| 4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1925 C. OF C. HOLDS BALLOT APRIL 29 Membership Drive of Organ- ization Progresses The annual election of officers, as well as the consideration of plans for the booth which Winnetka will take at the Illinois Products Exposition, to be held in the Furniture Mart building next October, will occupy Chamber of Com- merce members at their next meeting, to be held Wednesday evening, April 29, at the Community House. : The Chamber of Commerce uses" the electoral college system in selecting its officers for the year. They will vote for ten candidates, eight of whom who secure the highest votes will elect the officers. These candidates are Earl Wein- stock, E. C. Weissenberg, George Park, Gustaf Nelson, H. Paulson, R. H. Schell, William T. Wersted, August Peters, R. W. Rapp and E. E. Adams. The Chamber of Commerce was the originator of the plan to have Winnetka exhibit at the Illinois Products Exposi- tion, and made tentative plans to have a large panoramic painting of the vil- lage done by a competent artist, as Win- netka's exhibit. The cost of the paint- ing was found to be about $700, while other items would bring the total cost of taking a booth at the exposition near the $1200 mark. Feeling that they could mot bear the cost alone, they enlisted the financial aid of Winnetka business men, individually, with the result that suffi- «cient money was raised to carry the proj- ect through. The membership drive of the Chamber of Commerce, now in progress, is pro- ceeding satisfactorily, it is explained. Special reduced rates have been author- ized, and a door-to-door canvass of the business district is being made. The or- ganization hopes to enlist a 100 per cent membership among business men of the village. PUBLIC FORUM Editor, WINNETKA TALK: Possibly you will care to refute the silly story that wormed its way through the news columns of various papers to the editorial column of the Herald- Examiner. As you are undoubtedly aware, the Township Board of Auditors was not moved to its decision by any consid- eration of the personality of anyone who might have been called upon to spend the proposed $7,500 on mosquito abatement. The New Trier township meeting had directed certain township officers to employ a person to expend on mos- quito abatement substantially the en- tire balance of the general funds of the township. The Township Supervisor inquired from the Township Board of Auditors as to whether the board would approve expenditures in pursuance to the resolution adopted at the township meeting. In order to understand the situation, one must bear in mind that it would be the supervisor's business to disburse the proposed mosquito abatement fund, and that it is the duty of the Township Board of Auditors to audit We Will Build For You! "THE HOME YOU WANT" 10% Down Balance on monthly payments A complete service--plans etc. all included in our price. See the homes we have built on the North Shore from Wilmette to Waukegan. Lake County Construction Company 212 Washington St., Waukegan, Ill. Phone Waukegan 3031 10 N. Clark St, Chicago, Ill. Phone State 8825 SKOKIE MOTOR COMPANY The only Authorized Ford Dealers Between Evanston and Highland Park. WINNETKA, ILL. 712-14-16 Elm Street all disbursements by the supervisor. Approval of a claim by the Town- ship board, unless impeached, has the force and effect of a judgment of a court of record. Claims so approved must be paid out of the township funds. It is not unreasonable, there- fore, that the auditors should be ex- pected to exercise their best judgment. In this instance, the Township board could find no authority in law for the expenditure of township funds for mosquito abatement. A Township is a quasi corporation whose limited powers and duties are precisely des- cribed in the Statutes. Township meetings are not legislatures of local government with inherent powers of self government. They are, rather, meetings of electors of a quasi cor- poration to which limited powers have been delegated by the legislature of the very government which has such inherent powers, namely, the state. In answer to the question of the Township Supervisor, the Board of Auditors unanimously voted that it would not approve the expenditure of township funds on mosquito abate- ment. There was no question raised as to who would be employed for the work. There was no doubt expressed as to the value of mosquito abatement. The governments of the various vil- lages within the township were not officially represented at the meeting of the Township board. There is no reason why the villages should be blamed because the Town- ship board chose to obey the law, and there is no reason why the villages