WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1925 THE CALL OF THE OUTDOORS By Will Dilg (President, Isaak Walton League of America) HIS is the first of a series of articles -about the outdoors which I shall write weekly for readers of WINNETKA TALK. In writing these articles I am address- ing myself to all sportsmen, all followers of outdoor trails, all persons who are in- terested in the outdoors in any way. I do not address only those who are ex- perienced anglers, seasoned hunters, hardened campers and woodsmen. The beginner will find a mighty warm wel- come in this column. There are two kinds of men with whom I particularly like to talk--the beginner, because I can perhaps pass something on to him; the old timer, because he can undoubtedly pass something on to me. Especially do I want to get in touch with the boys. There lies the hopes of America, the sal- vation of our outdoors. I will lay aside 10 letters from men to answer one from a boy, any day. In this column I will discuss every phase of outdoor life that I know. There will be articles: devoted to camping, canoeing, hunting, photography, fishing and fishes, motor camping, and other sports. There will be some devoted to the wild places of America and some to the wild life which inhabits them. I will. do my best to talk about those things in which most of us are interested. To the best of my ability I will pass on to you the things I have known, seen and learned in the outdoors. I am especially anxious that these little articles in some way may help in- troduce the outdoors to those who may not have heard its call. The call once heard, the urge is everlasting. I am also in hope that those who are already ad- vocates of outdoor sports will, to some slight degree, find in this column some- thing which may, someday, make their sport more enjoyable. I do not know how I could ever hope for more. Not the least of all, do I hope that I may point out some things which will bring to the attention of my readers the fact that outdoor sport in America is periled by the destruction of forests, the pollution of rivers, and the general despoliation of the breeding and feeding places of our wild life. But I don't want to do all of the writing. I want to get letters. I want you to write me on outdoor subjects. I want to answer all the letters that it is within my power to answer. If there are questions about any of the things I discuss, if you can think of something that I have overlooked, if you agree with me or disagree with me--please write me. All good sportsmen, all lovers of rod and gun, field and stream, and of the wild places and wild life, I ask you to my campfire. Eprror's Nore: These articles by the pen of Will Dilg are published in the interest of the Winnetka chapter of the Isaak Walton League of America. POPPY DAYS SET FOR MAY 29-30 Winnetka Women to Assist Legion in Sales Poppy Days will be observed in Win- netka by Winnetka Post No. 10, of the American Legion Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30. Poppies will be sold by a committee of 10 women, who will be stationed at the Glencoe, Hubbard Woods, Winnetka, Indian Hill and Kenilworth railroad stations. The sale of poppies is in charge of Dr. Harold J. Lynn of Hubbard Woods. Details from the Legion post in uni- form will go to the schools where there will be special exercises. The true significance of the days is graphically delineated by a leader in legion ranks in the following state- ment: "What is the significance of the day and what purpose does it serve? This question is best answered by cold statistics. Five thousand orphans of our dead comrades are today in ac- tual need. Thirteen hundred former ex-service men are mentally unbal- anced and confined in institutions in the state of Illinois alone. Twenty- seven thousand veterans who fought for the preservation of the principles and precepts making our present United States a favored spot in the world are in the government hospitals in the United States. Lend Friendly Touch "Doesn't the government look after these men through the veterans bu- vreau? They do, and after a fashion. Were you lying in these institutions in their place whom would you rather see come through the door, your friends or the customary institutional attendant to whom the entire idea of care of the veteran is merely a means of livelihood? The American Legion 1s striving to give them just a little touch of the spirit of understanding and to aid them in the bearing of the burden which seems to them just a little unevenly distributed. "Then there are the local problems. Hardly a week passes but what we are called upon to lend a hand in the re- lief of some worthy veteran or his family. It may be the paying of his rent until such a time as he can become adjusted. It may be the giving of funds, to secure needed medical and hospital attention for his immediate dependent. And so on through the year. Once a year we come to the people of Winnetka with the earnest appeal for funds to carry on this work. The funds realized by the State Department of the American Legion by the sale of the poppies to the local post are our donations to the state relief program and the quarters and half dollars which you give become the fund from which we carry on our service work. Bear the local post in mind. The ma- jority of you go into the city daily and will no doubt see the poppies there. We at Winnetka are doing the same work and count on you for donations in your home community. Urge Donations at Home "The poppies will be on sale at all the railroad stations and points of vantage in Winnetka. "This day does not come under the meaning of 'Charity. It is a debt which we can never repay and what- 4 - Tat. PON LLY The Penguin Studio Interior Decorations 157 East Erie Street Chicago Early American Maple Fur- niture, Antique Hooked Rugs, Reproductions of old wall paper. Hand-blocked linen and Chintz. Distinctive Lamps and Shades, Draperies and Slip Covers. re \ Cc ~~ 4BUICKS ~ Watch for the : Devoe 81 Geld) SE cliliog Demonstration e ever we may do in the way of mone- tary assistance pales in the light of their sacrifices. The American Legion does not participate in any way in the community chest for this reason. Give the man on his back, his family deprived of his care, the helping hand and heart which he merits by reason of his sacrifice for you and me." CROSS WORD DEVOTEES, HERE'S A NEW PUZZLER Do you know what a coleoptera is? How would a desperate father act un- der extremely trying circumstances, in- cluding the false accusations of his wife indicating a weakness for a pretty governess? Was Clarence really the court martialed soldier Mr. Stem tries to prove he was? All these and more questions will be answered if you see "Clarence," Booth Tarkington's delightful comedy, which is being pre- sented as the New Trier high school senior class play, this Saturday eve- ning, in the school auditorium. The cast is said to be very good and has been rehearsing for weeks to make its final effort a success. RE QUALITY AUTOMOBILE PAINTING and a guaranteed job WINNETKA AUTO PAINTING CO. E. LYLE, Prop. 562 Lincoln Avenue Rear Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 165 INTERIOR DECORATING Call Highland Park 896-Y-4 CARL SALO Mail Address, Northbrook, TIL Building & Carpenter Work Call Highland Park 896-Y-4 E. E. TAPANINEN Mail Address, Northbrook, Ill. I - That Lot of Yours Can Have A Home of Your Own Choice We will build and finance complete. We render complete architect service without extra charges. Our finance charges are the most reasonable on the north shore. 10% CASH if you own your lot. 14 Monthly on balance including interest. Let us put you more firmly on the road to independence. Over sixty homes built by us between Wilmette and Wau- kegan. For further particulars write or call LAKE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION CO. 212 Washington St. 10 No. Clark St: Waukegan, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Phone Waukegan 3031 Phone State 8825 0 request. G. La, WINNETKA (mn ill IN You will find it so much easier to buy under- wear here,where the stock is times with just the garments that you want. From our many years' experience in this com- munity, we have gathered the knowledge that permits our showing you the very style you have been looking for immediately upon your Remember, ladies, you will save time shop- ping at -our underwear counters. in the event that there should have to be any exchanges, ""Carter's Knit Underwear, please.' Backed by the Experience of Fifty Years. LS MOTHERS! buy Carter's Underwear for the entire family INA complete at all And then consider the convenience of buying here. ' ZICK & CO. 3 HUBBARD WOODS i ¥ he a]