ae ~ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 NEEDY PEOPLE WILL GET HELP HERE' ee » Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. MINIMUM the line. Telephones: 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- CHARGE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 20 cents 50e. in the telephone directory, or Average of five words to No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : > Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. per line in all three _ 3 , REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE WILMETTE WINNETKA FOR SALE--ATTR. WELL BUILT 7|8 RM. FRAME; 4 BEDROOMS; 2 rm. br. hse. with finished attic, 2 pchs.,, huge liv. rm. firepl.,, 4 Ige. airy bedrms.; ex. lav. 1st fl.; beaut. location; conv. trans.; schools and churches; lot nicely Ilandsc. with huge trees; 1 car gar. See today at 1018 11th St, Wilmette 2066. WINNETKA 7 ROOM BRICK, IN INDIAN HILL section; sun por.; 1 car gar.; H W, ht.; oil burner; lge. well landsc. yard; in exc. location; nr. lake trans. and schools. Owner very de- sirous of getting an offer. Call Winn, 1845 or Winn. 828. VACANT 8. W. COR. LAKE AND WOODLAWN, Glencoe. Below market at $80 ft. 5 ACRES, WINNETKA AVE, E. OF new North Shore Elec. extension. Bus. cor. in new town site. This and other good acre sites ripe for in- vestment and subdivision. BE. E. STULTS REALTY COMPANY 10 CARLTON ANNEX Winnetka 1800 1LTN30-1te North Shore Homes Everyone FOR SALE OR RENT NEW HOUSE NEAR KENILWORTH. Huge living room with fireplace. Bright, nice sized dining room; con- veniently arranged kitchen, with sun room adjoining. Three large airy bedrooms; tile bath; plastered base- ment; laundry and extra toilet; hot water heat; lot beautifully land- scaped--Sale $14,500; rent $125.00. Large 4 room apartments, strictly modern and 'ideally located. $70.00. Clore, Budinger & Smith for 1177 Wilmette Ave. Phone 1750 Opp. Village Hall Wilmette, Ill. 1LTN30-1tc For Sale or Exchange 1537 WASHINGTON AVE, S. E. COR. 16th St, Wilmette; 10 rm. frame house on stone foundation; all mod- ern conveniences; steam heat; brick barn 24x32; poultry house; fine shade and ornamental trees; also fruit _bearing trees; berries; currants, etc.; lot 100x160; 4 blocks to steam and electric trans.; schools and churches; will accept a 5 or 6 room house as 'part payment. For further particu- lars see F. Fitzsimmons, 69 W. Wash- ington St, Chicago, Ill. Guarantee Pept. 'C. T. T. & Co. 1LTN29-3tc FOR SALE ENGLISH COLONIAL + house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath; living room and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft. frontage; wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Price $23,500. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfc baths; Colonial Splendid loc right. Five or ten Road, 2 porches; 75 foot lot; garage; $22,500. Frame; baths; 2 porches; garage; 170 ft. lot. hot water heat; 7 bedrooms; 5 The ation. price is VACANT 96x160 wooded lot .... 75 or 100x140 wooded .$10,000 7,500 acres just off Dundee near new electric extension. $2,000 an acre. L. SHERMAN ALDRICH 522 Linden Ave. Phone Winn. 302 1T7-1te office for near school. obtainable. Winn. 1029. FOR SALE--BARGAIN; WILL SACRI- immediate stucco house; Hubbard Woods Adoining 850 Locust St. sale, 8 room 2 baths; lot 55x150; station and 55x150 also Phone 1T7-1te lot I OFFER MY lot station. A-551. 145 FOOT WOODED in Glencoe under market price. Splendid view of the lake. ft. deep with ravine on back. cluded spot about five blocks from Address Over 200 Se- Winnetka Talk 1TNT-1tc baths; H. W. Wil. 2563. FOR SALE--MODERN dence west of Kenilworth; 7 rms.; 2 for home; owner leaving city. STUCCO RESI- heat; lot 50x176; built Phone 1LTN20-2tp FOR SALE--T St., 125 ft. on ft. on Chestnut St. 806 Elm St. HE BEST BUSINESS property in Winnetka; 70 ft. on Elm Chestnut Court and 25 Nelson Bros. Winnetka. 1TNT7-1te FOR SALE--HAZEL AVE. GLENCOE, East; lot 100x150; 1% blk. from Sher- idan Rd.; easy to trans.; $120 per ft. Phone Wil. 1961. 1ILTN30-1tc FOR SALE--6 ROOMS; BATH; IN- closed porch; 1 car garage; corner lot, 85x125 ft., $13,500. 934 Fig St., Winnetka. 1LTN27-4ct ner of Rosew sell separately. FOR SALE--150x185 FT.; S. W. COR- ood and Pine St. Will Phone Winn. 515-W. 1LTN30-2tc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--GLENCOE, 557 LONG- wood Ave. very attractive well built 7 rm. modern 2 story stucco house, 4 bedrooms, 2 large, well ing porch overlooking lake; kept grounds; baths; sunroom; sleep- use of bathing beach; garage; prefer small family; rent reasonab le. Phone Glencoe 210. 2TNT7-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 3 STORY hse. for summer months; nr. trans.; $350 a month; large sleeping porch; screened veran- da; large sunny living rm.; veg. and flower gardens; garage. Preston Boyden, Winn. 1639. 6 bedrms.; 4 baths; Phone Mrs. 2LTN28-tfe FOR SALE--NEW BRICK MANSION; 'brick on Hollow tile; 10 rooms; 4 baths; 2 car garage; heated and at- tached; wooded lot; over 1% acre; 3 fireplaces; choicest Indian Hill sec- tion; greatest value ever offered for $57,500. ' Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. Moved to 720 Elm St. Phone Winn. 254. 1LTN29-3tc FOR SALE--OWNER HAS INSTRUCT- ed us to sell his property which consists of two houses on one lot; one is a 6 room stucco, H. W. heat, . #in excellent condition, and the other a 3 room cottage, renting for $50.00 per month. Must have action this week; a real opportunity. Price $15,000. Make offer. Hill & Stone. Winn. 1544. 1T7-1te An Excellent Investment OWNER MUST SELL VACANT BUS- iness corner; the first west of Ravin- ia station; need money and will give real bargain to party with cash; also have residence lot 2 blks. to Ravinia station; will sell for $1200.00. Owner 5325 Lakewood ave., Chicago. 1LTN29-4tp FOR SALE--IN LAKE FOREST ON acre wooded lot; New England - house; 7 rms.; 2 baths; garage; 3 yrs. old; completely repainted and redecorated; accessible location. Price $26.000. Phone Lake Forest 243 of 1080. 1LTN30-1tp FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES: 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake; golf and transportation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 and $21,000. W. Ot- ten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE 623 DREXEL AVE, Glencoe, new 6 rm. Colonial home; southern exposure; 2 porches; H. W. For Rent--Furnished FOR SUMMER--MOST ATTRACTIVE 7 rm. 2 bath beautifully 100x300 feet; gardner's ser ka 1470. wood residence on the most lot in Winnetka, $300 rental includes vices. Phone Winnet- 2LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--G 6 rm. bungalow; LENCOE, 1ge. BEAUTIFUL sun parlor; 4 closets; beautiful lge. grounds; near Skokie Golf Club; adults. Phone Glencoe 982. son St. 540 Jack- 2LTN30-1te mer, 5 porch; rm. Phone Winn. completely venient to trans.; FOR RENT--KURNISHED FOR SUM- with enclosed furnished; con- parks and golf. 1404. 2LTN30-1tp bung. FOR RENT 10. SMALL FURNISHED hse.; 4 bedrms.; garage; shaded yard; $300 for season from June 15 to Sept. Phone Winn. 514-R. 2T7-1te FOR RENT Spruce St. an ka. See Mr. Trust and Sa PROPERTY AT 841 d 850 Pine St., Winnet- M. K. Meyer, Winnetka vings Bank. 2TNT7-1tc FOR RENT--17 RM. HSE.; 2 PORCHES; H. W. heat; nr. trans.; 2 garages, 5 car capacity, 467 Chestnut St, Winn. Phone Winn. 730. Owner, University 7349. 2T4-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 nr. station. Winn. 1765. bedrms.; 3 baths; sun porch; garage; Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, 2LTN28-tfc Metcalf, 1082 1810. FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE; 4 bedrms.; 2 baths; sun porch; garage June 1 to Oct, 1;:3150 per. mo. «J. T Cherry St., phone Winn. 2L'TN30-1te FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE; SLEEP- 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--SUBJECT TO SALE; 6 room house; 3 bed rooms; immediate possession. 887 Ash St., Winnetka. : 2TN7-1te 3 FOR RENT--APIARTMENTS FOR RENT--APT, 1169 SCOTT AVE, 2 nd floor; 5 rms.; extra large liv. rm.; H. W. heat. Apply to owner, 1st floor or phone Winn. 1552. 3TNT7-1te FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor; fireplace; H. W. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans.; poss. May 1. 752 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT--KITCHENETTE APT, Nelson Bldg. Wilmette. Available May 1. Phone Wilmette 1800. SLTN30-1te FOR RENT--6 RM. APT.; ACCOMMO- dations for 1 car. 269 Linden Ave, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 554. 3LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor serv- ice. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 4 rm. kitchenette apt.; bath; space for car. Phone Wil. 300. 3LTN30-1tp WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID FOR hswk.; moving to Winnetka May 1, or can use maid April 27; small house; no laundry, $18. Ap- ply C. H. Walcott, Orrington Hotel, Evanston, rm. 430. Phone Umniversi- ty 8700 and reverse charges. 12LTN30-1te Marceller WANTED -- EXPERT MARCELLER, $35 per week; no night work. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-543. 12LTN30-1tp WANTED WHITE GIRL; EXP; cooking and downstairs work; good wages; permanent. Phone Winn. 1669. 859 Burr Ave.,, Hubbard Woods. 12LTN30-1tp WANTED--BY MAY 1, WHITE MAID; good wages; gen. hswk.; no wash- ing; private bath. 804 Forest Ave. Phone Wil. 14 12LTN30-1tc WANTED EXPERIENCED BUR- roughs posting machine operator. Address Wilmette Life A-542. 12LTN30-1te WANTED---MOTHER'S HELPER FOR second work and to assist in care of children. Phone Winn. 58. 12LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--5 RX APT. WITH FIRE- place; reasonable; near trans.; phone Winn. 272. 3LTN30-1te FOR RENT--LARGE 1ST FLOOR APT. Reasonable. Phone Wil. 2425. 3LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--APT., 4 RMS.; BATH and kitchenette, adults only. Phone Winn. 1201. 3T7-1tp FOR RENT--4 RM. APT. AT 733 ELM St. Phone Winn. 843 or 844. 3TT7-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--SUMMER; LARGE TUN- furnished room; all conveniences; 1 block from transportation; refer- ences requested. Phone Glencoe 165. 4LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE MASTER BED- room in new house or one smaller bedroom. 3% Dblks. {from trans. Phone Winn. 555-J. 4T7-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE FRONT room; suitable for 2; separate closets; twin beds; garage if desired; Phone Winn. 474. 4T7-1tc FOR RENT--2 LARGE, BEAUTIFUL WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. or for nursing and second work; spring cleaning done. Apply at once. Fhone Winn. 767. 12T7-1te WANTED--A COMPETENT GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; fond of children; small family. Phone Wil. 1262. 12TNT7-1te WANTED--+GIRL, WHITE; GENERAL; capable and neat; ref.; good wages and home. Phone Glencoe 956. 