WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1925 WOMEN TO HEAR OF LEAGUE WORK Also Assume Interest in Com- ing Election The Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations will be the subject of the joint meeting of the Winnetka League of Women Voters and the Winnetka Woman's club to be held Thursday, March 19, at the Woman's club at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Lydia Schmidt, formerly of the staff of the University high school, has been secured as speaker. Miss Schmidt has traveled abroad a great deal, making a study of international relations, and was the organizer of the School of In- ternational Relations of the Chicago League of Women Voters' Forum. She is also a member of the Women's Inter- national League for Peace and Freedom, of which Miss Jane Addams is president, and of the Illinois League of Women Voters. She was present at the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva, and will illustrate her lecture with stereopticon slides, showing the the personnel of the Assembly. The now famous "Geneva Protocol," which was the most important action taken by the Fifth Assembly, will be the chief topic of the discussion. This pro- tocol provides for submitting to arbitra- tion every matter of international dispute between any and all members of the League of Nations. It shows a desire on the part of all members of the League to outlaw war. It further pro- vides for the assembling of a disarma- ment conference to be held in Geneva in June of this year. Because of the unusual opportunity that the hearing of Miss Schmidt offers, the meeting is to be open, and both league and Woman's club members may bring guests. At the close of the lecture, Miss Eliza- beth Gemmell, chairman of the elections committee of the Winnetka league, will announce the Village officers to be voted upon by Winnetka citizens on April 7. Miss Gemmell held a meeting of her committee and the precinct chairmen on Friday, March 13, to discuss the best way of gently reminding the electorate of a need to go to the polls on April 7. The result of the discussion will be an- nounced on March 19, and every one urged to vote, as the unusual situation of a real contest in the village elections presents itself this year. Formerly there has been no con est, and most villagers have considered voting unnecessary. So, .00 much stress cannot be laid upon the fact that the citizens must vote this year, or officers representing a minority may be elected. Mrs. Ickes Inducted as State University Trustee Mrs. Harold I. Ickes of Hubbard Woods, George A. Barr of Joliet, and Fred I. Wham of Centralia, elected trustees of the University of Illinois last fall, assumed their office this week at the annual meeting of the board in Champaign. Gov. Small and Francis G. Blair, su- perintendent of public instruction, both ex officio members of the board, were in attendance. David Kinley, president of the university; H. E. Cunningham, sec- retary of the board; A. M. Burke, treas- urer, and Lloyd Morrey, controller, were re-elected, as also was Dr. William L. Noble of Chicago as president of the board. Christian Science Topic Announced as "Substance" The subject of the sermon-lesson at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morning, March 15, will be "Substance." Services are held in the Masonic temple building at 708 Elm street at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:35 o'clock and a testimonial meeting is held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 526 Linden street is open daily except Sunday from noon until 5 o'clock and on Wednesday eve- ning from 9 to 9:30 o'clock. COMMUNITY HOUSE FRIDAY--SATURDAY MARCH 20-21 BRUNSWICK RADIOLA | pe PATTI FTAA 11 7 -- The Brunswick Radiola Model No. 60 No outside wires-- self-contained Radiola. } Records. to see it, hear it. 1001 Nights Entertainment--just turn the lever ERE is a modern miracle, in your own home. 1001 nights of unique entertainment--no two alike. Now | husbands stay home to hear; children forswear the movies--guests are delighted. It's all the Brunswick Comb the skies for what is going on: latest news, opera, dance music--stories for the kiddies; then turn the lever and have programs of your own favorites of Brunswick Brunswick Radiola is changing the lives of the people. It is widening the sphere of the home circle. Really, it's two instruments in one--phonograph and radio, and each insuperably fine. Surely you owe it to yourself at least Come in any time. Prices from $170, at convenient terms. We will gladly play it for you. Winnetka Janswick Shop WE ARE NOW IN OUR NEW STORE | 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Phone 2129 THE TAX OFFICE IS STILL OPEN Payment will be received up to the latter part of next week. If you have not received your bill,bring legal descrip- tion and come to this bank and bill will be furnished. For the benefit of New Trier Township schools and municipalities, pay your taxes locally and save them money. WINNETKA STATE BANK Elm St., East of Lincoln Ave. TRIMMINGS FOR THE BATHROOM PORCELAIN, ENAMELED OR NICKLE PLATED FIXTURES FOR EVERY PURPOSE IN THE BATHROOM HEALTH-O-METER (Bathroom Scales) enable you to keep in touch with the health condition of each member of the family. PRICE $14.85 PLUMBING REPAIRS Articles that are needed to repair Bathroom parts: Faucets 3ibb Washers Fuller Balls Tank Balls Sink Stoppers (Copper and Rubber) Shut-off Valves Pipe Fittings Globe Valves Gaskets Here are two items that should always be in the home to keep your plumbing system in good working condition. RUBBER FORCE CUPS AND ECONOMY PLUMBER a solution that is guaranteed to clear clogged drain and sewer pipes. Eckart Hardware Co. 735 ELM STREET Winnetka Tel. 843 844 Tel. 843 844