fe! BRA aa MAY 30, 1925 21 -- - WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, WARNS AGAINST RABIES SPREAD State Health Official Urges Muzzling Rules Hydrophobia, or rabies, is creeping into central Illinois from little "Egypt" where it has been endemic among an- imals for several years, according to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health di- rector. Since January 1 more than 25 people in 15 different counties, are known to have been attacked by "mad" dogs, one case being as far north as Fulton county. So far, no case of rabies has been reported in humans during this year because all of the per- sons exposed have promptly taken ad- vantage of the anti-rabic Pasteur treat- ment. "Since the first of the year the ex- amination of animal heads in the state laboratory at Springfield has shown the presence of rabies in 20 dogs and one cat, no two heads coming from the same place," Dr. Rawlings said. "This, of course, does not indicate all cases of rabies that have been discovered. Sus- picious animal heads are shipped to laboratories in Urbana, Chicago and St. Louis while a number of cases of hydrophobia are diagnosed clinically without laboratory aid. "This much is very certain--there is too much hydrophobia in the state. Mad dogs are especially dangerous to children at this time of year when weather conditions are conducive to out-of-door life. A score or more of rabid dogs are potentially able to in- fect whole herds of valuable live stock and not a few humans. "Last year several hundred hogs, a number of cows and a few mules were lost as a result of rabies spread by mad dogs. A few instances of this kind have been reported this year and with the pasture season open there is now an active danger of more such cases. "Every day is 'dog day' when rabies is abroad. This disease knows no sea- sonal bounds but it spreads easier and more rapidly in the warmer months simply because people and animals live more in the open and are therefore the more readily bitten by rabid dogs, the Eats Steak First Time in 3 Years Boston Dentists, 135 S. State Street, Cor. Adams. Dear Sirs: The next day after being fitted with my new set of teeth which you made for me, I celebrated by eating roast chicken. Not having had meat for three years you can picture my delight. Have had chops or steaks every day since. In ap- pearance identical with my natural eeth. Reuben B. Patten, 3510 Lake Park Ave, o Phone Winnetka 804 DR. SOFIA HAAG NAPRAPATH Chronic and nervous ailments a specialty Office 897 Cherry Street Winnetka, Iil. Hours: 1--5 and by appointment beast most frequently infected "with this fatal malady. "Positive control methods can be ap- plied without difficulty. The best method is to enact and enforce a local dog muzzling ordinance or law. If every loose or stray dog wore a muz- zle, rabies would soon disappear. "Another control method is the Pas- teur treatment. It can be given to dogs so that they become immune. The dif- ficulty with this method is that no- body can tell by sight whether a dog has been treated or not while a muzzle speaks for itself. "When a person is bitten by a dog the animal should be securely shut up and placed immediately under observa- don for 10 days or if the animal is killed the head should be detached without mutilation and forwarded to a labora- tory for examination. The Pasteur treatment should be given when indi- cated and such fakes as 'mad stones' strictly avoided." MRS. LEARY"S COW IN MOVIES The results of the temper of Mrs. Patrick Leary's cow, who, protesting at being milked at 9 o'clock at night, did a little kicking, thereby up- setting the lantern into the hay, are shown in "Barriers Burned Away," a picturization of E. P. Roe's famous novel of the great Chicago fire. The argest fire scenes ever staged, claims Arthur F. Beck, producer of the En- core Picture, with Mabel Ballin, Frank Mayo, Wanda Hawley, Tom Santschi and Harry T. Morey in the principal roles. Proof of his statement is of- fered when "Barriers Burned Away" is shown, very shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacLean of Buffalo have announced the marriage of their daughter, Jean, to Hazen Prentiss Pratt, formerly of Kenilworth. LOW VACATION FARES THIS SUM- MER VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. Low round-trip excursion tickets now on sale to California and the Pacific Northwest; to Colorado begin- Jing June 1st. Return limit October st. Get a free copy of booklet "Forty Ways and More to California and the North Coast." Tells about variable routes, reduced fares, schedules, etc. Cail on or address M. H. Lieber, Ticket Winnetka, Ill. Telephone 13. Adv. Agent, ULL STRAIGHT FROM THE SPHINX OUNG SAMSON learns that the fascinating flapper of the Nile kept beautiful be- cause she drank plenty of milk! You can do likewise--only be sure of getting the best by leav- ing your orders with us. PHONE 137 | WINNETKA DPD SANITARY CO. 1 YN: % i WILLIAM Phone Winn. 225 FLAGGING for WALKS, FLOORS and TERRACES IN ALL COLORS Laid in straight or rustic style. Artistic and perfect work with a guarantee of satisfaction. Sheet Metal Contractor 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods L. WENTE YES! INDEED You are right. You should be careful in selecting your eating place. Your good health de- mands this precaution. You want pure, well cooked food. We serve that kind here. "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room 551 Lincoln Avenue Joe Stoner & Co. "MISSING MEN" WILL RIDE THE SEAS SOON After a winter spent resting on the cold mud of the harbor bottom, the Port of Missing Men, club house of the Buccaneers' club will be sailing the "seas" again within 10 days, it was announced by Godfrey H. Atkin, an official of the club. The work of raising the old craft is already under way. The work is being done by the Bu- dahl and Melling company, of Evans- ton, and the diving will be done by Enoch J. Moberg, former lieutenant of police at Evanston, who was one of the heroes of the Eastland disaster. The method to be used in raising the old craft will involve the use of a pile driver, the parts of which have al- ready been received and assembled. Piles will be driven into the harbor bottom on each side of the boat, and cables passed beneath it. The boat will then be raised by means of a steam winch on the shore until the deck is above water. Then the hull can be pumped out easily. It was the opinion of Moberg that POOR OIL BURNERS have caused some prejudice against all oil burners. As well condemn hand writ- ing because of forgery. Discriminate in selecting your burner. Get the most efficient and economical. Let me tell you about the HARDINGE FUEL OIL BURNER. ERSKINE WILDER Sales Engineer 1011 Hubbard Lane Winn. 88 Oil Burner & Refrigerating Co. 508 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. the boat could easily be raised in 10 days. A crew of four men, not count- ing the diver is at work. The Buc- caneers' club plans a busy season this vear and will have a number of new one-class boats in its fleet. Further announcements of its activities will be made later. Before sunrise last Thursday six automobiles crept out of Kenilworth for Diamond Lake, Mich. The party was made up of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bent, Mr. and A woman and an electric lamp smile at each other. She knows how necessary one or more are. --My. Electro-serve ILL yoy look at our display of beautiful electric lamps? They give abundant light and add a charming grace that--no we've said something like that before. Words can't mean nearly as much to you as the possession of the electric lamp you've been longing for. Enter Madam. A Mrs. Ralph Gromann, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beacon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cooke, and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Campbell of Chicago. They were: met by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crooks. Four delightful days were spent and a double birthday party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Young. They celebrated the same year on the same day. | NASH from Ray Metz North Shore Nash Distributor 1035 Davis Street EVANSTON "We Build on Service" APPROPRIATE THAN " -- O do everything appropriately when you need services means we do every- our that thing expertly and Phone Winnetka 32 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. L. J. HAYES, Prop. SENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT : Residence Phone 426 Winnetka, Illinois efficiently and with { the utmost respect for your particular wishes and desires. We Understand Ward & Buchholz "FUNERAL DIRECTORS AVE. AREAL RE Evanston Pres service The Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or corrections that should be made in their listings ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Goes to Intheinterest of good are requested to call s Soon subscribers