10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1925 Like This Do Not-- Events "JUST HAPPEN" In 18 months more than 75,000 Chrysler Sixes have been delivered. There Are Reasons For Unusual Popularity LET--US--SHOW--YOU Evanston Motor Sales W. D. Reagan, Mgr. 1017 Davis St. Phone Univ. 2277 This ANY popular vacation points are reached by North Shore Line Motor Coaches connecting with North Shore Line trains at Kenosha and Waukegan. These lake-and wood -lands offer delightful week-end excursions as well as full vacations. Your trip is doubly enjoyable in our big, comfortable motor h 4 Ludington Epworth Heights Hamlin Lake Manistee Portage Lake Onekama 7 bs Nashota Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Oconomowoc Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach I Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line trains to Milwaukee--step into T.M.E.R. & L. trains outside the door of our Mil- | waukee terminal, for above ORTH SHORE LINE takes you direct to the heart of Milwaukee -- Sixth and Sycamore -- convenient to all parts of the city. And equally convenient to rail and boat con- nections for Wisconsin and Northern Michigan vacation points. Save time--travel the clean, comfortable way. Take the North Shore Line from here. Best way to go: North Shore Line to Milwaukee; Pere Marquettenightsteam- er from there; arrive Michi- gan next morning. Through tickets. Cedar Lake Crystal Lake Elkhart Lake Sheboygan Port Washington North Shore Line to Milwaukee; con- nections outside the door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for above points. Nagin Through tickets. \ A Through tickets. Baggage checked through to point of destination. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at North Shore ticket office, or at Traffic Department, 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago--phone Randolph 6226 or Central 8280. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. Winnetka Passenger Station Telephone Winnetka 963 Park Ridge Girls to Be Picnic Guests NE of the high-lights in the lives of the girls of the Park Ridge school, is their annual jaunt to Ravinia Park with the Win- netka committee of the Ravinia club as their hostesses. This season about 60 girls will set forth in busses at 11 o'clock in the morning, Thursday, July 9. A luncheon will be served them at 12:30 o'clock, and they will remain for the afternoon concert. Any Ravinia patrons who have tickets they wish to dispose of for the occasion are asked to communicate with the chairman of the winnetka committee, Mrs. John Vennema of 849 Willow road. All members of the Winnetka committee are urgently requested to assist in making the event one long to be remembered by the ap- preciative guests. Frederick Scotts Plan Daughter's Debut NNOUNCEMENT has been made that one of the debutantes of the early autumn season will be Miss Isabel Scott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott of Hubbard Woods, who will be introduced at a tea Mr. and Mrs. Scott will give at their residence on October 17. The Scotts are planning to give a debut dinner-dance for her at the Casino later in the season, after they have moved into town. Miss Scott's sister, Miss Emily, was one of last season's buds. A brisk breeze whipping the lake's blue into white-capped waves and a sunlit garden delighted the eyes of a number of Wellesley alumnae from Chicago and the north shore when they gathered at the home of Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Win- netka, Tuesday afternoon of last week, for the tea given for Professor and Mrs. Hamilton McDougal. Receiving on the lawn with Mrs. Hay, were Mr. and Mrs. McDougal and Mrs. Robert Heald, the newly elected president of the Chicago Wellesley club. A group of young girls, daughters of Wellesley alumnae, and prospective students of the college, served ice cool punch on the lawn, and in the house Mrs. Irwin Rew of Evanston presided at the tea table. Mr. McDougal who is head of the music department at Wellesley college, talked informally of the Wellesley of today and the beau- tiful pageant recently given in cele- bration of the fiftieth anniversary of the college's founding. -- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Hope, will leave for New York Monday, July 6, later sailing for Europe to visit Mrs. Hope's mother, in Aberdeen, Scotland. Mr. Hope will spend the last part of August grouse shooting in the northern part of Scotland, after which he and his wife will tour France, Switzerland, and Egypt. They will then visit Norway and Sweden before returning to Scot- land for a short visit prior to sailing for the United States. ---- One of the largest house parties in Winnetka over the week-end will be that held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of 352 Linden street. Mr. and Mrs. Alden will en- tertain 30 guests at bridge this after- noon, with a buffet supper and dancing following, and the guests will spend Sunday motoring. --Q-- Mrs. William Fillmore Campbell of New Wilmington, Pa., formerly Miss Kathryn McKinney, arrived Thursday to spend a month or six weeks with her mother, Mrs. William McKinney of 605 Cherry street. --_0-- Mrs. J. Williams Macy, 966 Hubbard lane, has as her guest, her mother, Mrs. D. I. Shaw of Boston. They are plan- ning to leave Winnetka the latter part of the week, for a fortnight's stay at the "Evergreens" in Colorado. --_--Q Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum, who re- turned recently from a three weeks' trip to Washington, New York and Swampscott, had as their house guest the past week-end, Fred Rudd of Swampscott, Mass. iO Mrs. Eugene Feuchtinger, 947 Oak street, her son, George, and his fam- ily, left Wednesday for a three weeks' motor trip to the "Land of Lakes," Canada. They will stop in Duluth for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James and their small son, 922 Oak street, have motered to the woods of northern Wis- consin and the Minnesota lake region for a short trip. They are planning to be home this week-end. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fairclough and Mrs. William J. Clark, 902 Pine street, have motored to northern Min- nesota and the lake region for a short trip. They are planning to be home this week-end. ee ( Miss Amy Hunt of St. Louis, who is spending a month as the guest of Mrs. F. S. Bosworth of 881 Spruce street, was the guest of honor at a tea given by her hostess Wednesday afternoon. ald Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Paulson, 1155 Chatfield road, entertained a few friends at bridge and a midnight sup- per last Saturday evening in celebra- tion of their fourteenth wedding an- niversary. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Bard of 1035 Willow road, have been receiving con- gratulations upon the birth of a daugh- ter, June 25, at the Henrotin hospital. The Southern Woman's Club of Chi- cago dedicated a boulder on the Dixie Highway at Western avenue and 116th street, Thursday afternoon, in memory of the soldiers of the South and the North who fell in the World War. Mrs. Louis W. Hall, president of the organi- zation was in charge of the dedication, and Mrs. Edward S. Bailey and the Rev. James S. Herbert, pastor of the Austin Congregational church, were among the speakers. Among the north shore members driving over for the affair were Mrs. Harry Pardee of Ravinia, Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, Mrs. James Stevenson, Mrs. Herbert McCord, Mrs. George Karnes, Mrs. Henry Carry-Curr, Mrs. John Gordon, of 'Winnetka, and Mrs. William Eccols of the Orrington hotel. Od Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting were guests of honor recently at an affair given by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Walk- er at their home, "Fair Acres", Stock- bridge. Mrs. Elting and her son, Vic- tor, Jr, have sailed for Europe, and Mr. Elting and Winston have returned to their home, 830 Mt. Pleasant court. RIES Mrs. Edward P. Bailey, 150 Linden avenue, left this week with her son, Frederick, on a motor trip to Fisher Island, where they plan to remain throughout the entire summer season. Mrs. Bailey has leased her home for several months to Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin C. Schwab and their family, of Hyde Park. Sri Miss M. Smedley of Mt. Vernon, Ia., a member of the faculty of Cornell uni- versity, who has a chair in the Eng- lish department, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, for the past 10 days. Miss Smedley leaves for the East to- day to be gone several weeks. eri Mrs. Robert Johnson, 873 Cherry street, entertained a few friends at bridge Thursday afternoon of last week, to meet Mrs. William Gaines of Mobile, Ala, who is spending the summer here as the guest of her mother, Mrs. William Morse of Prov- ident avenue. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery of 15 Green Bay road, arrived home July 1, after a visit in-New York and Mas- sachusetts. They attended commence- ment at Wellesley, where their daugh- ter, Marion, was graduated receitly. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Moore have taken the Stanley Twist home at 968 Fig street, for the summer. Mr. Moore, who is the organist at the First Pres- byterian church, Chicago, is well known in musical circles. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy B. Hill, 913 Washington street, Evanston, former- ly of Winnetka, announce the marriage of their daughter, Eleanor Frances, to Richard Joseph Lockhard of Chicago, Tuesday evening, June 30, in Evanston. iO Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Albright, 476 Park avenue, announce the marriage of their daughter, Loraine, to Otto J. Roch of River Grove, on Monday, June 29. oi Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hotz, 1072 Sheridan road, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Helene Marie, to Rudolph V. Schmid, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schmid of Peoria. Flare Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zeiss, 461 Maple avenue, have closed their home and gone to their summer home, Camp Wipigaki, in northern Wisconsin. PENG Mrs. Clarence Krause, 824 Humboldt avenue, has just returned from a fort- night's visit at St. Joseph, Mich. Or Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Gooder, 1046 Dinsmore road, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 30, at the Pres- byterian hospital. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Lum, 672 Lin- coln avenue, were hosts to their eve- ning bridge- club last Saturday eve- ning. Sixteen guests were present.