WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1925 ---- NEWS OF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING FIELDS BANDIT SCARE PROVES FIZZLE But Our Policemen Demon- ~ strate They Are Prepared for Any Emergency REALISTIC "HOLD-UP" But It's Done by Honest Realty Brokers This hold-up business isn't what it used to be, as any old-timer will tell you. There are too many curious eyes about, and too many policemen, at least on the north shore. : Take last Sunday afternoon, for ex- ample. A woman who lives on Hib- bard road near Glenview road, was gazing out of her parlor windows when she saw "some dirty work at the cross roads." A big sedan came speeding eastward along Glenview road; an- other car sped west on the same high- way; they stopped. From the sedan alighted one gentleman--a hard guy. according to the observer--and from ed another man. There was a short conference, folie: img which the gentleman from the second car reached for the sky, while he of the sedan made a swift but thorough search of his--supposed-- victim's pockets. Both men got into foi sais again and proceeded in op- Site directions, the it? toward Wilmette, S Shandy ses Summons Police Squad The lady was sure that aa villainy was afoot, so she telephoned the Wil- mette police, that a gang of desperadoes Was speeding toward the village. The message was received with consterna- tion. : Followed great activity. The Schae- fer brothers, Pete and George, were dispatched on their motorcycles "as the advance guard of the reception com- mittee. Sergt. Joe Steffens and a squad with shotguns roared away in the police ear. Motorcycle Policeman John De Groot was located and sent along with the others. The man at «he desk in i Station wziited nervously ae palies stating "two dead, four wounded-- were taking them to the hospital" but none such! came, Ajj that happened was that the squads and the Schaefers came back' to the station. They had failed to find any desperadoes. About this time of a cigar store, spouted policemen a bandits" €y surrendered. Desperate Lot Peddlers Doe: af ihe station it al] came out. € bandits" were C, C. Mills Lake Park avenue Chicago, ro a large rea estate 2 Reg company, and A. W ind for the firm, other of the company's salesmen Finnegan, 906 East 64th street, lL Mr. Mills and Spiler were on the way to W ilmette for some cigarets, when ey Sow Finegan coming toward" them 1€y stopped him and asked hi finoke, but he said es they doubted his word he laughj 1 ghingly io them to search him, which Mill gi A Not finding what he was looking or Mills ontinued to Wilmette where he fell into the hands of the Some cigarets in the village, but the lady still has her doubts A as as tow Or not he is a hard guy. athe NINE FAVORITES IN ONE CAST 8 Nine favorites are in the cast of Chickie," the new First National drama. Included are Dorothy Mackaill obart Bosworth, John Bowers, Gladys Brockwell, Paul Nicholson, Myrtle Stedman, Olive Tell, Lora Sonderson and Louise Mackintosh. : FOR RENT Hubbard Woods 6 Room Flat, tile bath, hw. heat, newly decorated, $85.00 per month. HILL & WHEELER, Inc. REALTORS "Homes for Particular People" WILMETTE OFFICE 334 Linden Avenue Tel. Wilmette 93 WINNETKA OFFICE 736 Elm Street Tel. Winnetka 142 ELECT REALTY BODY LEADERS Southerner Heads National Association of Brokers Robert Jemison, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala., was elected president of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate boards at the annual convention of that body just closed at Detroit, Mich. Mr. Jemison will take office at the annual business meeting of the As- sociation to be held in January, 1926. Harrison Colburn, New York, was elected first vice-president under a new plan adopted by the association which will give it 15 vice-presidents instead of the 11 who previously served. The first vice-president will be a direct as- sistant to the president. The 15 vice- presidents authorized by an amendment to the constitution passed at the con- vention, will include the chairmen of the seven divisions of the association. The remaining seven vice-presidents are given territorial jurisdictions. Resolutions were adopted by the as- sociation urging strong action against the use of inflated appraisals of real estate, favoring the consideration of city planning separately from city zon- ing, recommending further standardiza- tion of building material and quantity production of building parts to lessen building costs, and favoring the pas- sage of a statute by the various states to provide under proper safeguard of individual rights for settlement of com- mercial disputes by arbitration. New Realty Head True Leader in His Field Robert Jemison, Jr., chosen by the delegates of the annual convention of the National Association of Real Estate boards in Detroit, June 23-26, to head that organization through 1926, has had a large share in the suburban develop- ment of Birmingham, Ala., where he lives and heads two firms, Jemison and company, and Jemison and Seibles In- surance company. Faireld, for ex- ample, an industrial suburb of Birm- ingham, is almost entirely the creation of Mr. Jemison. The new president-elect served with Charles M. Schwab during the war in the housing division of the Fleet Cor- poration in Philadelphia, and has served on several advisory boards for Birmingham. Mr. Jemison 'was born in 1872 and graduated . from the University of Alabama.' -He is a member of the Southern club, the Birmingham Coun- try club, the Roebuck Springs Country club, and several luncheon clubs. SUMMER SNOWBALLS Denver Rotarians, with an express "|car of "ammunition" from the crest of the Continental Divide, recently staged a summer snowball battle on the streets of Cleveland, conveying the inviting "cool. of