WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1925 I 2 H ER GE Mother of Mrs. Olson Is Summoned by Death pe The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Olson, 1000 Vine street, were = grieved to hear of the death of Mrs. Olson's mother, Mrs. Kissack, who has WY made her home for the past year or . more at the Olson residence. Services Elliott Houses Contract for were held Friday, July 24, with burial : First-Run Pictures at Graceland. : You Will Look Back The managements of the New Ev- a A] anston and the Hoyburn theatres, of Evanston, have signed the greatest contract for super-productions for one city that has ever been recorded, ac- cording to a statement given out this when you become old and your week by Clyde Elliot, president of the wos ER ; 1 1 li 1 ¥ New Dratision Theatre company, con- car ning power has declined, and cerning the rst-run picture agree- r ment that had just been announced wonder how on earth you could i y the two play houses. 1 y : 3 Under this contract first-run pictures Posty have been $0 foolish as to ! will be brought to Evanston ahead of SEE all the Heaters between Lawrence is all you earned but avenue and Waukegan, it is explained. 1 1 These films will include the produc- W atch Your Eves then it will be too late. : tions of any of the best known lead- Men - b leer ; TY 1 2 d 1 ers of the film industry and will in- any women, Dy r1.tgect Or im- 1 -- clude such stars as Rudolph Valentino, Proper ture, flow thers EVES » ie thing fo 01s to look ahead, ne M Douglas Fairbanks, Norma Talmadge, I , dull and unat- 1 - Bettie Bronson, Mae Murray, Adolph oye TYAS sleansid dellyWieh to ie that period when eX Menjou, Buster Keaton, Jackie Coogan, . ; ew fights en 1 1 and those of the Metro-Goldwyn shim ame P §es w go on just the same ) Brn to the announcement, all beneficial, Write Murine Company, and Ingome will not, and put by 2 the new productions of the above Deploy scegnyiforfasliock on little each week NOW. The screen luminaries will be shown first . ' at the New Evanston and the Hoy- INE longer you wait the more danger burn. And starting July 27, Evanston . will also see the productions of Colleen Your there is for you. Moore, Reginald Denny, Corinne FOR " Griffith, Norman Kerry, Constance Y a Talmadge, Richard Barthelmess and E ES An account at the Winnetka Milton Sills. T t d S . % B k il b bios fluted de felt dications 35 i ble dd plete do ddd WINNETKA b in i aap an wi ¢ + oth a pleasure and a protection i "A STITCH IN TIME TRUST vn SAVINGS LJ 9 i SAVES NINE BANK + ELM STREETAT CENTER ¢ Don't wait until you are all torn to pieces, then expect the first 9A State Bank" ; dose to bring you out of it. When you begin feeling badly, go to ITTY IIIS EEE LES L LLL ELL EL EE EEL a physician and let him look you over. Then come to us with oo Te your prescription and we will give it our most careful attention. = A i gph. : Now SONIN - ( N N Z Community Pharmacy L | < C. R. PATCHEN, R. Ph. 1 UK ; \ ( ( ' "Smiling Service" -- : 750 Elm Street Phone Winn. 164 L111 8] a] fii SL ¥ CETL LTT LTE LYLE ELLE EE LE LLL LE LL LL ELE LLL LL LLL LLL) R A le Bi SL COOL AND == COMFORTABLE 2 : = 3 3 ' would not mean a thing if the food itself were unwholesome and improp- - erly cooked. Try the Cameo for a -- : ls EE EE EAEEN EE EEE EEE EEN EEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEN combination of everything that makes a restaurant popular with its patrons. 'The place where eating is a pleasure" This gas and oiling LJ LJ] LJ LJ LJ + LJ LJ LJ + LJ LJ + + + LJ LJ + 3 L 3 Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room 551 Lincoln Avenue Joe Stoner & Co. station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. YOU DID! YES. I got up this morning, had a nice bath, put on fresh linen, and oh, boy! how good it makes one feel. You know an automobile is a good deal like a human. Give it oil, grease, and Tongregational Church _/\ ZA tighten it up every so often, and the result is a smooth-running a engine, no squeaking and sure braking power--a machine just humming with life to go. a. For economy's sake--call the Hubbard Woods Garage. You will receive reliable service and courteous treatment. Services for Vacation Mood HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tower Road WINNETKA, ILLINOIS It is quite natural to change our habits in the ummer. Perhaps one change that many of 1 +s make is in going to church. No change n our basic attitude, of course, but a view- wont influenced by the outdoor feeling. "Service The Winnetka Congregational Church has made With A a successful effort to provide services that fit Smile." the vacation mood. You are cordially invited to participate. . PHONES: : . YT REDAMING!Y 3 : i . p ' i z " ; = BATTERIE Services of friendliness and informality. WINNETKA i : § ; ACCESSORLE WINNETKA CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 617-1834 Si Service at Eleven. EE EEE EEE ESE EEEEEEEENENENSEEEEEENAENENEEEEEENENSD EE EEEEE EEE EE EEE EEE ENE EEE EEN EEE EEE EEE EEEENT