Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Aug 1925, p. 19

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« WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1925 19 SEE IT IN THE WANT ADS? GET IT _ Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 Telephones: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- MINIMUM CHARGE 50. the line. No black face type used. Rates for display type on application. i 5 Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES Want to move to Indiana A Real Bargain WINNETKA HOME Six Room Modern Bun- galow, two car garage, 92 feet frontage, 190 feet deep, one lot is vacant; you can put up another bungalow. In choice neighborhood. Will sell all or part. Price $16,500, Terms A Real Bargain Phone Winnetka 471 Owner. OLD HOUSE BARGAIN IT HAS CHARACTER AND A SU- perbly wded. and shrubbed 1% acre lot; 9 rms.; 2 baths; h. w. ht.; spac- ious break. and open pchs.; 2 car garage. A ROOMY COLONIAL lite, airy rooms; toi- lav 1st fl.; oak floors; ivory trim thruout; slp. and brkfast porches; owner leaving town; so sacrificin at $15,000. Cery easy terms. % Heinsen & Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm St, Winnetka 7 large, Phone 254 1LTN45-1tc WINNETKA 6 RM. STUCCO, S. E. WINNETKA, sun and brkfst porch, 1 car gar, h. w. ht., Bargain at $15,000.00. NEW 7 rm. shgle., 4 bed rms, 2 baths, att. and htd. gar., sun porch, --on heavily wooded lot 50x160 ft. Splendid value at $21,000.00. BARGAINS Indian Hill--Southwest; lot, 50x200, $100 a foot. Glencoe Gardens, adjoining Golf Club, $55.00 to $65.00 foot. the North Shore. u ACRE PROPERTY thruout E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winnetka 1800. 10 Carlton Annex 1LTN45-1tc beautiful GLENCOE FOR QUICK SALE--HOME IN BEAU- tiful N. E. Glencoe, 8 rms.: 5 bed rms.; 2 baths; extra lav. and toilet; metal weather stripped thruout; 2 car garage with light, heat and water; lovely shade trees on lot 100x200 ft. This is an unusual buy at $32,500.00. Phone Winnetka 1226 at once. 1LTN45-1te VACANT FOR SALE--§75.00 A FOOT for quick sale. $35.00 a ft. under adjoining lots. 4 blks. Kenilworth depot; 1 blk. Ind. Hill Golf Club. 50 or 100 ft. by 177 ft. deep. Wil- mette Life A-610, or call Sunn. 5528. 1LTN45-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. STUCCO; H. W. heat; atti¢; 2 car gar.; 3 blks. from steam and elec. sta.; 3 blks. to bath- ing beach; close to grade and high schools. Price $15,000. Terms. 477 Elder Lane, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1595. 1LTN43-tfc FOR SALE--GLENCOE, 455 MADISON 5 rms.; large garage; conv. to school and transp. $10,500; reas. terms. Open Sunday for inspection. H. W. Butler, 1056 No. Clark St. Chicago. Phone Glencoe 152 or Central 4838. 1LTN45-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT----NEW HOUSES; 6 and 7 rooms; near lake, golf and transportation; large lots, price $16,000 and $21,000. W. Otten, Coun- ty Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone High- land Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE--MY 120 A. FARM, 4 miles s. w. Barrington; 30 miles Chicago; close cement road; beau. bldg. spot in 5 acres timber; ideal for country home; near golf course. D. B. Ellis, Elgin, Ill. 1LTN45-1tp FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE 5 RM. semi-bungalow; large screened pch.; hot water heat. Good neighbor- hood. Bargain at $12,000; terms Address Winnetka Talk A-615. 1TN20-tfc FOR SALE--6 ROOM HOME IN 8S. E. Winnetka; glazed sleeping porch; screened front pch.; h. w. heat; 3% blks. to trans. $15,500. 310 Wal- nut St. Phone Winn. 1015. 1TN20-tfe FOR SALE OR RENT--7 RM. RESI- dence; slpg. and liv. pches.; 2 car garage. Phone Winnetka 1492. 1T22-1tc FOR SALE--FRAME HOUSE. CHER- ry and Linden streets. Winnetka 1211. 1TN22-1tc z FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- GLENCOE--CHARMING location on the high bluffs overlook- ing the lake; 8 rm. stucco house and garage; prefer small family; no other such place for rent on the North Shore; large grounds; private bathing beach. Phone Glencoe 210 or Wabash 1258. 2LTN45-2tc FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSE SEPT. 15 or Oct. 1 to May 1; 5 rm. stucco bungalow in Glencoe; nr. trans.; h. w. heat. Phone Glencoe 1041. 2LTN45-1tc FOR RENT -- WELL-FURNISHED house, centrally located; or 1, 2 or 3 rms. for light housekeeping; bath and' kitchenette; to adults only. Phone Wilmette 253. 2LTN45-1tc FOR RENT--6 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- low; large yard; garage. Glencoe 882. 2LTN45-1te FOR RENT--MODERN 6 RM. HOUSE; desirable location . Phone Winnet- ka 58. 2LTN45-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 ELM ST., WINNETKA. 12T22-2tp WOMEN -- TO DEMONSTRATE IN the homes indispensable garments of beauty. To resident women of high earning capacity we offer per- manent connection. MADAME RHE'- CLAIRE, 4313 Ravenswood Avenue. Wellington 6803. 12LTN45-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--NICE FURN. APT.; 2 rms. and closed porch; hot and cold running water in rm.; bath; % blk. from C. & N. WwW. 1230 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 3LT45-1tp FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor; fireplace; h. w. heat; best neighborhood, nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. after 6 P. M. or Sundays. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT--2 NICE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 310 Park Ave.,, Wilmette Phone Wil 1958. 3LT45-1tc FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam janitor service. Phone Wil. 3 3LTN34-tfc FOR RENT--SMALL KITCHENETTE apartment; in-a-dor bed. 704 Elm. Phone Winnetka 2327. 3T22-1te FOR RENT--THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. Also garage. Phone Win- netka 524-J. 3T22-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--LARGE, FURNISHED, front room; twin beds; block from WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid; gen. housework; small house; $18. Mrs. Chester H. Walcott, 548 Orchard lane, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 680. 12LTN45-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl; gen. hswk.; no washing; three in family. References required. Phone Wilmette 2254. 12LLT45-1tc WANTED -- COOK; WHITE; FOR family of 4; must be clean and a good cook. Phone Glen. 150 or call 261 Hawthorn Ave., Glencoe. 12LTN45-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. housework; experienced or not. Call Mrs. Sheriffs, Winnetka 1088. 12LTN45-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS; MONDAYS; small family; $3.50. Phone Glencoe 805. 12TN22-1tp WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; white; good cook; must like chil- dren. Fhone Winn. 1713. 12TN22-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE maid; small family; no washing; good wages. Phone Winnetka 64. Permanent Waving, $15 OIL SYSTEM; LARGE SOFT WAVES; no kinks. Wilmette Beauty Shop, 1200 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone 'Wil 79. 19LTN45-4tc HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 19TN17-tfe 20 AUTOMOBILES RENT A CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF. New seven passenger touring cars. Go where you want, when you want, stay as long as you want. You pay only for the distance you travel; no charge when car is not driven. For prices and information phone Glencoe 10562. 20TN21-tfe PAIGE ROADSTER FOR SALE--IN EXCELLENT MECH. condtion. Will hold 4 people. Ac- cessories, etc. Bargain only $275. Ride home from 1508 Elmwood Ave. Evanston. Ask for Mr. Barber. 20LTN45-1tp Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers University 140 20LTN24-tfc HAVE BUYER FOR LIGHT COUPE. We will purchase or take in trade on new Dodge. What have you? Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winnet- ka 165. 