Ne . WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1925 17 ARDEN SHORES HAVEN FOR BOYS Supervising Physician De- scribes Procedure to Bring Health to Undernourished CAMP EVERY WINTER Bring Out Working Boys Who Are Ailing Eprror's Note: Accompanying is the second of a series of special articles re- garding activities at Arden Shore, the rest camp for Chicago tenement people, maintained near Lake Bluff as the north shore's own charity. The Arden Shore association, which has chairmen and workers in each of the north shore wvil- lages, will soon make its annual solicita- tion for funds. There will be no cam- paign in Wilmette, since the Community Chest provides a quota for the associa- tion, but the other villages will be can- vassed within a few weeks. BY DR. C. BRANNICK (Supervising Physician, Arden Shore) The subject of nutrition has long been an important feature of social medicine, and the nutrition class is now a familiar adjunct of schools, dis- pensaries, and other social agencies. About six years ago the Arden Shore association began an interesting ex- periment to further this idea by open- Ing a winter nutrition camp for boys. It is open approximately eight months of the year. The boys are admitted on the recommendation of the Medical Examiner in the Vocational Guidance, and Certificate Bureau of the Chicago DS AND DUDS | Si | ow pine ------- That 18 Just, ' Where we shine! UR Mr. Suds looks as if he could do a good day's laundry work doesn't he? When he gets busy with your shirts and collars and house- hold linens you'll know they'll tome back home looking fresh and clean. Give our Mr. Suds a trial. Phone us to call for 'your soilables. LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS QURMEN ; -t Board of Education. At this bureau, children who for economic reasons must leave school between the ages of 14 and 16, apply for a working cer- tificate. In accordance with the state laws, such certificate must be refused if, on examination, the child is found physcally unfit for work. Malnutri- tion is a frequent finding in these ex- aminations, and it is the more marked- ly malnourished of this group who ar- rive finally at the Nutrition camp. Adapt Selves Readily One of the many pleasant surprises encountered in working with the group is thé easy acceptance of the camp regime. The explanation lies partly, of course, in the psychology of group thinking and action: if everyone is doing it, it can't be so absurd, after all, for a boy of 15 to lie down for two hours in the middle of the day; and when the rest is taken in a bed which is practically in the open, the ab- surdity is still further lessened. But very largely the explanation lies in the fine spirit of the individual boy, who reasons that this is expected of him, therefore he must do it Once accepted, of course, the regime is actually enjoyed. Early ris- ing is easy when some 40 other boys are getting up at the same time and having a good deal of fun in the pro- cess. A generous breakfast is consid- ered the correct thing, so one must conform, though previously he may have been one of that great multitude who "never can eat breakfast." The morning school period passes quickly. since here the rigidity of the ordinary school discipline may be relaxed. and there are recess periods for recreation and mid-morning lunch. A half hour of play precedes the mid-day meal, a substantial dinner; another period for play follows and by this time the majority, if judged by the ease with which they fall asleep, are ready for the two hour rest period. They rise happily and therefore noisily to take the afternoon lunch of crack- ers and milk and to prepare for the main recreation period of their day. Offer Varied Sports This recreation may take almost any form--a long hike, a game of football or baseball, indoor games in the gymnasium; in the winter season skating, coasting and even skiing on a very moderate grade. The only exercise required of all is the morning setting-up exercises Where there is no contraindication. however, relatively vigorous exercisc in the open air is encouraged, the form and extent being left as much as possible to the choice and judgment of the individual boy. Children, as a rule, tend to "seek their own level" in the matter of exercise, and experi- ence has shown that there is a certain staying quality in the weight gain of the boy who exercises vigorously, that is lacking in the gain of the boy of more sedentary habit. This permission of choice in recrea- tion is part of the general policy of the camp to encourage the exercise ot self-authority and self decision in the individual boy. Accomplish Purpose Certain questions arise; "Does the camp accomplish its purpose " "Do the boys gain in weight?" You should SEE THEM Beautiful Frocks and 'Ensemble Dresses Seeing them will convince you UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1126 Central Ave. Wilmette 2403 THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART IS THROUGH HIS STOMACH! Yes, I just had an argument with my wife. I said she seemed to have the same kind of meat for dinner every day in the week. And she bawled me out and said that if I can locate a shop that sells any kind of a variety, she'll buy there and if I can't to keep quiet! Phone Winnetka 9220-21-22 Well, here's where you put one over on her, Happy! >You tell her to go to PETERS MARKET and she'll find they sell every- thing imaginable in the meat line and the biggest variety; all fine fresh cuts at reasonable prices! QS ZZ: R77 Zrii lriiiidiiidddd ddd ddd ddd ddd dd ddd dd ddd id rd dd lili ddd dd ddiid Trade In Your Old Washers Cleaners or Ironers The New HOOVER IT BEATS... asitSweeps asit Cleans We Carry in Stock Eden -- Thor -- Butterfly Washing Machines Simplex and Thor Ironers Eureka and Hoover Cleaners North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. 554 Center St. Ph. Winn. 44 WINNETKA, ILL. If electrical and good, we sell it. V7 7777777 77777007, ULL LLL LLL LLLLLLLLL LLL LLL ELLE LLLE ELL dL LL EE 22777707777, Liberal allowances will be given you on the purchase of New Machines during the balance of April. Time payments if desired. see their charts! The average gain is a pound a week, with the heaviest gains, as would be expected, in the first weeks of the stay. The record to date is held by a tall boy of heavy frame who gained 14 pounds in his first two weeks. Is it not an expensive form of nu- trition class? Relatively, no. These boys are learning the {fundamental rules of mental and physical health at the age most favorable for retaining impressions. Consciously or uncon- sciously, they are going to pass on much of what they learn. The work of the Camp reaches a much larger group than is represented in the hun- dred boys admitted each season. AN SS Tongregational ) Church A ZI At three-thirty Perhaps you ought not to join this Church May 3rd tomorrow, CHURCH LIBRARY Mr. Richards will hold an informal open conference signed to help those who are uncertain about this to reach a correct conclusion. in the de- MINISTERS James Austin Richards James William Frederick Davies Raymond Allyn Smith, Musical Director Special: Heavy Moth-Proof LEE SAYS: WE'VE heard some awful STORIES in our time but M. L.. ADAMS the barber ONE that will hold you FOR a while--he says a MAN out in Wyoming one DAY found a big rattle SNAKE pinioned under a ROCK and he took pity on IT AND released it and THE snake followed him HOME and became a great PET and it watched things AROUND the house like a REGULAR watch dog, and ONE night the man woke UP suddenly and there WERE sounds of someone CHOKING in the room and WHEN he turned on the EES told us Garment Bags, side opening, 3-suit capacity, $2.25 and $2.50 LIGHTS here was the snake COILED around a burglar's THROAT and it had its TAIL out of the window RATTLING for the POLICE !--and may we just ADD here that we are DOING a rattling good BUSINESS now in MOTH balls, and Moth PROOF garment bags; better GET yours right away. ADAMS The exall Store Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2