8 ~. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925 MAY BIG MONTH FOR PICTURES Community House Promises Many Features "The month of May bids fair to be one of the most successful in the his- tory of Community House movies," says Burton H. Atwood, Jr., director of the motion picture department. "The response which has been accorded the three pictures shown thus far has been very gratifying and thoroughly repays us for the time and effort which our May program represents. "Next Tuesday we offer 'Love and Glory' which is a profoundly appealing drama dealing with the attempts of the French, in 1870, to make their holdings in Algiers more secure. It is an adap- tation of the novel 'We Are French', which was written by Perley Poore Sheehan and Robert Davis. On the same program Andy Gump, the inimitable politician, will appear in 'Andy's Stump Speech.' "Next Friday's feature will be 'The Navigator," starring Buster Keaton. This picture is described as the story of a young fellow who couldn't make good on earth but was a big success at the bottom of the ocean. "The Navi- gator' is said to be so funny that even the 'frozen faced comedian' had to laugh at himself. "The remaining pictures of the May program will be described in future is- sues of WINNETKA TALK and consist of the following: "May 19, Reginald Denny in "The Reckless Age. "May 22-23, Douglas "The Thief of Bagdad. "May 26, House Peters in 'I'he Tor- nado.' May 29, Lon Chaney in 'He Who Gets Slapped' from the play by Leonid An- dreyev." PUBLIC FORUM Editor, WINNETKA TALK: The great number of dogs running at large in Winnetka has resulted in the school authorities asking the Village council to abate the nuisance. There seems to be no good reason for dogs running at large in a suburban com- nity like Winnetka; and there are against it. Some north have, uzzling laws for - g 1s more of a hard- ship on dog and owner than to keep the dog at muzzle law should not be required in a high-grade community like Winnetka. Self-govern- ment is better than so many laws. Dogs running at large originated in the country. With the large open fields between homes, dogs seldom annoy their neighbors, and they are very useful; but as the density of homes increases, dogs at large become more and more of a nuisance until in the city no one would think of giving them freedom on the streets. Did you ever pass through a settlement or town where dogs ran after you and barked everywhere as you passed? Was it a town of good homes like Winnetka ? Dogs make wonderful pets and almost everyone loves a dog of one breed or Fairbanks in home. A another, and would like to own one.. The mistake often comes in not adapt- ing the size of the dog to the size of the lot. Perhaps the neighbor has a liking for other kinds of pets--birds or squirrels--or perhaps a garden or flowers. Is it the duty of the neighbors to fence out the dog, or the duty of the owner to fence him in? _ But the greatest objection to dogs is the menace to children. Almost week- ly, Winnetka children are bitten by dogs. Any dog will bite if hurt or teased, especially by those outside the owner's family. Small children do not always know when they are hurting or teasing a dog. Therefore dogs at large are a menace to innocent children. A few citizens should not do what all might do. If everybody had dogs run- ning at large, bull-dogs to Pomeranians, what a bedlam there would be. --A Crrizen Social Happenings % OY All Winnetka, it seems, has been oc- cupied with the production the American Legion has been giving on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Village residents are either mem- bers of the cast, or are participating in the many activities attendant upon a successful production, and the patron list includes a large number of representative Winnetkans. Several dinner parties were given before the performances on Thursday and Friday evening. On the former night, Mrs. James N. Rawleigh, 590 Willow road, Mrs. Hathaway Wat- son, 900 Sunset road and Mrs. S. Edwin Earle, 922 Tower road, were hostesses at small dinners, and the following eve- ning Mrs. Marcus D. Richards enter- tained a few guests at dinner at her home on Tower road. --_---- Mrs. Carrie Stucke of Burlington, Towa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Roberts, 760 Prospect avenue. Mrs. William Sherman Hay, alum- nae trustee, will tell of the latest news from Wellesley at the annual spring luncheon and business meeting of the Chicago Wellesley club being held to- day in the Wedgwood room of Mar- shall Fields. There will also be brief speeches on subjects of local interest by Miss Helen Bennett, Mrs. Earl White, and others. --(-- The Pine Street circle will meet next Tuesday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. David Kennicott, 1111 Spruce street. Mrs. David Hallinan will as- sist the hostess. Election of officers for the new year will take place, and all members are urged to be present. ----() Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Agar Cope- land of the Orrington hotel, Evanston, announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Harold Halmar Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Clarence Anderson of Princeton, IIL. --(-- Mrs. Angela Brochu, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meh- ren, 785 Walden road, for the past 10 days, left last Friday for her home in Holland, Mich. Many delightful af- fairs have been given in her honor. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Wyndham H. Channer, formerly of vanston, have moved into their new home at 562 Cherry street. The current events class will meet with Mrs. W. S. Hamm, 270 Scott ave- nue, Friday, May 15, at 2:30 o'clock. -- Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flood, 576 Hawthorn lane, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. William Mec- Guire of Chicago, and the Floods have moved to their new residence, 1227 Winona avenue, Chicago. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry Brown, who have been residing at 808 Pros- pect avenue for several years, have moved into the new home they pur- chased at 350 Forest avenue. --Q-- On the White Star liner Majestic, which arrived at New York on April 28, from Southhampton and Cher- bourg, was Miss E. Jane Renshaw, of 256 Sheridan road, Winnetka. ---- Mr. Newton, father of Mrs. Caleb Busick, 1408 Asbury avenue, is still confined to his room, although he is improving after a severe illness that has lasted three weeks. AE Miss Marion Fulton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton, 884 Hill road, has returned to Syracuse uni- versity after spending the Easter va- cation at her home. Mrs. William Morse, 433 Provident avenue, spent the past week in Mil- waukee visiting relatives. Many affairs were given in her honor dur- ing her stay. ----(---- Mr. and Mrs. Milne Ramsay, 803 Cherry street, entertained 20 friends at bridge on Saturday evening last, serving a hot supper at midnight. --Q-- Carolyn Pfeiffer, 1500 Tower road, was hostess to a number of little friends at a May Frolic last Saturday in honor of her fifth birthday. ---- Henning Jansson, 803 Spruce street, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks on account of illness, is much improved. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simpson and Ormand IL. Simpson leave on Friday next for a trip to California. They will be away about a month. --(---- Mrs. Rae Field Heyman of 630 Gar- land avenue, entertained at luncheon Wednesday, for her mother, Mrs. Cleave of Chicago. /, Theres comfort In cleanclothes saysD So hes glad that * he Knows Suds!' UDS quite naturally knows a lot about clothes and he has discovered that the best and surest method of having them laundered correctly is to have Suds attend to the mat- ter. This is the laundry of comfort and cleanliness and fair prices. LOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS NUR Ry 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Ewart, formerly of Winnetka, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Ewart, on April 28. The Ewarts are now residing at Ardsley-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. --Q-- Mrs. Bacon, mother of Mrs. F. W. Bond, 899 Ash street, has just returned after spending some time in Indiana- polis where she visited friends and relatives. --Q-- Mrs. Harold I. Ickes, 900 South Private road, Hubbard Woods, has just been elected to the honored posi- tion of president of the Chicago Wom- an's club. -- A prize bunco party will be given by the G. F. F., Wednesday, May 13, at 8 o'clock, at the Christ Church Parish House. Refreshments will be served. ---- The "Tin-E-Ga" Camp Fire group will give a little entertainment on May 22, at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Glencoe Methodist Episcopal church. ---- The Indian Hill circle will meet at Mrs. Clarence Happ's 306 Walnut street, on Tuesday, May 12, with Mrs. G. Hallstein the assisting hostess. ---- The West Elm Street circle will meet Tuesday, May 19, instead of the coming Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Samuel McCaulley, 988 Elm street. Lins Miss Mary E. Hallinan, 840 Ash street, has just returned from a fort- night's visit with her cousin, Mrs. Patrick McGuire of Harvard, Ill --Q-- A 'stated meeting of the Winnetka Chapter, No. 942, O. E. S. will take place Monday, May 11, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, at the Temple. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinsen and family, of 792 Lincoln avenue, have just moved into their new home. They formerly resided in Evanston. --Y-- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lloyd Zipf of Chicago will occupy their new home at 575 Arbor Vitae road, about the middle of May. American Beauty' ELECTRIC IRON the best iron made You are living in an electrical age; make the most of it. Come in and let us show you the wonderful time and labor saving devices we carry in stock--Irons, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Grills, Percolators, Water Heaters, Stoves, Radiant Heaters, Lamps; Fixtures, Sewing Machines--anything and everything electrical. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. 554 Center St. Phone Winn. 44 Winnetka, Ill. If electrical and good, we sell it. Oh- You Weeds, Give Your Lawn Grass a Chance! Make weed-pulling a pas- time, not a chore: No "more dirty digging on hands and knees: Stroll leisurely over lawn and garden, never stooping, and grab the rascal weeds-- all kinds, big and little -- wherever they show their heads. Sharp steel prongs-- a push, a twist, snap goes trigger; weed's in the basket! will be a Good Season for Weeds, if it's a Good Season for Flowers--make it a weedless year without one single backache. MARVEL WEED PULLER 7 Send no money -- 1% 7, pay postman only " 7 Tr $350 Address MARVEL WEED PULLER 92 Scottswood Common Riverside A Illinois Mrs. Benjamin Pfeiffer will enter-| Mr. and Mrs. Forbes tain the Kappa Kappa sorority at luncheon and bridge next Wednesday. pit Ae Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Maynard, 1039 Pine street, left Saturday for Florida. for a trip abroad. They will spend Cadenhead's old home and boyhood associates. Specialists in Clothes Care YOUR last year's Spring Suit and Overcoat--let us clean and press them for you. You'll be surprised at the improvement. Our equip- ment is up-to-date, and our clean- ers are experts. -- We also renew curtains and hangings of all kinds, also rugs and carpets. -- We call for and deliver. Telephone us at Wilmette 320 Schultz & Nord The North Shore's Leading Tailors Phone Wilmette 320 1152 Central Avenue Ghhdbbddd bbb bbb bbb bbkbbbbbb bb bbbbbd bbb bbb bbb dl bbked Remodeling -- We are remodeling and re-arranging our store and during this process, we trust our customers will be patient with us. It's a big job, but we will have some store when it's completed. Community Pharmacy C. BR. PATCHEN, R."Ph. "Smiling Service" 750 Elm Street Phone Winn. 164 Tar rer rhb bbddbbdddhddddddbbibbbbdbd EX XIIE TELL ELITE EISELE LEE LL LE LL LL) phd bdobhfdddddddbbbb bbb bbb bbb b bbb ddd bd bbbbb dd bbdd Safety First applied to the storage business means that vou will store your goods with us. We offer the safety that every careful person will demand for his ef- fects. The good storage service we offer costs no more than the usual kind. Just call Winnetka 232 and get the best! SCULLY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. ar Fire-Proof lorage SCULLY TRANSFER WINNETKA we some time in Scotland visiting Mr. Cadenhead, 1056 Dinsmore road, leave on June 10, >