12TNT7-1te WANTED -- COLORED GIRL FOR general hswk.; no cooking; go home nights. Address Winnetka Talk 550. 12TN7-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Phone Keniiworth 2060. 12T7-1te WANTED--GIRL; WHITE; AFTER- noons; no Sunday work; small fami- ly. Phone Wil. 3185. 12LTN30-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; assist with children. References. Phone Wil. 399 12LTN30-1tc WANTED--EXP. WAITRESS; BEST wages. Phone Winn. 58. 12LTN30-1tc Furniture for Sale NEW CABINET GRAND PIANO; COM- bination billiard and pool table; large size 5x10; dining table and 6 chairs; 4-piece bedrm. set; large ce- dar chest, 5 drawers; various types of pictures. Must sell at once. Phone Rogers Park 3551. 17LTN30-1tp FOR SALE--OAK DINING RM. SET, 6 chairs; table and side table; mahog- any music cabinet; polychrome floor lamp and shade. 1030 Greenwood Ave. Phone Wil. 1701. 17LTN30-1te FOR SALE--ANTIQUE FURNITURE; spinet desk; butler's desk and clock; all rosewood; also mahogany mirror frame. Phone Wil. 1717. 17TLTN30-1te FOR SALE--COMPLETE FULL SIZE brass bed; oak dresser; combination book case; clocks; table; Crex rug. 540 Jackson St., Glencoe. 17TNT7-1te FOR SALE -- CONSOLE VICTROLA; cost $250; sacrifice, $100.00; new Singer elec. sewing mashing never ; $60. Phone Winn. ; BERG; 300, 17T7-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO; 6 porch awnings; solid mahg. library table, 73 in, long. Phone Glencoe 4217, 17TN7-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY, GLASS and China cabinet; plate glass shelves and back. Phone Winn. 1330. 17T7-1te FOR SALE--LEATHER COUCH AND chair; mahogany rocker; steel range; awning. 841 Spruce St, Winn. ' 17TN7-1tp FOR SALE--SOLID MAHG. FOUR post double bed; box spring and mat- tress, $40; Atwater Kent radio, value $100, will sell for $50. Phone Winn. 15217. 17T7-1te FOR SALE--BLACK VELVET CUR- tains, lined, floor isngil, $20. a nsole table, 3 ~ mirror, " Phone Wil. 241. 17TLTN30-1te FOR SALE--PORCH COUCH SWING and porch shades; good condifion; da Ave, ilmette. 527 Avalon 17LTN30-1tc FOR SALE--HORTON MANGLE; good as new; paid $175; make offer; cash Wil. 2844. or terms. Phone LS TNZO-tie FOR SALE -- GOOD FURNITURE; beds: tables; chairs and other pieces. Ave., phone Winn. 1946. 399 Ridge Ave. D Pal re furnished rooms; private bath; 2 WANTED--COMPETENT MAID; GEN. blks. from IL terminal; gentlemen] hswk.; 4 adults; no washing. Phone preferreds= 4LTN30-1tp | Wil. 580. 12LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM IN PRIVATE | 4 SITUATION WANTED--MALE home; convenient to trans.; may consider giving board. Phone Wil 738-W. 4T,T30-1tc FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooms in Hubbard Woods; H. 'W. heat; $45. Phone Winn. 977. i rt . 4T/TN30-1te FOR RENT--SMALL COMFORTABLE room; 2 blocks from N. W.: reason- able. Phone Wil. 3014. 4LT30-1tp SITUATION WTD..--GARDENER AND --~handy man all around; best refer- L---ences; sober. Address H. Neuhofer, 2005 Mohawk street, Chicago. SITUATION WTD.--EXP, GARDENER and' all around "handy man wishes permanent position or work by the day or hour. Phone Winn. 639-W after 6 p. m. 14T7-1tp FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE FRONT rooms, in good home; east side. Phone Wil. 1940. 4LT30-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM near transportation. Phone Glencoe 923. 4TN7-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Phone Winn. 533-R. i + 4TN7-1te FOR RENT--2 RMS. WITH KITCHEN nrivileges; near statign. Phone Winn. 234. .! 