCONSIN fireplace; kitchen; pantry; 2 serv- ants' rooms. One hundred feet of porch; boat-house; ice-house; sand beach; clear water; good fishing and hunting. One of the few places left where deer abound. To be sold furnished; much below cost. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office 543 Lincoln Ave. 1TN50-1te A REAL HOME IN WILMETTE Just being completed. Midway between steam and "L" transportation. Stuc- co Colonial on beautiful corner. Six rooms, large living room, 3 bedrooms. Lot 50x150. Hot water heat. A bar- gain at $23,500. CLORE, BUDINGER & SMITH Real Estate & Insurance 1177 Wilmette Ave. Opposite Village Hall 1LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- UNUSUALLY WELL built 6-rm. stucce bungalow. Liv. rm. 19x19; lge. din. rm.; 3 bed rms.; breakfast rm.; garage; 50 ft. lot; fine trees and shrubs. Must be seen to be appreciated; $15,500; would like $6,000 down. Phone Wil. 2649. 1LTN21-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 18S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED COMPETENT WHITE maid for general hswk.; near station; no laundry; good wages; ref. re- quired. Apply Mrs. Brantley, 1071 Vine St.,, Winn., or phone Winn 1532. 12LT21-1tc WANTED--MAID; WHITE; GENERAL N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfc WANTED TO BUY--SEKECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. hswk.; exp. and reliable; small Highest price paid for same. Crost family; no washing; best wages;| Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. must have references. Phone Winn. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 324, 12T50-1tc 18LTN24-tfc WANTED--CAPABLE WOMAN FOR 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEQUS general hswk.; no washing; private . -- > : > 3 : room and bath. Phone by Ei WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Nolte buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, WANTED--EXPERIENCED STENO-| DRianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash grapher with general office exper- Street. 19LTNS-tfe ience. Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce. Phone Wil. 63. WANTED TO BUY--DOLL CARRIAGE. 12LTN21-1tp Phone Winn. 2330. 19T50-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL KOR GEN- eral hswk.; small « family; good wages. F. W. David, 632 Hawthorn Lane, Winn. Phone Winn. 2171. 12LTN21-1te WANTED--EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; references; L. H. Towell, 200 Maple Hill Rd. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 802. 12LTN21-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for gen. hswk.; no washing. Mrs. Beck. Phone Winn. 389. 12L'TN21-1te WANTED--SECOND MAID: REFER- ences required. Phone Winn. 584. 12T50-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR UP- stairs work and help with children. WILL TRADE 2 BUSINESS LOTS IN the Gary of Canada; appraised at $2,500; and will add cash $2,500 for equity in house or bungalow not over $13,500. Address Wilmette Life, A-454. LT21-1tc RIDGE ROAD BARGAIN 63x150---NEAR KENILWORTH AVE, $65 ft. Cash and payments; very desirable. Phone owner, Ravens- wood 0820 or address 1st Apt. 4722 N. Rockwell, Chicago. 1LTN21-1te Phone Winn. 986. 12LTN21-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral hswk. Phone Wil. 1611. 12LTN21-1te WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER. TEL. Winn, 245, 12LLTN21-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD.--EXPERIENCED man to do work around house and garden. Very best ref. Telephone Superior 7134, 14LTN20-2tp FOR SALE--HUBBARD WOODS; AT- tractive 6-rm. home; sleeping pch.; 26 ft. liv. room; Humphrey heater; 85 ft. frontage; exceptional location. Address Winnetka Talk, A-452. 1T50-1te IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN AN Oregon home phone Wil. 2139. In- formation will be cheerfully given any time. J. D. Davies, 258 Wood Court, Wil. 1LTN21-1tc FOR SALE--240 ACRES OPPOSITE golf club on Rand road just west of Desplaines; $500 per acre. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN17-tfc Dance Music For All Occasions Booking Agent for TED MORSE"S ORCHESTRA E. E. BIGELOW. Tel. Wil. 3035 14LL.TN4-tfp SITUATION WTD.--RELIABLE MAN wants work of any kind; by hour or day. Phone University 2799. 14LTN21-1tc 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--55 ACRES ON KOTZ road north of Willow; sell as a whole or in 5-acre tracts. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1LTN17-tfc FOR SALE--REASONABLE; 185x150 ft. So. West cor. Pine and Rosewood Ave.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 515-W. ILTN21-1tc SA." 