ho WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925 Em 5 FOLDS DIRECTS LEGION DRIVE Noted Chicagoan Heads $5,000,000 Campaign © "One young man who stands out above all other young men in Chicago," is the way Vice President-elect Dawes des: cribes Charles W. Folds who heads the drive to secure Illinois® quota of the Daan American Legion Endowment und. . One of the many reasons why General Dawes thus characterized Mr. Folds is that as chairman of the five Liberty bond drives in the Chicago district, he so suc- cessfully directed the activities of 40,000 workers that 'the enormous. sum of $3,- 071,958,000 was raised. As a matter of fact the Chicago Liberty Ioan committee Charles W. Folds had a greater distribution per capita than any large city in the country, far $¥eseding the quota assigned to it on each oan. For more than ten years Mr. Folds has been president of the United Charities of Chicago. In 1919 and 1920 he was president of the Union League Club of Chicago. For some years he was presi- dent, and still is a director, of the Home for Destitute Crippled Children. He also is affiliated with a number of other charities. : Mr. Folds was born Aug. 23, 1870 in Oshkosh, Wis. He was reared in Minne- apolis, attending the grade and high schools. He later took an extension course at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Folds entered the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis in 1889 as a messenger. At that time the late James B. Forgan, aterwards head of the First National Bank of Chicago, was cashier. He came to Chicago in 1899 as repre- sentative of the Commercial Paper bankers, Charles Hathaway and company of New York, later becoming a general partner when the name was changed to Hathaway, Smith, Folds and company, which has continued up to the present time. In 1923 Mr. Folds started an in- vestment banking house under his own name which is now Folds, Buck and com- pany, with offices at 208 South La Salle street. "In the hands of such a dynamo of energy as Mr. Folds, the Legion Endow- orphans of veterans is absolutely assured of success," said Howard P. Savage, commander, American Legion, Depart- ment of Illinois. St. John's Announces Lenten Sermon Topics Lenten services will begin at St. John's Lutheran church, Wilmette, on Wednes- day evening, February 25, at 7:45 o'clock, and will be held every Wednes- day evening thereafter during Lent. The pastor Rev. H. W. Meyer, will deliver a series of six Lenten sermons on subjects dealing strictly with the great passion of Christ. The following "are the subjects: February 25: "The Unspoken Prayer," Matthew 26,53. March 4: "The Unuttered Defense," Matthew 26,62. March 11: "The Unreturned Insults," | Luke 23,34. ; March 18: "The Undesired Tears," Luke 23,28. ; March 25: "The lenge," Matthew 27,40. April 1: "The Unforgotten Luke 23,43. April 9: Maundy Thursday. Great Memorial," Luke 22,19-20. April 10: "The Lamb of God which taketh away the Sin of the World," John 1,29. . The parish has many members in Win- netka. Hill and Stone Find Business Coming Along Hill and Stone, Winnetka real estate brokers, have been busy recently and re- port the sale of two more homes this week. The ildon Trimmer home on the northwest corner of Vernon avenue and Edgewood lane has been purchased by E. H. Allen, a former resident of Win- netka. The Ezra Taylor residence at 314 Ridge avenue has been sold to Albert S. Unaccepted Chal- Sinner," "The | Long of Winnetka. This agency reports that business has begun to improve after the dull winter. Country Day Child Tells Of Washington Exercises (Written by a child.) On Friday, February 20, the North Shore Country Day School pupils held their annual George Washington exercise. It was given by the Sev- enth Grade American History class in quite an original manner. The different men such as pioneer, trapper, Indian, and black man, were represented as having had to do with Washington and the Revolutionary War during those troublesome times. These men told of their experiences an that great war. and on their leader. Tha crane whera tha French Ambassador avracented the French flag to George Washinoton 2s a svmhol of the great and thee views nracram endad with a Title friendshin hetween these two great nations. With Ceoree Washington in thi crene was Martha, Reatgv Rose swag nleq renrecented and related the history of the American flag. The music was simple but effective. three patriotic songs: the Mar- seillaise, the Stars and Stripes, and America. Thus was George Washing- ton represented at one of our schools. Mrs. Lloyd C. Whitman is Summoned by Death Lloyd C. Whitman, 686 Hill road, died Monday afternoon. Feb- ruarv 16, at her home. She is sur- vived by her husband and two sons, Platt and Geoffrey. Funeral services were held from the Graceland chapel Wednesday after- noon and burial will be at Lake Forest in the family plot. Mrs. Whitman had been ill for sev- eral months, but was not thought to have been in a dangerous condition, and her death was very sudden and unexpected. Mrs. ZEN mnetha tongregational ) > Church Al CON ih The Week of February 22 SUNDAY 9:30--THE CHURCH AT SCHOOL: Worship led by 4th year High School girls: "George Washington." 11:00--THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP: Mr. Richard's sermon, "The Nearer Summons.' 6:30--SUNDAY EVENING CLUB. 6:45--YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB: John Roos, leader; "What Should Be Consid- ered in Choosing a Life Work?" 7:45--MUSIC BY THE BOYS' CHOIR. 8:00--MR. RICHARDS LECTURE: Joseph Stories." WEDNESDAY 8:00--LENTEN MID-WEEK SERVICE: "How to Read the Bible." "The MINISTERS James Austin Richards James William Frederick Davies Raymond Allyn Smith, Musical Director ment drive for disabled soldiers and the Ninth Grade Parents to Confer With Instructors The Ninth Grade Parent associa- tion of the North Shore Country Day school will meet at 9 o'clock Wednes- day morning, February 25, at the school. Mrs. Hathaway Watson will be chairman and the discussion will be on the subject "Home Study." A committee of ninth grade mothers, headed by Mrs. Phillip W. Moore and Mrs. Walter 'Marx, has been collect- ing the data on home study and has interviewed each teacher who has ninth grade classes. Points to be dis- cussed are amount of time for each subject, right bed-time hour, regular- ity, a place to study, whether the par- ent .should help the child to. study, and 'others. * Willis Stutson, 479 Sunset road, left Monday on a business trip to Indian- apolis. . fi SP 4 rid li Mrs. Knight Blanchard, 16: Weodland avenue, entertained 12 guests at lunch- eon and bridge on Wednesday. off. ar; have a neat hair cut. Ebw & Chestnut Sta ALWAYS LOOK YOUR BEST! You will look your best when you nice clean Get done by men who know how. Shop and a work shave this AORN NY 3 MEN i TE bse] some day, and You'll Have Goods to Store when you do, scul Ly TRANSFER GO. WINNETKA ILE vou'll naturally want to store them where they'll be safest and where they'll receive the best at- tention. A great many people have found our storage service to be everything that could be asked for. We have no doubt but what it will meet your requirements most pleasingly. SCULLY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Fire-Proof S lorage PACKING MOVING SHIPPING CCC Oona 777772, a rrr rrr, will beautify your home. 795, 797, 799 Elm St., Winnetka, Phone Winn. 930 Na 2 2 2 rz 7 7777777, Colonial Drapery Fabrics Decorative in design, they offer a range of materials, col- ors and patterns to meet varied drapery requirements that Through the draperies and fur- nishings of a home, is distinguished the individuality of those who dwell therein. G. L. ZICK & CO. Dry Goods, Notions and Men's Furnishings uuu iiiizz 946 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods, Phone Winn. 1887 & LLLLLLLLL LLL ILL LLL LILA TL LALA LLL AA AIL A SAA AAA AAA SAAS I AISI ASIF ASIA IAI LLL LLL ELLE ELLE LLL dL Ld da ZL Ea 22 2 2 27 2 2 ZZ 2 277 277 277 7 2777 zzzzizzzziziziziiiis SLLLLLLLLLILLLL LLL LL LLL L SSL S SSSI LS SSL SSS SL LLL S LLL L LLL SLL LSS SASSI SILLS LISS L LLL LLL LISI SSIS IASI SAAS SSSI I SILL ISL GS ISAS SI 1111S T1217 17 17771777 1717 171171111 ASTI IAI I SFIS ll ZR 77 77777777