SEE THEM Beautiful Frocks and Ensemble Dresses Seeing them will convince you UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1126 Central Ave. Wilmette 2403 should refrain from fighting mosquitos, simply because the township cannot legally do so. Yours truly, J. M. Dickinson, Jr. Young People's Club to Meet in Chicago Sunday The Young People's society of the Congregational church has changed its plan this Sunday evening, and instead of meeting at the church, all members and their friends are asked to take the 7.02 North Shore train at Winnetka, and go to the Rogers Park Congrega- tional church. The occasion is a union meeting of all north side young people's clubs, at 8 o'clock, and the local club will furnish a musical number for the pro- gram. GUILD HOLDS LUNCHEON The North Shore Sewing Guild will hold a luncheon at Community House on Monday, April 27. The group meets twice a month during the winter season. pr Teeth BOSTON DENTISTS That Fit 4 1 daast Till April 30 TEFTH $1050.50, plates are held firmly in Pluce THE PETRY PATENTED 8 CTI0R CUPS. Restores the natural voice, facial jexpression and gives real comfort. }We chaHenge world on workmanship. BRIDGEWORK REIN. $ FORCED 22k Gold Crowns. Regular $10 value, for..... GAS Teeth extracted without pain. A brief nep and your molars are out. Plates made in 24 hours when desired. Dear Sirs: I bad two plates made elsewhere before 1 received the one you made. One cost $175.00 the other $75.00. Compared with yours they are not worth a dime. Your Blate is ey delightful and | assure you will send friends to you. E. J. DILLON. 3826 Wilton Ave. To those who have loose and wobbly teeth: Come to us and get a Super Suction. All Work Guaranteed. ' Car Fare Allowed BOSTON DENTISTS 135 S. State St. Opposite The Fair 1214 N. Ashland Ave. 1926 Milwaukee Ave. 83202 Lincoln Ave, 800 E. 63d St. 3009 E. 92d St. 6300 S. Halsted St. We have the first and only mechanical- ly refrigerated Soda fountain in Win- netka. Our cream is al- ways the same, never too hard or too soft, and no dirty ice around it--just pure LEE SAYS: "WHY do you run those, LITTLE stories in your ADS?", asks a lady who SAYS she has been ENJOYING them, and we PUT it this way--if WE walked down the STREET this morning and SPOKE to you in the USUAL manner, ten to one YOU wouldn't remember THE incident five minutes, BUT if we came down THE street in a car AND waved, and then RAN over the curbing AND maybe crashed into SCHELL'S display WINDOW, you probably WOULD remember it for QUITE some time, and so-- JUST between you and us AND the barbed wire fence-- WE, are just trying to SALUTE you in a little DIFFERENT way than usual cold air. WwW ALWAYS will remember THAT our store is HEADQUARTERS for ITH these ads, so you Here's a Business Winnetka GCOD FOR $6,000 to $12,000 Yearly! An insurance man in South Caro- lina, a farmer in Wisconsin, a butcher in Minnesota, others all over the U. S.--these men wanted to own a real money-making business. Electrik-Maid Bake Shops gave them their opportu- nity. Today they and many others own their own prosperous Electrik-Maid Bake Shops, with- out having known a thing about the bakery business before. You have the same chance right here. A cash business; no charges; no deliveries; your profits in the till every night. Everyone who eats is a customer. Business good all year round. We supply all equip- ment and information. Write or Wire Today for full particulars. Act now to obtain exclusive rights in Win- netka. Electrik Maid Bake Shops 321 Cedar St. St. Paul, Minn. The Crosley Musicone First Perfect Radio Reproducer Absolutely no distortions of voice or music. Faithful reproductions over the en- tire musical scale. Eliminates the awkward, unsightly horn with its di- rectional properties. Price $17.50 The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex WINNETKA, ILLINOIS 556 Center St. at MODERATE PRICES we have done for them. DEPENDABLE PAINTING and DECORATING Clean, Beautiful and Durable work, done only with the best materials money can buy. We have received many letters from home owners of the north shore telling us how happy they have been made by the neat work We know that we can do the same for you and you can have it done by call- ing Winnetka 1762 or 1186. North Shore Cooperative Painters and Decorators Winnetka, 111. Storage Facilities of the very latest and most modern HYDROX ice cream ADAMS The Rexall Store Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 type are what we offer to those who store goods with us. The warehouse was specially constructed for the pur- pose and so affords safe, clean, well- ventilated storage. If vou contemplate storing anything, see us first. SCULLY STORAGE Fire-Proof torage eee: