¢ "Waldernsamkirt # ov Sein WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925 13 Riding Club Members to Enjoy Hunt Breakfast NNOUNCEMENT has come to] us of an event which this sea- son of the year makes delightful, namely a Hunt Breakfast, the details of which are now forthcoming: "In more ways than one, Spring augurs 'the urge.' This time it's putting new life into that lively institution, the Riding club. Godfrey Atkin, chair- man of the committee on events, an- nounces a Hunt Breakfast at 9:30 o'clock, Saturday, April 4, at Mrs. Donald McPherson's home on Pine lane, for all those participating in the morning ride. This notice is also meant to correct a post card sent out stating the Hunt Breakfast would be held elsewhere. 'Rely on the TALk to get the very latest and most accurate news." All members of the club who expect to attend this event will please phone Mrs. McPherson as early as possible. Her telephone number is Winnetka 1906." "The following have already ar- ranged to join the ride, which will start at the club stables promptly at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mec- Pherson, Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. C. Colton Daughaday, Mrs. George Massey, Ernest H. Hichg, Arthur Cox, William Woolfolk and his charming daughter, Godfrey Atkin and his no less charm- ing daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sidley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Wallace, Heyliger A. deWindt, and Dudley Palmer." --Q-- The North Shore Musical society meets with Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, 1221 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Mon- day, March 30. The assisting host- esses will be Mrs. Harvey A. Bush and Mrs. F. W. Fuermann. The fol- lowing program will be given at this time : I Negro Spirituel .... Coleridge Taylor he vChitar v0, Moszkowski Mrs. Fowler 11 Bell. Song i... vin rise vie Lakme Nature's itloliday .......... Hageman Vision? . 2A... 0..3. 4. 20.5 Kriens Mrs. Copthorne III Prelude and Fuge in G Major Camda viaeie ta eie ies eine ged LRT Bac Roth aheewr | B P hth Waber Perpetual 'Motion ............ Ethel Flentye Iv Mausfallen-Spruechlein ........ Wolf Allerseelef iifia iii. uid is Strauss Zeignung i. d us Shi 3 Strauss Mrs. Sherma Vv Violinavealo Charles De Beriot G-Concerto Mrs. Dubbs Vi Intermifzor [db five. enn Brahms La Cathedral, Endloupie .... Debussy Arabesque Lh oa 000 Debussy Mrs. Pettibone vil The Miller's Daughter ....Buzzi-Pecci The Magic of Your Voice ......... Vn wah aie hte aa ATE eed McDermid Spring Singing:........... McFayden Mrs. Evans VIII Piano (four hands) Selections from the first Suite from Loarleflenne ie... cn. cveeina ons Bizet Mrs. Pettibone, Miss Flentye EE The Chicago Smith College club is giving a benefit entertainment at the Edgewater Beach hotel Tuesday after- noon, March 31, at 2:30 o'clock. The proceeds from the affair will go to- ward the fiftieth anniversary gift the club is sending to the college. Senora Isabel de Palencia will relate the his- tory of the mantilla and the Spanish shawl, and costumes. from the various provinces of Spain will be on display. --0-- A lecture on "The Mistory of the Mantilla and Spanish Shawl" will be given by Senora Isabel de Palencia for the fiftieth anniversary gift to Smith college. The lecture will be on Tuesday afternoon, March 31, at the Edgewater Beach hotel at 2:30. Tick- ets may be had from Mrs. Miller Cross, 719 Foxdale avenue, telephone Winnetka 1076. -- ee Mrs. Warren Agry of 711 Locust road will be hostess at bridge Wed- nesday afternoon for Miss Mona Cav- erly and Mrs. Miller Cross who has re- cently moved to Winnetka from Evanston, and who has purchased one of the McAdams' houses on Foxrale. avenue. n(n The Entre Nous Matinee club held its annual luncheon and card party on Wednesday at the Salle Royale of the Sovereign hotel. Mrs. Fernando W. Fuermann of Wilmette sang a group of songs, accompanied by Hazel Eilers Bentley. Mrs. Kate Pentzer Stokes gave a group of readings. io Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Howard left Thurs- day night to spend the week-end at French Lick Springs. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Prindiville, and their daughter, Miss Mary Ellen, have returned to Chicago from Nas- sau, and, according to recent reports, have taken a house at 151 Euclid ave- nue, Winnetka, for a period of two years. ---- Mrs. Victor Elting entertained at luncheon Tuesday, at the Saddle and Cycle club, in honor of her niece, Miss Carol Elting, whose wedding took place Wednesday. Her 35 guests in- cluded the bridal party and members of the family. --0-- Mrs. M. L. Leiber will address the Matheon Day Nursery board of the Chicago Commons of which Mrs. Theodore Coyne, 597 Provident ave- nue, is chairman, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Ford, Oak Park, on Saturday March 28, at 2:30 o'clock. --Q-- Miss Katharine Adams, who is a student at Bryn Mawr college, will not return to spend her spring holidays with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert C. Adams, of 199 Lin- den avenue, but wil pass her vacation period visiting in the East. Os A kitchen shower was given for Miss Myrtle Bothner, 916 Elm street, on March 19, at the home of Miss Grace Homan, 567 Provident avenue. About 20 of her friends were present. Miss Bothner has set June for the| month of her marriage. Ome Announcement has been made of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hotz (Elizabeth Prindiville) on March 16, at the Michael Reese hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hotz have been living in Winnetka. ---- The Dorcas society will meet Tues- day evening, March 31, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Frederick Jacob- sen, 1004 Ash street. Miss J. Altman will assist the hostess and Miss P. L. Paulsen will read. ' Ow The Community Drama club met at the home of Mrs. Taliaferro Milton, 530 Willow street, Monday afternoon, March 23. Lloyd Faxon read parts of the play "Minick." Mrs. Milton seryed tea after the meeting. EO Elliott Ritc is two children Mabel and Elliott, hy rived in Winnetka Friday o to stay a few days with Mr. § 565 Arbor Meaite Sl | and Mrs. Vitae road. Gnas Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stanton of Lo- cust road and their two sons are at Virginia Hot Springs during the spring vacation. Their son who attends the Hotchkiss school has joined them there. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jerrard and their small son, John, 522 Willow street, have returned after a week spent with Mr. Jerrard's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Jerrard whose home is in Superior, Wis. --QO-- George Veeder, 635 Maple avenue, arrives this week from Phillips An- dover academy, Andover, Mass., for his spring vacation. cee The Winnetka branch of the North- western settlement meets every other Thursday for luncheon and sewing. Chicago Winnetka CLEANER Lake Forest Highland Park MARMON MARMON NORTH SHORE SALES and SERVICE 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 Open Every Evening until 9:30 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish and their little son, John, who have been among the winter vacationists at Miami, have returned to their home in Glencoe. --_--Q-- According to recent announcement, Mrs. Phelps B. Hoyt and her debutante daughter, Miss Emilie, will not occupy their Winnetka home this summer, as they expect to sail for abroad in April. iO Mr. and Mrs. Myron T. Harshaw of 1096 Oak street are receiving congrat- ulations upon the birth of a daughter, Hope, on March 18, at the Evanston hospital. --O-- Edward Grabow and his son, Glenn, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Schultz of 777 Foxdale avenue. --O0-- The West Elm Street circle will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, April 7, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Leon J. Longini, 524 Provident ave- nue. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Alschuler, 795 Lincoln avenue, left for French Lick Springs on Friday, March 27. rr g When EYES Grow Weary After reading, sewing, business or exposure to the elements, your EYES often become tired, dull and heavy. Theniswhenyouneed Murine. This soothing, refreshing lotion soon makes EYES bright and clear again. Harmless! WriteMurineCompany, Dept. 80, Chicago, for FREE Eye Care Book INE, For Your Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Janney and their daughter, Marjorie, of 657 Spruce street, are leaving April 3, for a 10 day trip to Atlantic City. --O-- Miss Dorothy M. Scharf was hostess at a supper party and evening bridge on Saturday at her home, 509 Cherry street. Business, Life, Estate Annuities, Telephone Wilmette 37 INSURANCE Endowments, Trusts J. E. SWIFT TEAL 1017 Central Avenue Wilmette, Illinois .- Linden Crest Apartments Linden Avenue and Fifth Street WILMETTE Crest Apartments their home. choice apartments still hood, and the moderate rents. One of the Entrances of the Linden Crest WHY NOT YOU? .-~ Many representative North Shore families are making the Linden You are invited to inspect the few remaining unoccupied. attracted by the apartments themselves, the delightful neighbor- You will be For Information call R. T. Davis, owner, Main 3012 or Wilmette 589 or see Janitor at Building Linden Ave. and Fifth St., Wilmette ONAN APP LZA A INR : ps IAN Tet - Our Sprin EN Rig Exhibiting Exclusive Creations in Footwear EVANSTON In the North Shore Hotel Building The Store of Good Shoes g Opening North Shore Bootery 529 Davis Street at Chicago Avenue SNS ERIN IR RNS SNR ONAN YAW III V1) 4 BAN 0 oLoR SITS ERAT RAVIIAD