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES SITUATION WTD.--WOMAN AC- customed to travel; registered nurse wishes to go as companion or take a patient to the Pacific coast; refer- ences exchanged. Address Winnetka Talk A-455. 15TN50-1te AMERICAN DRESSMAKER WISHES to sew for North Shore young women and girls, also specializes in curtains and drapes; best ref. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, Ill. 15TN50-1tp FOR RENT--FROM JUNE 1ST UNTIL Sept. 15th. new; furnished house; six bedrooms; three baths; 1 blk. north of Scott ave., Hubbard Woods. Address P. O. Box 35, Hubbard Woods, Ill. 2T48-tfe 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--4 RM. APT.; STEAM heat; janitor service; possession im- mediately. 625-11th St. Phone Wil. 1191 or 2399. 3LTN21-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 3-RM. APT. with private bath; heat; light; and gas; $55 per mo. Phone Wil. 935-M. 3LT21-1te FOR RENT--APT. ABOVE GARAGE; furnished; occupancy April ist. 794 Walden Rd. Phone Winn. 2323. 3T50-1te FOR RENT--SMALL FURNISHED apt.; W. W. Grant. Phone Wil. 1868. 3LTN21-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--3 ROOMS; KITCHEN and bath; hot water heat; newly decorated. Phone Winn. 977. 4LTN21-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED, warm, front bedroom, 1% blocks from trans. Phone Winn. 2034, 4T50-1te ROOM; Phone FOR RENT--FURNISHED convenient to transportation. Winn. 589. 4TN50-tfe FOR RENT-- FURNISHED ROOM with or without board. Phone Winn. 2371. 4T50-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM; BOARD OP- tional. Phone Winn. 2316, 4TN50-1tp FOR RENT--A PLEASANT WELL furnished room for gentleman. Phone Winn. 1819. 4LTN21-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS over 607 Main St., Wilmette, TI1, 4LTN21-1tn 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES For Sale---Wilmette UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT HOUSE with 8 large rooms; located in the very best extreme east section of Wilmette; convenient to both steam and elevated transportation; also to schools and churches; beautifully landscaped lot with abundance of shrubs and several fine trees; hot water heat; garage; price very at- tractive. Phone Wil. 2066. 1LTN21-1te FOR SALE--BY OWNER AT DEER- field; 6 rm. English Colonial home; sleeping porch; 2 baths, tile floors and walls; hot water heat; 1 acre lot; 2 car garage. Price $18,000. Phone Deerfield 254. 1LT21-1tp FOR SALE--WINNETKA; 139 BERT- ling Lane; 7-rm. col.; 4 bed rms.; tile bath; glazed slp. pch.; lot 6415x150; near trans. Phone Winn. 1805 1TN50-1te FOR RENT--HALF, ELEGANT LARGE store; Wilmette avenue; reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2399. S5LTN16-tfc FOR RENT -- STORES; OFFICE rooms; and Apts. Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN21-1te 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--SPACE IN TWO CAR SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work done in private home; rough dry or finished work done satisfac- torily. Phone Winnetka 550-J. 15L/TN20-3tc SITUATION WTD.--WHITE WOMAN desires cooking, serving, ironing, week's cleaning, or care of children by day or hour. Phone Wil. 3129. 15LT21-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY OR CLEANING work every Tuesday or alternate Wednesdays. Wages $4.50. Phone Atlantic 0644. 15TN50-1tp SITUATION WTD.--EXP. RUG AND carpet weaving. Mrs. John Puetz, Gross Point Rd. north of Harrison. 15LTN20-4tp WANTED BY FIRST CLASS LAUN- dress 2 or 3 days. After 6 P. M. Phone Lincoln 3403. 15LTN21-1tp SITUATION WTD.--GENERAL HSWK. Will stay nights. Phone Glencoe 1044. 15LTN21-1te SITUATION WANTED--PLAIN SEW- ing and dress making. Phone Univ. 5569. Elizabeth Wells. 15LTN20-3tc 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. COUPLE; man as chauffeur, woman as cook; man willing to do some hswk.; ref- erences. Phone University 7665. 16LTN21-1tc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--NOKOL BURNER WITH thermostat and 220 gal. oil tank; good condition; owner leaving Wil- mette; also oak china cabinet and bookcases. 1135 Elmwood Avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil, 745-M. 17TLTN21-1tc 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES USED CARS FOR SALE 1924 Moon Touring, like new $1,100 1918 Dodge Sedan $175 1919 Ford Touring $ 40 1923 Ford Roadster $125 1922 Ford Roadster $100 WERSTED MOTOR COMPANY 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetks 20LTN21-tfe Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--JERRY"S FORD "BETSY" and you know how faithful she has ever been. Bring along one tire and $40.00 and .drive her home. 534 Essex Road, Kenilworth, Ill. 20LT21-1tp 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--FOUR TUBE ZENITH radio receiver with tubes and "RB" battery; perfect condition; $40.00. Phone Kenilworth 1489. 