nea Q WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1925 RICHARDS BACK ~ INHIS PULPIT Congregational Pastor Re- covers from Illness Rev. James Austin Richards, pastor of the Winnetka Congregational church, is recovering from his recent illness, and plans to conduct both serv- ices of worship at the church this Sun- day. The subject of the morning ser- mon is "The Nearer Summons." The music by the trio, Mrs. Slade, Mr. Gash and Mr. Johansen,--will be two anthems: Rossini's "Lord, we Praise Thy Holy Name," and Pfleug- er's "How Beautiful are Thy Dwell- ings." Mrs. Brewer's prelude, will be an Adagio, by Beethoven, and Mr. Smith's organ postlude, Rogers' "Mag- nificat." Mr. Richards' evening sermon is on the question, "How Think of Prayer?" a devotional thought for the Lenten call to worship. This subject has been uppermost in several group meetings lately; and the pastor's thought will be eagerly sought by all who have had certain questions unanswered. Mrs. Slade will be the evening soloist, and will sing Bach's contralto canta- ta, "Strike, thou hour so long expect- ed," and an offertory solo, "At the cry of the first bird," by David Guion. The Young People's club invites all of high school age to come to a meet- ing at 6:45 o'clock, to talk of the ques- tion, "The Master's method of winning followers." Dorothy Dickinson will be the leader. On Wednesday evening Mr. Rich- ards will conduct the Lenten mid-week service. He will group the several topics on the modern use of the Bible, as announced before, and talk especi- ally about "Duplicating the Bible," Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick's book is being read by many, and may be ob- tained at the church office by those who will join in this devotional study. E. V. O'Brien, who attends Notre Dame university, 1s spending a short vacation at his home, 735 Foxdale ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Garmen, 1018 Ash street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son on March 11. ---- . Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wells of 110 Spr oad left this week for Miami. Watts O. Pye Will Give Talk at Matz Hall Watts O. Pye :-people are beginning to ask, "Who is this man scheduled to speak next Wednesday at the luncheon given by the Woman's society of the Congregational church in Matz hall?" His mailing address is Fen- chow, Shansi, China; his place of busi- ness is all that northwest part of China that is called Shansi and Shensi, just south of the border- line of Mongolia. He is prob- ably better known there to thousands of Chinese than to an equal number of his own countrymen in America. From a Minnesota home, through Carleton and Oberlin colleges, he went to China 17 years ago to teach a little primary school in some small rooms that still showed the effects of the Boxer fury of those years. Hardly a Christian had these mobs left, and not a teacher or a church. What of that little school, and where are those school boys now? Upon the ruins of Boxer days have grown up not only primary schools, but universities with large faculties, and graduates working all over the world, studying in other countries, and becoming leaders everywhere. Some of them are doc- tors, doing far more surgery than an American physician does. And last year the Chinese themselves gave more money to the hospital in Fenchow than was used for all the American mission work in all China in the first wo years there. SIX LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Sales Room and Service Station 1010-16 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. Hours: 2-6 P. M. 7-9 P. M. And By Appointment 1120 CENTRAL AVENUE LEWIS, CARPENTER & LEWIS Doctors of CHIROPRACTIC Palmer School Graduates Phones: Wilmette 3204 Winnetka 697-W. WILMETTE, ILL. 550 Center St. of all kinds. PAINT Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS life from the ages. Rasmesen's fox: Painting and Decorating | Pray NS <n (Sy dy) __\O \m ') a iad FRIDAY-SATURDAY "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" of this chance to bring his great plugging romance, drama, humor and thrill as the unforgetable man of the SIX PERFORMANCES MATINEES Friday at 4 Saturday 2:30 All Seats 25c MARCH 20-21 We're Proud before you--to show him early youth rising, fighting, with soul of irom, to top! No life gives such EVENINGS Friday 7:15, 9 Saturday 7:15, 9 All Seats 3bc Mr. Pye is the kind of human who cannot resist the challenge of the un- attained! And he has the statesman's mind to plan in terms of a large scheme that will stretch many years ahead. At the same time he thinks in the terms of today. Where he sees a postoffice is, needed in a small town, he says so; and as he has travelled the country up and down for years and knows all the leading centers and roads, his recommendation is usually followed by the governor. He knows he cannot do all the work, so he picks out for training many natives who be- come the leaders in his plans for con- quest. At the same time he is a friend to everybody, and "Chinamen come to consult him about everything, from the high price of beans to the paying of the unjust temple tax." To see and hear this man will be an education; and after the address there will be time to meet him for in- formal conversation. The morning will be a sort of preparatory course in Chinese lore. Mrs. L.. Harrison Met- tler will review Paul Hutchinson's book, "China's Real Revolution," which is one of the latest and best books about that wonderful country, Mrs. Ayres Boal will lead the meeting, and Mrs. Guy Hansel will sing. PAINT Your Car Now While the weather is bad and you are not using it much. WINNETKA AUTO PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 165 THIS ISTHE TUNE THE WHOLE WORLDS HUMMING * In rai hine_* | n Yan ors ht dress your part right-| Que It hip ht HE is in tune with happiness - Du 5 0 0 q '= --she's delighted with living OU can be in an agreeable if the plumbing fixtures are mod- frame of mind in any kind ern. Kitchen conveniences-- of weather if vou are dréssed in spotless tub and: other fixtures well laundered clothes and your in the bathroom. We can help bed and table linens are smartly, vou enjoy a Home of Happiness. comfortably laundered. Ask Mr. Duds about our Mr. Suds. A Bath a Day : He'll tell you he's the original Keeps You Fit Every Way wonder-washer. LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. NIIRME h, : SANITARY ENGINEERS A & JH Specialists in New Work and . J) PAH Remodeling. J a 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 - ® - - A -- ---- Phone Winnetka 32 Residence Phone 426 WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. GENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT 16 Prouty Annex Winnetka, Illinois For TeN YEARS -IJEPENDABLE Exceptional dependatility has teen a characteristic cf Dodge Erothers Motor Car since the day the first of these sturdy cars was marketed. Not once in a decade has it failed to uphold and enhance its reputation for faithful performance. The reason for its consistent good- ness and continued betterment points directly back to the ideals of the founders. Instead of fluctuating between an endless series of annual models, they determined to concentrate cn the perfection of a single chassis. Dodge Brothers Motor Car today is the embodiment of that ideal ---an ideal that will endure as long as the institution itself. MOTOR CARS TELEPHONE WINNETKA 165 ~4