12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1925 nn: WALTER P. CHRYSLER MOTOR CAR MANUFACTURER Announces The Introduction of the CHRYSLER FOUR GEeeRRLeRYeY A complete line of these new cars are on display at our showrooms. SEE THEM TODAY!!! ni PAT You will agree with us that this new car is destined to take front rank in the Four Cylinder field just as the famous CHRYS- LER SIX has revolutionized the industry in 18 months. PRICES TOURING CAR COUPE COACH SEDAN 895.00 995.00 1045.00 1095.00 F.O.B. FACTORY Evanston Motor Sales W. D. REAGAN Mgr. 1017 Davis St. Phone Univ. 2277 TTL TUT atin | GIN SOCIETY Beatrice Ripley Makes Her Bow Today R. AND MRS. ROBERT HARRIS RIPLEY are introducing 'A their daughter, Miss Beatrice, to society today at a tea they are giving at their home on Indian Hill road from 4:30 until 8 0 clock. Assisting Miss Ripley will be the Misses Judith Boddie, Eliza- beth Boyden, Mary Elizabeth Couch, of Galf, Elizabeth Clore, Mary Fentress, Mary Ott, Marjorie Janney, Isabel Scott, Joan Stuart, Jane Story, of Riverside, Martha Thomas, Louise Sherman, Marcella Vennema, and Mary Louise Fenton. There will be dancing at Indian Hill club at 9 o'clock for the as- sistants and their escorts. Winnetka Betrothal of North Shore Interest) R. AND MRS. F. M. SIMMONDS, JR., 286 Garland avenue, Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Vir- ginia Mayburn, to Clifford Hinckley Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Smith of 636 Garland avenue, Winnetka. set for the wedding. No date has been California Girl Guest of Honor at Dinner ISS MARY FENTRESS, of 939 Green Bay road, is giving a dinner this evening at 7:30 o'clock at Indian Hill club for her cousin, Miss Harriet Lyon of Pasadena, who will spend most of the summer as her guest. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Edna V. Wirt of Muncie, Ind. to John D. Wood of Chicago. formerly of Grand Forks. N. D. on Monday evening, June 22, at 8:30 o'clock, at Community House, Dr. E. D. Soper of Northwestern university, officiating. The bride was dressed in white georgette crepe, with bridal lace. Her flesh colored veil was held in place by a wreath of orangeblossoms, and she carried a bouquet of pink tea roses and lilies-of-the-valley, with a purple orchid in the center. The matron of honor, Mrs. A. W. Robinson of Oak Park, wore a dress of white Rose Point lace and carried a bouquet of roses. The maid of honor, Miss Lois Wirt, sister of the bride, wore a frock of green crepe Romaine with ecru lace. Her bouquet was of garden flowers. The two bridesmaids, Miss Helen Grant of Winnetka and Miss Edith Tyden of Oak Park, wore orchid and peach colored georgette and car- ried carden flowers. Dr. Frank N. Woods of Winnetka served his broth- er as best man, and ushering were A. W. Robinson of Oak Park, Georee 1 Evans of Winnetka, and William W. Edwards of Evanston. A reception was held at Community House after the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of North- western university and is a member of the Chi Omega sorority. She has taught at the Horace Mann school for three years. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have gone on a six weeks' wedding trip in the East and in the region of the Great Lakes. ---- One of the attractive events of the summer will be the Lake Forest Gar- den Flower show held today and to- morrow on the estate of Mrs. Rocke- feller McCormick. Included in the list of those who have entered various classes are Mrs. John W. Scott and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott of Hubbard Woods and Mrs. Andrew Macleish of Glencoe. Members of the Kenilworth and Glencoe Garden clubs are also in- cluded. Tea will be served in the extensive vegetable gardens at small, gaily cov- ered tables. Guests who wish to have luncheon will find that Junior Leaguers are pro- viding for a large number of patrons at the "Cake Box". --_--Q-- Many friends and admirers in Win- netka of Mrs. A. Starr Best, founder of the Drama League of America, and at present its vice president, will be happy to learn that she is on the faculty of the Drama League institute, which opened its 50th annual session Mon- day at Northwestern university. Mrs. Best has the A course in religious drama. She has also been a director of the Pilgrim Players, First Congre- gational church, Evanston, for seven years. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macintyre, 822 Humbolt avenue, had as their guests last week, Mrs. Howard Ritchie and her small son, Billy of Campus, Ill Miss Amy Macintyre returned to Campus with her aunt last Monday for an indefinite visit. Master Robert Macintyre has gone to Indian Hill camp at Lake Hamlin for two weeks. RE Mrs. Philip Mallen of Oak street, presided over one of the tea tables at the debutante tea at which Miss Eleanor Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens of "The Mead- ows" Highland Park, was presented to society last Wednesday. Miss Stevens attends Smith college, and will re- turn to her work next autumn. itn Mrs. Frederick Dickinson and her daughter, Miss Dorothy, of 1228 Scott avenue, are leaving Wednesday for the Sequanota club, Charlevoix, Mich., where they will remain until Sep- tember. Mr. Dickinson wil join them in August. Mrs. Benjamin F. Langworthy of 832 Bryant avenue, entertained a num- ber of friends from Oak Park, Glen Ellyn, and River Forest at luncheon Wednesday in honor of her sister, Mrs. B. W. Spencer of California, who came on to attend her daughter's eraduation from the University of Wisconsin. Mrs. Spencer and Miss Benita have returned to Winnetka for a short visit at the Langworthy home. The guests of the hostess Wednesday were members of a for- mer luncheon club, "The Meet", to which Mrs. Langworthy belonged when she resided in River Forest, and their children, now grown up. --Q-- Chester E. Cleveland of Foxdale av- enue, is a newly elected member of the board of governors of the Colleg- iate Club of Chicago, a newlv organ- ized club for college men. The club will give its last indoor social event of the season Tuesday, June 30, in the Tiger room of the Hotel Sherman. The affair will be a membership din- ner. Judge Ninian Welch will be toastmaster, and there will be short talks by members of the club. Music will be furnished by members of the University of Chicago Banjo and Man- dolin club, and community singing of standard college songs will be lead by the Collegiate club quartet. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sommer, 425 Provident avenue, entertained a group of friends last Saturday evening in celebration of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Dancing during the eve- ning was followed by the serving of a midnight supper. Their two sons, Norman and Wil- lard, leave next Tuesday for five weeks at the Y. M. C. A. camp at Manitowish, Wis. Last year Norman won the Life Saver's certificate. He was the youngest boy in the state of Wisconsin to receive the honor. He will try this year for the Veteran Swimmers' medal. Both boys are musicians of some note. --_--0-- Miss Mary Hill, daughter of Mrs. Frank Farwell Ferry of Sheridan road, who attended Carleton college at Northfield, Minn. last year, will sail shortly with a group of classmates from college for a two months' trip to Europe. Her brothers, Fred, Robert and Ed- ward Hill, are home from Marion, Mass. and will leave this week for a tour of the Yellowstone with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ferry. Upon re- turning, the family will go to their camp in northern Wisconsin at State Line, for the remainder of the season. er pts Miss Stella Heindselman, sister of Mrs. William Modes, 916 Oak street, was married last Sunday afternoon to Leif Norman of Chicago, at the home of Mrs. Modes. Only the two families were present. The bride and groom have taken a trip through the Canadian Rockies to Banff, and Lake Louise. Up- on returning from their honeymoon, they will reside at 916 Oak street, for the summer. oan Numerous out-of town guests were in attendance at the benefit party last Saturday afternoon given on the large porches and spacious lawns of the love- lv gardens of the Mitchell home on Scott avenue, in Hubbard Woods. A goodly sum was realized which will go to purchase paintings for the hand- some new clubhouse of the Illinois Women's Athletic club on Tower court. --_0-- Toi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ball, 434 Eld- er lane, announce the birth of a daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth, at the Evanston hospital, June 12. Oe Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blossom. Tr, 955 Green Bay road, Hubbard Woods, were among the Chicagoans at the Ambassador hotel, New York City, over the week-end. j Hr