Colorado" that delegates to Rotary International meeting in the - | Ohio city at the time, may expect when they come to Denver next June. SACRIFICE $13,500 Stucco and Frame 2 Years old 8 Rooms 4 Bedrooms Steam Heat Ideal Location Lot 50 x 198 ft. 4 Minutes from steam and electric transportation. To be sold subject to a straight $6,500 first mortgage. Clore, Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1750 PRESTOSTAIRS NOVEL DEVICE Disappearing Stairway Makes Attic Usable Among recent improvement in build- ing that seem to be gaining head- way on the north shore, one of the most useful is the "Presto" stairs. The Presto is a stairway to the attic that takes up no room below. This stair- case literally disappears in the ceiling 'till you want to use it. Then a touch of the hand lowers it into your hall- way, all ready for business. Anybody who has lived in a house where an attic is available knows how many real uses there are for this extra space. But in small houses the cost of the old fashioned staircase and the space it took kept hundreds ot house- holders from using the attic. Builders estimate that a home costs from $1,000 to $1,500 a room. The space occupied by a stairway of the old type on this basis would cost the home builder about $800. And most people do not have $800 to spend for this purpose. With the Presto disappearing stairs all this space is saved. There is no evidence of the stairway except the in- conspicuous panel in the ceiling. It's even less noticeable than the closet for a disappearing bed in an apart- ment. . Middle Western Cities Capture Realty Awards The annual awards to real estate boards presenting the best exhibits of newspaper advertising were given at the annual convention of the National Association of Real Estate boards, De- troit, June 23-26, to the St. Louis Real Honest Investments 1] Invest your money here where the principal will be safe and the high interest rate certain. Phone Univ. 285 or Rogers Park 0272 and ask for our securities list. SMAKOIEE 1580 Sherman Evanston, IIL Insure "your car and stop your fretting. Putting it off is just like betting. HT make the owning of a car a gambling proposition. "Let our auto insurance protect you from loss and damage. Call us up--NOW. : GLENCOE REALTY COMPANY E. T. LEONARD, Builder 665 Vernon Avenue Glencoe, IIL Phone Glencoe 1158 FLORIDA SARASOTA CLARE C. HOSMER, ARCHITECT FORMERLY OF WILMETTE AND CHIGAGO In touch with unusual investment opportunities in city property and acreage. Listate Fxchange for the best institu- tional advertising and to the Minnea- polis Real Estate board for the best display of advertising by individual real estate firms. A new annual prize for the best window display was won by the Lowry Watkins company of Louisville, with a street of model houses representing 2 high class subdivision. Electrification Speeds Trains by One-Fourth Electrification of the Illinois Central Railroad company's suburban service here will reduce operating schedules by approximately one-fourth according to an announcement made by the com- pany. Construction work necessary for the change from steam to electricity is un- der way, and electrical operation will commence in the summer of 1926. "'SLOVE" Barbara Bedford has been bethrothed and wed many times in pictures, and once in real life, but she claims that Charles Ray is the only one of her as- sortment of suitors who displayed any originality in the matter of the ring. In the title role of "Percy," his new Pathe picture, which has just been completed at the Thomas H. Ince stu- dios, Ray sits on the window sill with his sweetheart, nervously. winding a broken fiddle string around the tip of his finger as he stammers his proposal. When the girl accepts him he is elated to the joint of inspiration. He quickly knots the circlet and slips it on her finger to bind the engagement. "This beats the dollar down and a dol- lar a week plan," according to Miss Bedford, and is 'replevin proof, some- thing that many installment rings are not. Of course a horse hair of a suit- able color might work up just as well. SUNSHINE MONOPOLY Many cities less favored are wonder~ ing if the Sherman anti-trust law has any standing in Nature's Court, fol- lowing the announcement of the weatherman in Denver that the sum shone there on all but 12 days last year. Read All the Want Ads 882 Pine Street EVERGREENS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS AND TREES Winnetka Landscape Company Not Inc. M. J. SO LIVeN, Prop. GRADING--SEEDING LAWNS--TRIMMING--FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT--MANURE Men for private grounds by the day WINNETKA, ILL. Phone Winn. 1549 | to you by GEO, F, LINE now being built. any of these properties. 506 Fifth Street, Wilmette stations" property. Name Address Announcement! Let me tell you about the opportunities for profit offered & COMPANY North Shore Area Developers We have money making properties at Stations all along the NEW NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC "HIGH SPEED" I will be glad to furnish you with full information on HARRY HANSEN Former Manager of A. S. McKennas Plumbing and Heating Establishment, Kenilworth, Illinois. HARRY HANSEN, 506 Fifth Street, Wilmette Without obligation tell me more about your "at the NIXON Phone Wil. 3314 Linden Crest Apartments Linden Avenue and Fifth Street WILMETTE Crest Apartments their home. choice apartments still hood, and the moderate rents. E. E. STULTS 424 Linden Ave. One of the Entrances of the Linden Crest Many representative North Shore You are invited to inspect the few remaining attracted by the apartments themselves, the delightful neighbor- For Information call Office Open Sundays : families are making the Linden unoccupied. You will be REALTY CO. Wilmette 3450 A