21LT21-1tp FOR SALE--HEALTHY, THOROUGH- bred collie puppies reasonable, also Fields Specia reed baby buggy. Tel. Wil. 1203. 21TN50-1tc FOR SALE--3 TUBE RADIO, WITH tubes; batteries; loud speaker; $35.00. 985 Spruce St., Winn. Phone Winn. 2047. 21T50-1te FOR SALE -- HORSES; OTTO H. Grosse, River Rd. 1% mile S. of Mil- waukee Ave. Phone DesPlaines 147. 21LTN21-4tc FOR SALE--GENUINE REED BABY buggy; play yard; reed stroller. Phone Winn. 245. 21LTN21-1tc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--LADY'S WRIST WATCH; Longines movement; white gold case; lost on Fri, Feb. 13; reward; Mrs. Gerald Burnham, 519 Cedar St. Winn. Phone Winn. 761. 24LT21-1te FULL GROWN, LIGHT brown collie; known by the name Teddy. Reward. E. L. Thornton, 143 Glenwood Ave. Glencoe. Phone Winn. 2293. 24TN50-1te FOUND GOLD WRIST WATCH, in Glencoe, near Park Ave. station, North Shore Electric. Apply Evelyn Waltz, ""4_ Longwood Ave. Phone Glencoe i 24LTN21-1te LOST--BLACK SCOTCH TERRIER; name Mac. engraved on collar. Reward. P. H. Truman. Phone University 1679. 24LLTN21-1tc LOST--WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- rier; spotted with black; reward. 50 Essex Rd. Phone Kenilworth 3236. 24LT21-1tc GREENBACK ON 2-16. Phone Winn. 62 or LOST--A LOST--$100 Reward offered. FOR SALE--EARLY AMER. WALNUT parlor set, 7 pieces, original Horse Hair cover; Godey; Sporting; Pewter; Glass; Old Violin; Rookwood Vase; many other antiques; rare books. 808 Washington §St.,, Evanston, Ill. Phone University 2509-M. 17TN50-1tc FOR SALE--CONTENTS OF FIVE room flat; all new; used three months; can rent flat if desired. Address 450 Winnetka Talk. 17TN21-1tp University 7143. 24T50-1tc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE HOUSECLEANING; WINDOWS, walls and woodwork washed. Also furniture polishing, floor waxing and odd jobs. A-1 references. Phone Wil. 3428. 27LT15-tfc HOME LAUNDRY SERVICE; INDI- vidual washing machines; no mark- ing of clothes. Phone Winn. 596-J. 27LTN21-1tc NORTH SHORE WINDOW AND House Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. Winnetka, Ill. 27T50-tfc 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING T. H. ReFoy Interior Decorating PAPER HANGING 1st Class Work only. 524 Ridge Ave. Ph. Wil. 2489 29LT21-tfc IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating, now or in the spring, it will pay you to get in touch with me. Best of Winnetka references. E. M. Brandt, 4414 No. Spaulding Ave., Chicago. Phone Irving 9492. 29T48-tfc 31 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE--HIGH GRADE MAHOG- any dining table, including 12 leaves; also serving table to match; good condition. Phone Winn. 1137. 17LTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- GAINADAY COPPER . washing machine, $60.00. Horton garage. 1066 Ash St. Phone Winn. Ironer, $75.00; both machines like 2289. 6T50-1tc| new. Phone Winn. 44. 17LTN21-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--1 FULL SIZED SIMMONS bed; box spring and mattress, $50.00; SALESMAN TO SELL DODGE cost $152.00 at Carson Pirie's. Phone Brothers Cars; Automobile sales ex- Wil. 974-W. 17T50-1te nerience not necessary: not less than 25 vears of age; steadv emplovment | FOR SALE--MAHOGANY DINING RM. and advancement. Wersted Motor set; good condition; for particulars, Co. Phone Winn. 165. phone Winn. 1043. 17N50-1tp 11LTN21-tfc WANTED--BOY: TO RUN ERRANDS; good prospects for advancement. Phone Winn. 734. 11TN-1te FOR SALE--UTENCO IRONING MA- chine; good condition; on account of moving. Phone Wil. 2327. 17LTN21-1te Winnetka Detective Service Civil and Criminal Investigations R. H. Fjellman, Phone Supt. Winnetka 674-R 31T50-tfe CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to those who so kindly extended their love and sympathy to us during the illness and death of our husband and father, William C. Jochmann. We wish to thank the Royal Arcanum lodge for their devotion and sympathy shown their brother member. Mrs. Wm. C. Jochmann MANILA AND HONGKONG GIVE TOURIST A THRILL (Continued from page 19) Shops of Hongkong cept for a few thoroughfares Hong- kong streets march up-hill, and each shop is higher or lower than its neigh- bor. In a way we are reminded of certain streets in Naples. In these shops are everything to tempt the tourist. They are crowded with jades, jewels, curios, ivory work, shawls, silks, and drawn work. Olive-skinned dark-eyed Syrians vie with Chinese as shop-keepers but speak a better Eng- lish. But it's along the water front and the narrow streets reaching it like little rivers, that we see the real Chinese life. There are blocks of fish stores with seemingly more kinds of dried of than there are in the ocean, from the great cods to the little min- nows, and I saw a woman buy a hand- ful of the latter for a copper cent. People eat on the sidewalk and there are gambling houses every few feet. The Chinese are the greatest gamblers on earth, and the poor coolie will wager his day's toil in the hope of doubling it in some easier way. Shoe- makers ply their trade on the curb, and the great long-horned hump- backed oxen blink solemnly and pull their heavy loads. A coolie panted up the street with over 60 bricks sus- pended from his shoulders, and an- other brushed people aside with his 45 gallon empty tin cans. Pigs and Humans From the balconies flapped thou- sands of shirts and fabrics like flocks of scare-crows. A huge open market had every conceivable kind of flesh cut up in sizes from a penny's worth to a whole pig, and people carried their purchases away tied to a string but unwrapped. Twenty-five coolie girls passed along. Each with a burden of two heavy baskets filled with sand and building material, and, later, I saw the one motor truck, I have noticed, with a hundred baskets of material, and it moved fast and without effort. One Chinaman® followed me a whole block trying to entice me to his ship, up some dark narrow stairs, where he sold goods "welly cheap" and along came two men carrying a live pig. He was alive with feet in the ai helpless on the sagging ca squealing just the same. Fart some streets narrow down eight feet, and. pigs, chick animal life, live and breath same houses with humans. And up on the hills, along those classic levels, in homes like individual castles, white men live and look down in this Oriental existence, but as much separated as if by a continent. Another striking sight was. the sol- dier's barracks in the heart gf the city and the recruits practicing bayonet drill, sticking great bags of straw as they passed, while hundred of white- lipped Chinamen looked on in petrified astonishment, seemingly glad for the great iron fence that separated them from this handful of foreign devils. Yours truly, J. M. BROWN. IN MEMORIAM Funeral services for Mr. Caniff Fretz, Prudential Life Insurance agent who passed away suddenly, Thursday, Feb- ruary 12th, 1925, were held at Hebble- thwaite's chapel, Evanston, Saturday at 3 P. M, and were conducted by Mr. Holmes A. Shepard, First Reader of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Win- netka. The remains were taken to New Albany, Indiana, for burial. "Life! we have been long together, Through pleasant and through cloudy weather; 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear, Perhaps 'twil cost a sigh, a tear; Then steal away, give little warning. Choose thine own time; Say not Good Night-- But in some brighter clime, Bid me Good Morning." LTN21-1te mst, VILLAGE OF WINNETKA Notice of Award of Contract Winnetka, Ill, Feb 21, 1925, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract for the construction of an eighteen (18) inch internal diameter storm sewer extension in SCOTT AVE- NUE, from and connecting with the present eighteen (18) inch storm sewer at a point two (2) feet east of the east line extended of Grove Street and fifteen (15) feet north of the south line of Scott Avenue, east along a line fifteen (15) feet north of and parallel with the south line of Scott Avenue to and connecting with the present eighteen (18) inch storm sewer at a point three hundred ninety-one (391) feet east of the east line of Grove Street, including one (1) connection to an eight (8) inch storm sewer, two 3 connections to present eighteen (18 inch storm sewer, vitrified, salt-glazed tile sewer pipe and sewer pipe junc- tions for future house connections, with open joints, reinforced concrete protection for sewer pipe at driveways, trenching, backfilling trench and pres- ent open ditch with earth, restoration of pavements, walks, parkways, or other present improvements where damaged, all in the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, said ime provement and assessment being other- wise known as Winnetka Special As- sessment No. 407,286, was awarded to Nicholas Biederer, of Glen View, Illi- nois, on February 17th, 1925, for the sum of Thirteen Hundred ninety-two and 75/100 Dollars ($1,392.75). JOHN S. MILLER, JR. T50-1tc President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T50-1te

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