- ~ i a ---- w WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1925 -- HOMES FOR SALE IN THE WANT ADS . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only : to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA . General Notices Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 350e. Average of five words to Rates for Display type on application. papers. No black face type used. Deadline for Insertions the line. Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 20 cents per line in all three Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1_ REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE North Shore Homes for [Brick Residence in Hubbard Everyone Woods INCLUDED BELOW ARE SOME NEW [7 ROOMS AND ALSO SUN PARLOR; listings which are of unusual value. sleeping porch; 2 baths; lavatory; If you gave thought that what you are looking for is not to be had, see us before you give up. We probably have just the house to be your home from May 1st. WILMETTE $8500 8 rm. $2,000 cash, $50 monthly. 9,000 Cott. 5 rm, H, W. ht. 3 car garage. Bargain. 11,600 6 rm. new dec. nr. trans. 12,000 4 bdrms. Gar. E. Side. 13,500 New Shingle Col. nr, Park. 15,000 N. East, 7 rm., 2 bths. gar. 15.000 Semi Bung.; 2 bdrms. HL W. heat.; gar. 18,500 Best N. E. loc. 4 1ge. bdrms. 21,500 8 rm. N. E. loc. Excellent condition. 26,000 9 rms.; 4 bdrms.; 2 baths. 32,000 New; 4 bdrms.; 3 bths.; gar. EVANSTON 9,900 New 5 rm. Bung, Gar. At- tached. Terms. 10,500 $750 Cash 5 rm. Bung. New. 12,500 7 rm. 4 Bdrm. Cash $1500. 12,500 6 rms. Stucco East. Terms. 15,000 6 rms.; Brick; H. W. ht. 319,500...10...rms.; ..2. 'baths; worth $30,000. WINNETKA 14,000 6 rm. Brick Bung. 15,5600 7 rms. Stucco; 4 bdrm.; Gar. 25,000 9 rm. Hse.; N. E. loc. 81,000-..125 ft. fritz. 9 rm. '2 baths KENILWORTH 24,000 9 rms.; 5 bdrm.; 2 baths. 25,000 9 rms.; 2 baths; 2 Car Gar. GLENCOE 26,000 New Eng. 6 rms.; 2 baths. 36,000 10 rms. hse.; 2 baths; nr. Lake. : Clore, Budinger & Smith REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE Phone Wil. 1750 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, IIL 1LTN29-1te Winnetka MUST SELL THIS WEEK: 5 RM. shigle hse.; glazed sun and slpg. por.; 1 car gar.; new and well built; nr. schools and -transp.; lge. rms.; priced low for quick sale. Easy terms. _7 ROOM BRICK in Indian Hill sec- tion; sun por.; 1 car att. gar.; h. w. heat; oil burner; lge. well lanscaped vard in excellent location; nr. lake; transp. and schools. Owner very de- sirous of getting an offer. Call Winn. 1845 or Winn. 828. RARE CHANCE, lge. br. Col, Rip- arian rights, spacious grounds; beaut. trees and shrubbery. Vacant 8. W. COR. LAKE AND WOODLAWN, Glencoe. Below market at $80 ft. 5 acres, Winnetka Ave. E. of new North Shore Elec. extension; bus. cor. in new town site. This and other good acre sites ripe for invest- ment, E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 CARLTON ANNEX Winnetka 1800 1LTN29-1te For Sale or Exchange 1537 WASHINGTON AVE. S. E. COR. 16th St, Wilmette; 10 rm. frame house on stone foundation; all mod- ern conveniences; steam heat; brick barn 24x32; poultry house; fine shade and ornamental trees; also fruit bearing trees; berries; currants, etc.; lot 100x160; 4 blocks to steam and electric trans.; schools and churches; will accept a 5 or 6 room house as part payment. For further particu- lars see F. Fitzsimmons, 69 W. Washington St.. Chicago. Ill. Guar- antee 'Dept. C. 7. 1T."'& Co. 1LTN29-3tc FOR SALE--NEW BRICK MANSION; brick on Hollo tile; 10 rooms; 4 baths; 2 car garage; heated and at- tached; wooded lot; over 1% acre; 3 fireplaces; choicest Indian Hill sec- tion; greatest value ever offered for $57,500. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. Moved to 720 Elm St. Phone Winn. 254. 1LTN29-3te An Excellent Investment OWNER MUST SELL VACANT BUS- iness corner; the first west of Ravi- nia station; need money and will give real bargain to party with cash; also have residence lot 2 blks. to Ravinia station; will sell for $1200.00. . Owner 5325 Lakewood Ave., Chicago. 1LTN29-4tp $1,500 Glencoe Bargain MUST SELL OR RENT MY MODERN 8 room brick house; attractively landscaped lot with 2 car garage; 6 min. from station. Price $21,000; mortgage $10,000; $1,500 down bal- ance to suit; rental price $225 per month. Address Wilmette Life A- 536. 1ILTN29-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake; golf and transportation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 and $21,000. W. Ot- ten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc garage and attic; hot water heat; Nokol burner; lot 75x150, with 22 old oak trees and 400 shrubs and plants. 5 minute walk to train or electric. $28,000, subject to $8,000 mortgage. 1161 CHATFIELD ROAD Phone Winn. 762. 1Té6-1te FOR SALE ENGLISH COLONIAL house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath; living room and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft, frontage; wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Price $23,500. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfe For Sale--Glencoe FIREPROOF HOUSE; BLUFF ST, Glencoe; about 1% acres; beautiful- ly landscaped; 132 ft. frontage on Bluff St.; 132 ft. on Skokie Country Club and 453 ft. depth. Will con- sider small house or vacant as part payment. Owner. Address Winnet- ka Talk A-538. 1TN6-1te FOR SALE--EXCELLENT BUILDING site east side Winnetka; suitable for 3 homes. Owner will sacrifice entire piece for quick sale. Phone Winn. 517-W. 1LTN27-3tp FOR SALE--6 ROOMS; BATH; IN- closed porch; 1 car garage; corner lot, 85x125 ft. $13,500. 934 Fig St, Winnetka. 1LTN27-4tc FOR SALE--WINN. HEIGHTS AT Rosewood and Starr; 100x188; wood- ed; beautifully situated. Phone Winn. 1744. 1T5-2te FOR SALE--HAZEL AVE, GLENCOE, East; lot 100x150; % blk. from Sher- idan Rd.; easy to trans.; $120 per ft. Phone Wil. 13961, 1TN6-1tc FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE. 1086 Spruce St., Winnetka. : 1T6-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE from June 1 to Sept. 15 in Hubbard Woods; beautiful grounds; large in- closed porch; 5 master bedrms.; 2 baths; servant quarters; garage; near station; favorable summer rental price. Phone Winn. 1532. 2T6-1te FOR RENT--8 RM. HOUSE; 968 ELM St., Winnetka; porches; H. W. heat; near trans. and schools; possession May 1st, move in now. $115 per month. Frank Pavlik, 606 Railroad Ave. Phone Kenilworth 2016. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 3 STORY hse. for summer months; nr. trans.; $350 a month; 6 bedrms.; 4 baths; large sleeping porch; screened veran- da; large sunny living rm.; veg. and flower gardens; garage. Phone Mrs. Preston Boyden, Winn. 1639. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE.; SUM- mer months; 4 bedrms.; 2 baths; 2 open porches; garage; bargain at $185.00. Phone Winn. 2120 for ap- pointment. C..'8.. Kennedy, 921 Greenwood Ave. Hubbard Woods. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED, FOR SUM- mer, 5 rm. bungalow with inclosed porch; completely furnished; conve- nient to transportation; parks and golf. Phone Glencoe 1404. 2LTN29-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS [14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--3 RM. MODERN FUR- nace heated flat; private entrance; 2 adults; positively no children; $50 per mo. Phone Wil. 706-R. 3LTN29-1tp SITUATION WTD.