20TN22-1te FOR SALE -- USED STUDEBAKER, Calif. top; good cond. Price very Phone Wilmette 945-R. Teas. 20LTN45-1tc FOR SALE--CHEVROLET COUPE- 1922. Good eoldition, Pagan a: Holstead, 972 Ash street, nne . oisien 20LT45-1tp FOR SALE--LIGHT MILBURN ELEC- tric; good condition; newly painted. Phone Winnetka 305. 20TN22-1tp -------------------------- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BOY"S 2-SEATED BUCK- board; A-1 condition. Phone Winn. 1414. 21LTN45-1tc ------------------ 22 FINANCIAL SECOND MORTGAGES MADE ON IM- trangd next door to restaurant; 2 12TN22-1te proved property. Frank Shr ell, gentlemen. 556 Center street, Phone 111 s onroe street, . Winnetka 1588. 4TN22-1tc [14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE Phone Central 3058. 22L/TN44-4tc FOR RENT--ROOM; SUITABLE FOR [SITUATION WTD. -- HOUSECLEAN- | 23 PERSONAL 2; nr. trans. 725 Prairie Ave. Wil- ing, window washing, floor waxing, mette., Phone Wil. 442. lawn and garden work; odd jobs. | LADIES--WEAR A SAMPLE DRESS 4LTN45-tfc Phone Wil. 3428. 14LT40-tfc and mail in the orders that come to you. For particulars write Mme. M. FOR RENT--LARGE, PLEASANT |SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR | Hicks, 4537 Magnolia Ave, Chicago. front room, three blocks from sta- and gardener. Phone Glencoe 1171 23LT45-2tp tion. Phone Winnetka 415. Saturday and Sunday. 14T22-1tp 4TN22-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4T22-4te FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT RM.; also kitchenette if desired; 2 blks. from sta. Suitable for couple or 2 gentlemen. Phone Wil. 2699. FOR RENT--LARGE, FURN. ROOM; suitable for 2; 2 blks. from trans. Phone Winnetka 730. 4T22-1tc FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FURN. rooms; conv. location; east side. Phone Wilmette 1940. 4L'TN45-1tc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4LTN35-tfc FOR RENT--ROOM; PLEASANT LO- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfe FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn, 2213. 15TN10-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL housework. References furnished. Phone Glencoe 347-J. 15TN22-1te SITUATION WTD.--COL. GIRL; 18ST class cook or gen. work. Write V. E. Graves, 383 Livingston Ave, Akron, Ohio. 15TN22-2tp SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRY WORK at home; washing, $3. Phone Wil- mette 3013. 15L.T45-1tc WANTED--MARRIED COUPLE TO share home (Wilmette) with widow; no other roomers; very conv. Write Wilmette Life A-622. 23LTN45-1tc WANTED--HOMES FOR CATS AND dogs. Write North Shore Humane Society, City Hall, Evanston. Phone Greenleaf 883. 23TN22-1tp 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--AIREDALE DOG; 7 MONTHS old male. Phone Winn. 604-W. 24TN22-1tc 26 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING, HAULING black dirt. Phone Glencoe 885. 26LTN28-tfc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE cation; nr. trans. Phone Wilmette |16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE R4K3. 41. T45-1te AND FEMALE 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND SITUATION WANTED--COL. COUPLE, OFFICES position in privt. family; houseman and maid or cook; refs. Phone Oak- FOR RENT -- SMALL STORE. AN- land 1772. 16LTN45-1tp nex No. 22. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn, 62, 5T22-tfc | 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR SALE--MAH. DIN. RM. FURN.; mah. bedrm. furn.; William and FOR RENT--GARAGE, 164 WOOD- Mary library table and rocker; land Ave.,, Winnetka. Phone Winn. handsome mirror; 9x12 Wilton rug; 1543, 6T22-1tc chairs, sewing machine, kitchen cabinet, ete. All in good cond. 7 __ WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--BY RELIABLE Wilmette residents; modern house; well located; must have 4 slpg. rms. and garage; 3-5 yr. lease. Phone Wilmette 1475. TL T45-1tc WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED for yr. or more; 7 or 8 rm. house; for occupancy Sept. 1 or Oct. 1. Full particulars phone Wilmette 3120. TLTN15-1tp WANTED TO RENT--UNFURNISHED house. Responsible couple; no chil- dren. Buckingham 4868. 