me -- In Which George Goes Astrawing and Sayeth Naught Winnetkans who are inclined to risk their hard earned savings on such little uncertainties as the well known pasteboards, the gamboling golf ball, bob-tailed ponies and--elections, will do well to consult George Irons, man- about-town, ere they wax too confid- ent regarding the outcome of next Tuesday's village balloting. George, we are reliably informed, is engaged in the interesting task of taking a straw vote on the forthcom- ing civil warfare at the polls. To date he has arrived at the conclusion that we are in for an old-fashioned battle that is to give the local poli- tical hangers-on something to talk about for years to come. "How are the straws?" inquired one of our village officials, yesterday, as he encountered George in the act of canvassing some prominent business men. "Well, it looks like an election, " was George's preoccupied reply. "Sorry, old man, but I'm awfully busy." "What's the low-down?" pressed the curious one, jingling some silver against the keys in his pockets. "Lots of votes for the Pro-Caucus crowd," said George in his character- istic drawl." "Oh, boy, is that a hot tip," shouted the inquisitive coin jingler. And lots of votes for the Tax Payers, too," ventured George as he hastened across the street to catch an- other straw. MEASLES STORY BRINGS AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY An official apology from village offi- cials has been made to someone name unpublished, who was accused, recently, of allowing his child to attend school while suffering from measles, thus start- ing a small epidemic. The name of the person was never mentioned in the Wix- NETKA TALx and a correc.ion of the story, which came from a village offi- cial, has been printed. The following is a statement issued this week. "Injustice was recently done a citi- zen of Winnetka by a widely circu- lated report that he had wilfully ex- posed pupils of a local school to measles by taking to the school a child displaying marked symptoms of the disease. We have made a thor- ough -investigation of the circum- stances and have ascertained the facts. The report was untrue. He did not take the child to the school, nor permit it to go there, after it showed distinguishable symptoms of measles. In our opinion he took every proper precaution and did nothing to. justify the criticism to which he has been subjected. MARY A. LANGWORTHY, chairman, committee on Health and Safety of the Council of the Village of Winnetka. JOHN S. MILLER, president of the Village of Winnetka." Mr. and Mrs. George K. Spencer of Oconomowoc, Wis, former residents here, spent last week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hindrum, 514 Oak street. Otto Dovidat Ladies' and Men's Tailoring "794 Elm Street Over Vollmann's market. I am in the new building and ready to serve you as before with the very best made to order clothing; also cleaning and pressing. A specialty is made of Ladies' Tailoring and Fur work. MARMON MARMON NORTH SHORE SALES and SERVICE 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 Open Every Evening until 9:30 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925 3 eS SO ON NA A A A NEXT WEEK IN WINNETKA (As Recorded in the office of Com- munity House) Monday, April 6 Beginning of Easter vacation in Winnetka schools. Political Mass meeting--Commu- nity House--evening. Tuesday, April 7 Village election--Don't forget to VOTE! Township election. Town meeting. Thursday, April 9 North Shore Art league--Commu- nity House. Friday, April 10 DEPOSITS in Savings Bank Department up to and including April 10th will draw interest from April 1st Good Friday observances. Eprror's Note: All forthcoming events in the village may be recorded at Community House for publication in WINNETKA TALK. Conflicts in dates of meetings can frequently be avoided by advance publication. 'LADY OF QUALITY' IS COMMUNITY HOUSE FILM "A Lady of Quality, from the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, has been selected as the feature picture of next Tuesday's performances at Com- munity House. On the same bill Andy Gump, whose sensational campaign luring the recent presidential elec- tion attracted the entire nation, will appear in "What's The Use." The featured player of "A Lady of Quality" is Virginia Valli, and many of the readers of the Frances Hodgson Officers and Directors HENRY R. HALE President L. B. KUPPENHEIMER, Vice-President SANBORN HALE, Cashier GEORGE W. McKINNEY, Asst. Cashier VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY NOBLE HALE Banking Hours This Bank is open for the transaction of business from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily ex- cept Saturdays. Saturday hours 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Burnett novel will no doubt see her as the ideal choice for the heroine. She recently appeared here in "The Signal Tower." The male lead is taken by Milton Sills who is said to look very strong and firm in the role of a gentlemen and soldier of the year 1700. Mr. Sills attracted considerable attention for his work in "The Sea Hawk," which was quite generally conceded to be one of the best pic- tures of 1924. Friday, April 10, being Good Friday, there will be no motion pictures at Community House. The following Friday and Saturday will witness the howing of "Captain Blood" which is a story of pirate adventure from the ee \ \ pen of Rafael Sabatini. AT EE EI EE EEL LL LLL LLL LL LALLA LLL AAA AAR AR AAR RRR Our new Safety Deposit Boxes are being installed Make your reservation now WINNETKA STATE BANK Elm St., East of Lincoln Ave. 24 Prouty Annex Phone Winnetka 2106 BON TON SHOP Dressmaking Patterns made to measure Best of North Shore References 750 Elm Street EXTER EEE EEL EEL EX LL LLL LL LL LL NOVELTIES Call around and look them over. You will appreciate them. ] Community Pharmacy "Smiling Service" Phone Winn. 164 + LE) PE LE Ee eee IX IIIT EY ELE EL LL LL LL LLL EI EI EE EE EE ES SITE EEL EE 735 ELM STREET 844 Winnetka . 844 * BR Ll hia mm hE 000 ST Eh 1G ly 1iden, Needs: : = It is easy to make garden, or to have a fine lawn or pretty a a flowers if you have handy implements to use in getting the ground BE E in shape in these early spring days. 2 The Right Rake A Strong Fork A Host of Hoes 1 = Some rakes are for cleaning the Our forks are of steel whose We have a hoe for every need. = surface, some for fining the i Weed hoes, garden hoes, Suftle BE ee, ground, and some for cultivating forking easier and more quickly hoes. And all of them of the best = E between plants--we can fix you done. We have forks for every of steel mounted in clean straight = Ee up with just the rake you want. purpose. grain handles. = a Vaughn's and Ferry's Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Onion Sets, Grass and Clover Ee = Seeds, Vigoro Plant Food = I oT Eckart Hardware Co. he = 843 843 2 0 =