--YOUNG MAN AS chauffeur; will do house and garden work. Ludwig Marks, 4139 No. Al- bany, Chicago. For information phone Glencoe 155. 14TN28-2te FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT, 1ST floor; fireplace; H. W. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans.; poss. May 1. 752 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor serv- SIT. WANTED--POSITION AS GAR- dener; greenhouse and lanscape exp. Address Winnetka Talk A-539. 14T6-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- GARDENER and houseman; Bruce Lindsay, 4229 Calumet Ave. Phone Atlantic 4949. ice. Phone Wil. 2399. SLTN24-tfc 14LTN29-1tp FOR RENT--5 RM. APT., TILE BATH; [SITUATION WANTED--AN EXP. GAR- glazed porch; H. W. heat; phone dener with best of refs. desires work Winn. 1387. 3TN6-tc by the day or hour. Address Wil- FOR RENT--APT. PARTIALLY FUR- nished; adults only; nr. trans. Phone Winn. 1201. 3TN6-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--LOVELY ROOM private bath. N. E. Glencoe; private family; gentleman with best refer- ences only. Phone Glencoe 958. 4TN6-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE MASTER BED- WITH room in new house or one smaller bedroom. 3% blks. from trans. Phone Winn. 555-J. 4T6-1tc FOR RENT--ROOMS, 338 ADAMS ST. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4LTN29-1tc FOR RENT--NICE FURNISHED RM. with private family; near station. Phone Winn. 415. 4LTN29-1tc FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE FRONT rooms, in good home; east side. Phone Wil. 1940. 4L.T29-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT--SMALL STORE OR OF- fice; 1000 Ridge Ave.,, Wilmette; long or short lease; repairs. F. Pavlik, Jr. Route 2, Box 306, Buena Vista, Fla. 5LTN29-3tc FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. S5LTN29-tfe FOR RENT--STORE AT 554 LINCOLN Ave. Phone Winn. 1387. 5TN6-1tc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE; 458 SUNSET Rd. Phone Randolph 2442. 6T6-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FUR- nished house in Winnetka or Glen- coe for about 6 months, by May 1; garage; two in family. Call Bel- mont Hotel, Chicago, room 1060. TTN6-1tp WANTED TO RENT--FROM MAY 1ST, house suitable for 2 families; 7 or 8 rooms; $75. Schuleman, Glenview, Ill. Gen. Delivery. TLTN29-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--MALE I WANT TO MEET A MAN WHO IS A member of the Masonic Fraternity, who can devote evenings or any spare time to an offer which is prof- itable. Prefer man who owns car. Give particulars. Address P. O. Box 463, Evanston. 11TN6-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BUILD- ing material salesman for North Shore Material Yard. Must have car. 11T6-1te mette Life A-499. 14LTN29-1tc 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WOMAN TO DO COOK- ing and downstairs work; must be experienced; white; Protestant. Fam- ily of two and baby. No laundry. Wages $20.00 per week. Pleasant room with bath. 511 Ash St, Win- netka, IIL Phone Winnetka 154. References required. 15T6-1tp ACHING FEET YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERT treatment in Winnetka; for informa- tion and appointment, phone Winn. 933. Miss A. Collins. 15T6-1te AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- izes in work for young married la- dies and girls; best Winnetka refer- ences. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, Il. 15T6-1tp SITUATION WANTED--GIRL WITH business training wants office posi- tion; willing to begin with small wages. Phone Winn. 555-W. 15T6-1tp SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry: wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc SITUATION WANTED--BY NEAT RE- fined girl to go East or abroad as personal nurse maid; 3 yrs. exp. in Winn. Address Winnetka Talk A-535. 15LT29-1tp FOR SALE--ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD fruit or cake basket; very fine, also antique colonial sofa, 6 ft. 7 in. Phone Winn. 216. 17TN6-1te FOR SALE WEBER UPRIGHT piano in fine condition, $75; walnut bookcase, $15; walnut table, $5. Phone Wil. 2098. 17T6-1te FOR SALE--ICE BOX, FIELD, 150 LB, stone lined, $17; kitchen scale, $1.50. Phone Wil. 241. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE--OLD ENGLISH DINING room set; half price. Phone Univ. 1828. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE--LIV. ROOM FURNITURE; bed davenport. 437 Providence Ave. Winnetka. 17LTN29-1tec FOR SALE--DOUBLE BED; WALNUT; box springs; dresser. Phone Wil. 3278. 17LTN29-1te a 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfe WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS OLD BOOKS BOUGHT SIMON, 719 OAKTON ST. EVANSTON, 11. 19LTN26-5tp STORE FURNITURE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. New store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTNS8-tfe 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Good Used Cars BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE LOCAL dealer; see us first. Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. 20LTN29-1tc WINNETKA SITUATION WANTED--EXP. COLOR- ed woman will cook and serve lunch- eons and dinners; will also do day's work. Phone Glencoe 1015. 15LTN29-1te SITUATION WANTED -- ELDERLY lady as companion or managing housekeeper in refined family; furn- ish A-1 references. Phone Highland Park 868-R. 15LTN29-1tp Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- PRACTICAL nurse will care for aged lady in own home; no other patients. Address Wilmette Life A-534. 15LTN29-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- HOUSE- cleaning or laundry; by colored woman. Phone Kenilworth 2137. 15LTN29-1tp FOR SALE--1921 Ford touring car. Phone Wil. 1391 after 6 p. m. 20LTN29-1tp FOR SALE--FORD COUPE; USED 6 months; perfect condition, $500. Phone Winn. 690. 20TN61te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION WANTED--EXP. WOMAN desires cooking and serving dinners and lunches: will also do other day work. Phone Wil. 3129. 15TN6-1tc SITUATION WANTED--GIRL WISHES day work; refs. Phone Winn. 2254. 15TN6-1tp RARGAIN TO MOVE QUICKLY FINE ASSORTMENT OF HEALTHY gladiola bulbs for sale; one inch, 100 for $2.00; doz. 30c; one inch up 100 for $2.50; doz. 35c; also perennial plants and shrubs and 2-3 yr. old Currants for sale. Delivery free. Phone Winn. 329. 21LTN26-tfe HAVE YOUR DRESSMAKING DONE in your own home. Phone Winn. 515-W. 15LTN29-1te SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work; refs. Phone Douglas 5378. 15LT29-1tp 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--DRESSMAKER, CAPABLE of making and planning house and street dresses; for immediate em- ployment at home or out by the day. FOR SALE--CANARIES AT WHOLE- sale prices; direct from large whole- sale breeder; Seifert and St. Andreas burg rollers; prize stock. Exception- al opportunity to Secure & nigh Frade i i saving. one . Den hie ® 21LTN29-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED couple; exceptionally neat; refined; best city refs. Phone University 3211. FOR SALE -- CADILLAC VACUUM sweeper; used for 1 year; perfect condition; $18; brass bowl table lamp without shade, $5; man's suit, 2 pr. trousers, size 42; yey good condi- i n. . tion. Phone Win 20FNG-118 Phone Winn. 668-M. 12T6-1tc 16LTN29-1tc WANTED--2 WHITE GIRLS; GEN.|17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS hse. work and nurse maid; small family; good wages. S. W. David, | FOR SALE--NEW MARSHALL FIELD 362 Hawthorne Lane. Phone Winn. Ansonia mahogany mantel clock; 2171. 12LTN29-1te| cost $30; for $15; solid mahogany WANTED--ABOUT MAY 1; 2 MAIDS; sisters or friends preferred; for housework at Glencoe; a good place for the right ones. 730 Bluff St, Glencoe. 12LLTN29-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no washing; 3 adults in family; good wages; 637 Hill Rd., Winnetka. Phone Winn. 299. 12LTN29-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.; must be good cook; fond of children; good wages. Phone Winn. 521-W. 12LTN29-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE; 4 BEDRMS.; 2 baths; sun porch; June 1 to Oct. 1; $150.00 per month. Mrs. J. T. Met- calf, 1082 Cherry St, Winn. 2T6-1te 7 RM. HSE.; 2 PORCHES; FOR RENT H. W. heat; nr. trans.; 2 garages, b car capacity. 467 Chestnut St, Winn. Phone Winn, 730. Owner, University 7349. 2T4-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 bedrms.; 3 baths; sunporch; garage; nr. station. Phone Mrs. Faul Starr, Winn. 1765. 2L/TN28-tfc FOR RENT--JUNE 1ST TO OCT. 1ST, 7 rm. house; 2 baths; lav. on first floor. Phone Winn. 2144. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT--SUBJECT TO SALE; 6 room house; 3 bed rooms; immediate possession. 887 Ash St, Winnetka. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT---MODERN 6 RM. HOUSE in desirable location; Sat. Sun. or evenings after 6. phone Wil. 515. 2LT29-1te FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW; FUR- nished; from May 1st or shorter term if desired. Phone Winn. 621. 2TN6-1te FOR RENT--6 RM. HSE.; 2 BEDRMS; bath; 2 porches; garage. 748 Center St., Winn. Phone Winn. 283. 2T6-1te FOR SALE--MODERN STUCCO RESI- dence west of Kenilworth; 7 rms.; 2 baths; H. W. heat; lot 50x176; built for home; owner leaving city. Phone Wil. 2563. 1LTN29-2tp WANTED--LOT IN WINNETKA, HUB- hard Woods, or south Glencoe, for $3,000 cash. Address Wilmette Life A-537. 1LTN29-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--6 RM. APT.; ACCOMMO- dation for 1 car: 269 Linden Ave, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 554. 3TN6-1tc WANTED--A COMPETENT WHITE girl for gen. hswk.; fond of chil- dren; small family. Phone Wil. 1262. 12L/'TN29-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL ABOUT 16 small family; exp. not necessary. yrs. of age to assist with hswk. in Phone Winn. 1968. 12LT29-1tp cost $125, for $25; an- screen with petit- china closet, tique pale fire point, $25: antique Sevres and Or- molu condlesticks, $25. Phone Wil 2149. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED COUCH, substantial and good looking, filled with good hair; also black enamelled small standing lamp; small mahog- any drop leaf table and 3 chairs. all reasonably priced. 864 Burr Ave, Hubbard Woods, Ill. Phone Winn. 1410. 17TNG6-1tc FOR SALE PATENT LEATHER suit case, $10; dark oak book shelves, $10; child's oak chair and rocker, $2.50; dog hse, $5.00; rabbit hse., $100; Hurley frothing mah, iin , "Phone inn. - gl $20 21LTN29-1te Hayes Chow Chow Puppies LITTLE BEAUTIES 435 So. St. Johns Ave. Phone High. Park 2201 Highland Park 21LTN28-2te FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR; GAS range; rugs; draperies; dining set; odd chairs; Nokol oil heater; elec- tric side fixtures. Call Sunday, 1346 Hood Ave. Chicago. Phone Shel- drake 0217. 17TN6-1tp FOR SALE--$80 MAHOGANY CHINA cabinet for $20; also modern mahog- any serving table; very reasonable. 419 Greenleaf Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 293. 17TN6-1te WANTED -- CAPABLE GIRL FOR general housework; white; must be neat and able to do plain cooking. 614 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 1724, 12T6-1te FOR SALE--FINE MAHOGANY BED rm. set: only 3 yrs. old; double bed; box springs; hair mattress; bureau and 2 chairs; all in fine condition. Phone Winn. 1227. 17TLTN29-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral hswk.; no laundry: room with FOR ator; SALE--LEONARD REFRIGER- excellent condition; fireplace bath. Phone Glencoe 212. grate; very reasonable. Phone Winn. 12TN6-1te 775 between 5 and 6. 17LTN29-1tc WANTED--WHITE WOMAN TO DO|FOR SALE -- HORTON MANGLE; gen. hswk. morning or afternoons; 2 to 3 hours daily. Address Win- netka Talk A-540. 12T6-1tp good as new; paid $175; make offer; cash or terms. Phone Wil. 2844. 17TLTN26-tfc WANTED--SECOND MAID; WHITE; FOR SALE--REASONABLE; MAHOG- family of 2 adults; ref. required. 125]. any dining set; colonial design. Ire- Beech Rd. Phone Glencoe 278. dale Ware House, Winnetka. 12TN6-1tc 17TLTN29-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.;|FOR SALE--FULL SIZED WHITE white; good cook. Phone Glencoe 779. 12L'TN29-1te WANTED--EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; must be good cook; refer- ences. Phone Winn. 1989. 12T6-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE iron bed, springs and 2 mattresses, $15. Phone Wil. 974-W. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE; chandelier and other household goods. Phone Glencoe 903. 17LTN29-1te SITUATION WANTED--GARDEN AND housework; lawns and shrubs taken care of by reliable man. Phone Winn. 859. 14T4-tfc SITUATION WANTED--A COUPLE OF nlaces to take care of; part time. Phone Winn. 460. 14T6-1tp FOR SALE--DARK VELVET CUR- tains; lined; 4 pair; can split; $20; also Console table, mahogany, $20. FOR RENT--5 RM. APT. FIREPLACE; near trans. Phone Winn, 272. 3LTN29-1te SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG MEN, colored, desire housecleaning. Phone Kenilworth 2137. 14LTN29-1tp Phone Wil. 241. 17TLTN29-1tc FOR SALE--OAK REFRIGERATOR in good condition; 100 1b. capacity. Phone Winn. 323. 17T6-1te FOR SALE--OAK DRESSER; HALL table, size 43 in.; sanitary couch. Phone Winn. 855. 17LTN29-1tc, FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC COPPER Percolator; tray; sugar and creamer; like new; size 38 dinner dresses; black cloth coat, fur trimmed. Phone Glencoe 468 from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. dail ccept Sunday. LY. excep y 21LTN29-1te FOR SALE--PORCH SET CONSIST- ing of swing, 2 chairs and table, slightly used; Hart, Schaffner & Marx brown plaid sport coat, size 36-38. Phone Winn. 2295. 21TN6-1te STORY & CLARK PIANO dark oak case; excellent tone; good condition; very reason= able; $125. Phone Winn. 1803. 21LTN29-1te COAT AND FOR SALE and bench; SALE--TUXEDO nearly new, $15; dress suit, raincoat, $5. Phone Wil. 2098. 21T6-1te FOR SALE AEOLIAN VOCALION with wonderful collection of classi- cal records. Phone Winn. 1404. 21LTN29-1te WHITE REED BABY FOR vest; $15; FOR SALE bed: excellent condition; decorated in pink and blue. 500-5th St. Apt. D2, Wilmette. 21LTN29-1te FOR SALE--BY OWNER; VIGOROUS 5 yr. old privet hedge. 100 plants, 42¢ each. 415 Skokie Road, Glencoe. 21LTN29-1te ANTIQUE FURNITURE; OLD GLASS; old prints of all kinds, etc., etc. 808 Washington St, Evanston. Phone University 2509-M. 21LTN28-4te FOR SALE--STERLING PIANO, MA- hogany, $90. Phone Wil. 241. 21LTN29-1te FOR SALE--TUXEDO SUIT; LIKE new; size 40; $20. Phone Wil. 992-M. 21LTN29-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 24