7T22-1tp 9 WANTED TO RENT-- APARTMENTS WANTED -- FURNISHED APART- ment, one or two rooms; for woman and boy of six; vicinity Winnetka schools; beginning school year. Re- ply to Lazareff, 1800 Selden street, Chicago. West 4980, 9T22-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE SALESMEN TO REPRESENT HIGH- ly rated, successful Eastern con- cern established since 1897. Can readily earn $100 per week to start with; an unlimited future because of repeat business. We can also make an excellent proposition to a few men for representing us in their spare time. Write Winnetka Talk A-623. 11TN22-1tp WANTED--REAL ESTATE SALES- man to sell out of our Winnetka office--territory, Kenilworth, Win- netka, and Glencoe. HEINSEN & KROLL, INC. 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 254 T1LTN45-1te Prices reas. Also good-looking coat, worn once, size 38. Owner going south wishes to sell. Phone Win- netka 2161. 17LTN45-1te FOR SALE--WALNUT QUEEN ANNE bedrm. suite of bed, chiff.,, vanity case and bench, 2 chairs, night ta- ble, quaint serving cabinet. Vanity alone priced at $130.00 (Field's price $200). Phone Glencoe 1087. 17LTN45-1te FOR SALE--2 PAIRS BROWN VE- lour portieres; small walnut gateleg table; mah. rocker; walnut telephone stand; new blue Axminster rug, 5x7. All priced very low. Phone Glen- coe 1087. 17LTN45-1te FOR SALE--BED-DAVENPORT AND and chair to match. Real bargain. 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED --NEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR mother's helper. Phone Winn. 2116. 12LTN45-1te Phone Winnetka 2385. 17LT45-1tp FOR SALE -- LARGE VICTOR VIC- trola; 1st class cond.; cheap. Phone 17TN22-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc Winn. 1785. N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture hought and sold. 1644 Manle Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FTTR GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, ramadeled and repaired. North Shore references. MADAME A. KORINEK Fur Shoppe 42% Linden Ave. Wilmette Concessions given on all work be- tween now and Sept 15. 19TN22-6tc SEWING MACHINES All makes and motors repaired, $1.00 up; work guaranteed; North Shore references. Singer Drophead, like new, $25. Singer electric port- able, $35. Free delivery. Phone Irving 1670. C. Skowron, 3040 No. Avers Ave. Chicago. 27LTN45-4tp NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-tfe 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT TUNING--GRAND AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GUAR- anteed. L. W. Foster, 1306 Wil. Ave. 'Wil. Phone Winn. 509-J. 28LTN44-tfc 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay you to get in touch with E. s Brandt. Best references. Phone (lencoe 971. 29TN4-tfc 30 TUTORING MUSIC TEACHER (MAN) WILL | take punils in piano and violin. Phone Winn. 1014. 30LT45-1tc DID NERO FIDDLE? "Nero fiddled while Rome burned." There is an adage which has been in common usage for centuries. And yet, did Nero fiddle? Were fiddles even known in Nero's time, half a century after the birth of Christ? In "Quo Vadis," the new and gig- antic First National production Nero is shown strumming a lyre while Rome burns. The producers of the First National classic maintain that fiddles weren't even known at that early date. What did Nero do while Rome burn- ed? Did he fiddle, as the adage says, or did he strum the lyre, as the film experts contend? Miss Elizabeth Case, 759 Burr ave- nue, Hubbard Woods, is spending a few weeks at Rangeley lake, Maine. LOCAL STARS COMPETE IN BIG SWIM CARNIVAL Two hundred contestants, including an Olympic star and several other of Northwestern university's swimming aces, will unite in a great water car- nival under the direction of Coach Tom Robinson, this Saturday at 2 o'clock, at the Patten gymnasium swimming pool. This is the 15th an- nual water carnival that the famous Purple mentor has conducted. "I expect 200 of my pupils to per- form," stated Mr. Robinson in discuss- ing the annual