4TNT-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS; near trans. Phone Winn. 513-R. + 4T7-1te FOR RENT--ROOM, 1 BLOCK FROM trans.; Steam heat; hot water. Phone Winn. 2201. 4T7-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES SITUATION WTD.--MARRIED MAN as outside gardener, also good chauf- feur and mechanic. Phone Glencoe 1172. 14LTN30-1te SITUATION WANTED -- EXP. GAR- dener; chauffeur or private watch- man. "A=1 references. :Phone High- land Fark 628: i 14LTN30-1tp SITUATION WTD. EXP. CHAUF- feur, yard man, or will take day work; local ref. M. Nickolas, phone Winn. 958. 1: id 14TNT7-1tp SITUATION WANTED--GARDEN AND housework; lawns and shrubs taken care of by reliable man. Phone Winn. 859. 14T4-tfe SITUATION WANTED--DAY WORK by exp. gardener. Phone Winn. 824. 14TN7-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--SMALL STORE OR OF- fice; 1000 Ridge Ave., Wilmette: Tong or short lease; revnairs. F. Pavlik, Jr., Route 2, Box 306, Buena Vista. Fla, 5LTN29-3te FOR RENT--NEW STORE, 14x60; Elm St... Winnetka; ready for occu- Phone Winn. 25. 5LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICE ROOM, 556 CEN- pancy May 1. ter. St. Clark T. Northrop. Phone Winn. 1467. 5LTN30-1te FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS. G. F. Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN29-tfc Gonsalves. YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN OF RE- finement and education, desires pos- ition as governess, nurse, companion; speaks French; experienced in physi- cal care; excellent references. Phone Wil. 2416. 15TN7-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- COMPANION to lady on European trip in June or July; refined and accustomed to traveling. Address Winnetka Talk A-545. 15LTN30-1tp AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- izes in work for young married ladies and girls; best Winnetka ref- erences. P. O, Box 117, Evanston, IIL 15T7-1tp 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--3 CAR GARAGE IN BUS- iness section; can be used for stor- age. B. France, 467 Chestnut. Phone Winn. 730 or phone owner Univ. 7348. 6T7-tfc FOR RENT-- 1 CAR GARAGE; 798 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 2087. 6T7-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXP. WOMAN desires cooking and serving dinners and lunches; will also do other day 14T7-1tp, Good references. FOR SALE--1 PR, DOUBLE FACED portieres, blue; Twin ved Spress, al- 2 h nn. . most new. Phone SS NT-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S WHITE IRON bed with hair mattress; good con- iti 2 Winn. 1721. dition. Phone 17TN1-1te FOR SALE chairs of Jacobean oak, cane and leather: like new; very reasonable. Glencoe 114. 17TN7-1te FOR SALE--FULL SIZED WHITE iron bed and springs, $10. Phone Wil. 974-W. 17T7-1te FOR SALE--OAK DRESSER; ROUND table, size 43 in.; sanitary couch. Phone Winn. 855. 17LTN30-1tp 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-5 Emerson St., v +111. Phone o Evanson 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and Sola ILL apie PE | ston. Phone Univ. . Ave Even 1SLTN19-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. New store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTNS8-tfe WANTED--USED ELECTRIC CAR IN perfect condition; state full particu- lars. Address Winnetka Talk A-549. 