10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925 MARMON SALES SHOW INCREASE February Sales Exceed Janu- ary by 15 Per Cent Sales of the new Marmon models in February showed an increase of 65.8 per cent over the sales made in February a year ago, according to a report from the Nordyke and Marmon company's factory in Indianapolis re- ceived by F. C. Heaney, local Marmon dealer. The reported sales for Janu- ary and February combined showed an increase of 65.1 per cent over the reported sales for the same two months combined, a year ago. "The figures are an indication of the widespread demand which has been made for the new Marmon mod- els since they were announced last November," Mr. Heaney says. "The demand has been general although factory statistics show that the three models of the sltandard line--the four- door Brougham-Coupe and the five _and seven-passenger Standard Sedans --are in greatest demand. It is these three models which Marmon is offer- 'ing at practically open car price. Almost at Capacity "Sales have increased steadily since the cars were shown for the first time in dealers' salesrooms throughout the country and production has increased until the factory is now almost at capacity. The success which Marmon enjoyed at the various automobile shows throughout the country has con- tinued, the latest outstanding evidence being at the St. Louis show where all of the models on exhibition were sold. Many dealers have reported that the present outlook points to an unpre- cedented demand in the spring and that indications are that the sales volume this year will exceed, by a large percentage, the sales made in any previous year. "The fact that Marmon sales have increased, steadily and surely, during months which ordinarily are consid- ered poor automobile buying months is- a tribute to the beauty of the new Marmon models and is a striking evi- dence of the faith which the public has in the dependable and sure-work- ing mechanism of the Marmon. The interest, locally, in the new models has steadily increased and has been -eflected in our increase in sales. Mar- mon chose wisely in presenting a luxurious closed car at a price near open car price and chose wisely in adding to the wonderful mechanism of the car, which has come to be so well known and widely admired, a beauty of body design in keeping with the desires and ideas of purchasers in the Marmon price class." N. U. Professor Favors Regulated Sunday Movies Prof. William L. Bailey, sociologist and national population analyst of Northwestern University, believes that Sunday motion pictures can be shown 'n Evanston not to the detriment of he people but for their betterment. But there must be rigid regulation, he asserts. "It is entirely conceivable," he writes to a questioner who asked his opin- 'on, "that this matter could be handled on such a plane and in such connec- tions that every legitimate interest as well as the morale of the community could be safeguarded. Cannot all get together on this matter? It is not a problem that will grow less but will become of large scope and greater difficulty. Tt is always well to handle such a problem when it is in its be- ginnings. ; Prof. Bailey added that if construc- tive, educational and recreational pic- tures of high type are shown in Evanston on the Sabbath, they will not only be of service to Evanston people but to the people of the con- tiguous North Shore. The ambitious "regional theatre development" he predicted not for Evanston but for Howard avenue in Chicago which he calls a "logical tertiary center of the North Shore," Wilson avenue being the secondary and the Chicago loop the first. Dr. Bailey closes with the statement that the smaller communi- ties like Winnetka have solved the Sunday motion picture problem satis- factorily and asks: "Cannot a community of Evanston's calibre do likewise?" 1000 Gallons Fuel Oil TO BE GIVEN FREE With Every Combustion Fuel Oil Burner Purchased Before May 1st Install a Combustion Fuel Oil Burner Now and Enjoy The Comforts of a Constant Even Temperature During The Chilly Spring Months Henry Ford has just purchased two Combustion Burners-- Nuff said Ten Reasons Why You Should Buy The Combustion Fuel Oil Burner 1. Simplest burner on the market--has but one moving part. 2. Most economical--burns the cheap black fuel oils. 3. Completely automatic--controls thoroughly dependable. 4. S. Absolutely safe--does not affect your insurance. Five years of successful use, in thousands of homes. 6. No Dirt-No Smoke-No Ashes. 7. Full Guarantee for one year. 8. Prompt-Efficient-Service. 9. Strongest financial backing. 10. Quiet in operation. Combustion Fue) Oil Barner Write for our Booklet or better still our engineer will call and give full information NORTH SHORE COMBUSTION COMPANY TORGERSON AND SARGENT Phone Wilmette 3420 : 1177 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Member of Wilmette Chamber of Commerce Dr. Williams Sanatorium for cancer. 219 Carrol St., Waukesha, Wis. Write for Free Sanatorium Booklet. --Adv. on PL 702 Church Street, Evanston Phone University 1848 We Stand In Back of Every Pair of Classes We Make. Your Satisfaction Absolutely Guaranteed Without Limitation. We Spare No Expense In Giving You Eyeglass Comfort. Caf TY BASRA : i . HATTSTROM & SANDERS Scientific & Manufacturing Opticians Opposite Orrington Hotel Open Sat. Eve. till 8 p. m. " ati a. AN", The Packard Bight _** sapped al < iv Five Passenger _- Sedan-Limousine J Long Life Chassis Deserve Long Life Bodies Packard knows no compromise with quality--in either chassis or in body. There are no grades of Packard bodies. Each isbuilt to the unchanging Packard standard of twenty-five years. Every Packard body retains the original beauty, distinction and comfort which assures much of the contentment and most of the joy of motoring. Every Packard is a unit in excellence PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO EVANSTON BRANCH 1735 E. Railroad Ave. Phone Greenleaf 1200 Ask the Man Who Owns One i Ti 11 | Te ---------- ) i 2 NER Your Own Chauffeur-- © could not be more courteous, more attentive to your wants, more carefully trained in every detail, this uniformed North Shore Line motor coach driver, if he were your own private chauffeur. He, and all his brother drivers, operating North Shore motor coaches on schedule time over hundreds of miles of Illinois and Wisconsin highways, were chosen by a railroad famous for the excellence of its personnel. He must pass a rigid examination. The North Shore driver come: to a dead stop before crossing a railroad, and does not shift gears while crossing. He respects the rights of other motorists, giving them assistance when necessary. He reports highway hazards to the authorities, including wilfully careless drivers. : North Shore Line motor coaches, by the way, consisting of the best types available with all the safety provisions known to engineering, are given a complete daily inspection by skilled mechanics. < North Shore On the occasion of a recent trip in a North Shore motor Merchandise coach, General Pershing said, "This was the finest rice | = 1 ever had in a motor vehicle." Despatch A . . . Overiiin somite for ghianers His comment is worth remembering when you have occa- var-night service ipp ; . between all wp. stant points sion to use this service we are proud of --or when you plan on the North Shore Line. Through service to Sheboygan, Burlington, Watertown. and a points on the Milwaukee No th- ern R.R.ani T.M. E.R. & L. For rates, deliveries, etc., write or telephone local North Shore Agent, or Traffic Department: Chicago office, 79 West Monroe Street, 'phones State 5723 and Central 8280; Milwaukee office, 403 Security Building, phones Grand 990 and Grand 2762. a few days' tour by North Shore motor coach this summer. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Winnetka Passenger Station " Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 963 Bs MR