event. "There will be races for the little children as well as for the more experienced. About 35 races of a 20-yard nature are listed for the gala event, but the {feature event will be a race between eight of the fastest girl swimmers pitted against a team of eight of the speediest boy swimmers." Several of Northwestern university championship varsity swimming stars will co-operate to make the swimming carnival an interesting one. Captain Dick Howell, who was a member of the 1924 Olympic team, which ran off with all the honors last summer in Paris, Paul Manovitz, a member of the globe-trotting championship varsity team last fall, Paul Corbett, of Kenil- worth, another varsity star, and others will take part in the program. Sid La Pook, fancy diver, and Herb. Wells, a Northwestern alumnus, will do some fancy diving stunts. Announcement was made that Sybil Bauer may put on an exhibition in her famous back stroke swimming. "There will be no admission charge for the contestants but all others will be asked to pay a minimum price for admission, which will be spent for the many prizes offered," explained Coach Robinson. HOST OF VISITORS AT NEW CADILLAC EXHIBIT More people visited the five sales rooms of the Cadillac Chicago Branch on the three days of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of last week than were ever before known to call in a full week. The number of demonstrations made, during that period, in the new, improved Cadillac exceed substantially the highest week's record at any pre- vious time. The introduction of the "New Cadillac" has awakened wider interest and produced more sales than any in the history of the organization. Commenting on the unprecedented attendance at the first three days' showing of the New Cadillac, H. M. Stephens, branch general manager, says: "With the new car, Cadillac has stepped ahead even farther and taken up a new leading position. The inter- est this has awakened dwarfs that aroused when the the first American- built V-type eight cylinder car--the Type 51 Cadillac--was introduced in 1915. Cadillac has never done any- thing, in its 23 years of existence, which was so unmistakably approved by the public. "We had laid plans, prior to the ap- pearance of the advertising of the new improved Cadillac, to receive a large number of callers at our fire sales rooms. But our most ambitious ex- pectations fell far short of even ap- proximating the actual numbers who started coming early Thursday morn- ing. Fhe seven demonstrating cars which we had placed in service were kept on the street almost constantly from 9 o'clock in the morning until 11 at night. Throughout the afternoon and evening, those who wanted to ride in and drive the New Cadillac came in greater numbers than we could accom- modate, and parties waited for rides.. Must Have Card to Get Into Canada With Auto Hundreds of motorists have been turned back at the Ontario border for lack of registration cards during the past few weeks, according to the tour- ing bureau of the Chicago Motor club. "It is absolutely essential" says a bulletin issued by the club, "that mo- torists carry their registration cards with them when entering Canada. "The states of Pennsylvania and Maryland also request that motorists present their registration cards when called for." DICK IS PICTURESQUE Dick Turpin "rode the roads" in Merrie England 175 years ago, hold- ing up the coaches of the rich and taking the purses of the passengers. Nor did he spurn the magnifcent snuff boxes and massive watches then in vogue. Smilingly the daring rogue would sweep the ground with the plumes of his hat as he robbed a fair lady and then spur Black Bess to a hard gallop and off to London to spend the fruits of his rascality. Miss Irene Schuett, the sister of Mrs. William Bucker of 677 Willow road, is motoring today with a party of friends to Madison and the Dells, where she will remain two weeks at the Duclos Home hotel. jah

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