19T7-1te OLD BOOKS BOUGHT MON, 719 OKATON ST., EVANSTON, Se #3 19LTN26-5tp WANTED--A HOME FOR A PEDI- greed Persian cat; well trained and gentle. Phone Winn. 549-M, 7.1t5 PHONE 19TN7-1te WANTED--WHEEL CHAIR. Glencoe 821. dry; wet wash: will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc FOR RENT -- STUCCO GARAGE; available after May 1. Phone Winn. RR-R. 6T7-1tc 7 . WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house for myself and maid; 5 or 6 rms.; best references. Miss Lora Wright, 1136 E. 46th St., Chicago. . Phone Drexel 4794. TLTN30-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS LAUNDRY WORK DONE IN PRIVATE home; called for and delivered; best .references furnished. Phone Winn. 550-J. 15LTN30-2tc SITUATION WANTED -- COMPETENT woman, general or cook; small fam- ily: adults; ref. Phone University 7518. 15LT30-1tp SITUATION WANTED--WASHING TO take home. Phone Wil. 2130. 15LTN30-1te Ya ; : : ing porch; dining porch; H. W. heat; | WANTED TO RENT--ROOM BY WIN- jisat; garage; owner leaving village;| tile bath. 843 Cherry St. Inquire| netka man who has rented his home belt offer buys this. Phone Glencoe John Balmes, 839 Cherry St. for the summer. Phone Winn. 1781. . 1LTN30-1tc 2LT30-1te 10T7-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFULLY WOODED|FOR RENT--SUMMER; FURNISHED y y 0] iS CR; NIE ) 1A HELP WANTED--MALE lot, 50x231 ft, on Woodlawn ave, house 1 block from station; refer- " Glencoe; south front; 60 ft east of| ences requested. Phone Glencoe 165. Railroad; for quick sale, $70 per ft. Address Wilmette Life A-541. 1LTN30-1te FOR SALE--4 MILES WEST OF LAKE Forest; beautiful wooded tract; 20 acres; new Trm. house on this; won- derful investment. Phone Lake Forest 243 or 1080. 1ILTN30-1tp FOR SALE--75 FT. LOT AT PRES- ent market value with 9 rm. house at 1% present reconstruction value: 1227 Ashland Ave. Wilmette. Fhone Wil. - 1267. 1LTN30-1tp 2LTN30-1te nished; from term if desired. Phone Winn. FOR RENT--5 RM. BUNGALOW; FUR- shorter 621, 2LTN30-1te May. 1st. or furnished or May: 1. Winn. 804. For FOR RENT--ARTISTIC 6 RM. HOUSE; unfurnished; possession information phone TT7-1tc modern hse. FOR RENT--887 OAR ST.;"C RM. Phone Winn. 1907. . 2TT7-1te Agent Wanted OUR MERCHANDISE USED BY LFEFAD- SITUATION WANTED--COOKING OR gen. hswk. by exp. woman. Phone Kenwood 4244. 15TN7-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- WOMAN wishes work by the day. Phone + Winn, 2254. y 15T7-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS work. Phone Wil. 3129 15LT30-1tc | 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough 1924 Jordan Sedan 4-Wheel Brakes In Fine Condition Need Money A Real Bargain at $1,400 Phone Baymer, Univ. 10165 20LTN30-1tp Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe Good Used Cars BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE DEAL- er; we guarantee our used cars to be as represented. Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 20LTN30-1te ing No. Shore concerns. Our Lake| FOR SALE -- FURNITURE; HIGH County man earned over $1200 dur- grade; slightly used; silk mohair FOR SALE -- 1924 STUDEBAKER ing last year selling our goods as parlor set; 4-piece bed rm. set; din. Light Six; cost $1425; will sell at a side line. $200 required for mer- rm. set: buffet; desk; lamp; mirror; $700.00. 845 Spruce St, Winn. chandise. Write for particulars, giv- rugs; Radio Console Victrola; resi- 20T7-1tp ing your phone no. Address Wil- dence, phone Rogers Park T7117. mette Life A-548. 11LT30-1tp 1TLTN30-1tp [21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- EXP. CHAUFFEUR:|{FOR SALE--FOUR POST MAHOGANY | FOR SALE--MANURE. PHONE GLEN- white; protestant; must take care of vard too. F. St. .. Phone Winn. 154. 11LTN30-1te Ankrun, 511 Ash| finish, Simmons bed; twin size; com- plete; Mahogany finish 42 in. dress- i er: beveled mirror; reasonable. 988 Ash St, Winnetka. 17LTN30-1tp coe 220. Largest dealer on the North Shore. 21TN4-tfe MORE WANT-ADS ON PAGE 24 -- DAVENPORT AND 2 ne