WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 NEWS OF INTERE ST [IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING FIELDS RIDE MOOCHING IS DANGEROUS "Don't Let the Kiddies Ride," Warns Head of C. M. C. "Within a few weeks school will re- open, children will come back from the country, and motorists accustomed to driving past empty school houses must again exercise caution," says Charles M. Haynes, president of the Chicago Motor Club. "Mooching' rides is one of the most dangerous practices among children, yet far too many motorists succumb to the youthful beguilery of the 'moochers' instead of trying to dis- courage this practice. Difficult as it is, 'one must steel one's heart to the blandishments of a kid's smile as it is a real injustice to that child and to his parents to encourage him. "When school starts you will see groups of boys, many of them of tender age, milling around in the midst of traffic, holding up an appealing hand to passing motorists. Success makes the boys bolder and they step out al- most to the center of the street. Grim tragedy frequently follows because some boy has not been warned about ride 'mooching, and because some motorist could not see the harm in giving a boy a lift. Then, too, few motorists realize the liability they in- cur when they invite a person to ride as their guest. It sometimes happens that motorists who have felt that it would be selfish to deny a plea for a ride have paid dearly for their bene- ficence. "Our courts have held that the op- erator of a car who invites another to ride with him, is bound to exercise rea- sonable care for the saféty of his guest, and that if, through the driver's neg- ligence, a guest who exercises due care is injured, the driver is liable for dam- ages. If you are the unfortunate vic- tim of a collision in which a boy is hurt, or if he is injured through jump- ing off the car before it has stopped, or if he trips and falls while getting off the running board, it may be possible that you will be forced to compen- sate him. "It is true that if you contest some of these cases chances are that you would win, but litigation is uncertain and ex- pensive, and in most cases your at- torney might accept a settlement by paying a small sum in order to release you from further liability." Open New Niles Center Subdivision This Month A new subdivision for Niles Center, overlooking the Northwestern golf links, has just been announced by the North .Side Realty company. Septem- ber 15 has been set for the opening. The area comprises 52 acres at Church street and Harms road, Niles Center, adjacent to the new right of way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railway extension and the 640-acre Forest Preserve. Four transfer corners will be pro- vided in the subdivision. Buildings will be restricted to brick construction and it will be known as the second, Third, Fourth and Fifth divisions of the Niles Center terminal. The North Shore Realty company has made phenomenal strides in devel- oping Niles Center properties. The company having reported sales total- ing between $2,500,000 and $3,000,000 in the past eight months. ECONOMIST REPORTS NUMEROUS TRANSFERS Continued activity is registered in lists of real estate conveyance appear- ing in The Economist, the Chicago Journal of Commerce and Torrens sys- tem. The following include the larger deals for the past week. Hill subdivision, part of lots 9-14, block 12, August 17; Frank J. Scramke to W. Ernest Hardic. Kenilworth, Kenilworth company ad- dition, parts of lots 7 and 9, block 8, August 24. Andrew J. Maloney to Frank Schoenfeld. McGuire and Orr's Skokie Heights subdivision, part of lot 55, August 19; Chicago Title and Trust company as trustee, to Howard D. Murphy. Wilmette Dempster addition, lot 9 and part lot 10, block 5, August 19; Walter S. Cox to Frank O. Young, Jr. Wilmette Westerfield addition, parts of lots 16 and 17, block 6, August 19; Gertrude McGinley to George W. Walker. Winnetka Garland addition, lot 10, 21, 42, 13, August 18; William F. Tem- pel to Henry W. Silk. Wilmette Lake Shore addition, lot 14, block 18; August 14; B. J. Rudd to N. F. Nartman for an indicated $5,500. Remy park subdivision, lot 4, 21, 42, 13; September 1; David Crabb to B. O, Tufts, Stacey Company Finds Home Transfers Active W. G. Stacey and company have been busy during the past weeks pro- viding homes and home sites for Chi- cagoans who have developed pen- chants for north shore residents. Three recent sales, through the agency of this company, are of especial interest. J. Muirhead Miekle, of Chicago, re- cently purchased the residenc at 1508 Forest avenue, Wilmette. P. A. Coolsen, of 4701 N. Albany street, Chicago, purchased the resi- dence at 2739 Broadway, Wilmette. S. Fox of Chicago is named as the purchaser of the residence at 2656 As- bury avenue, Evanston. Besides these, the company has been doing a good business in vacants throughout the north shore. Woman Buys Valuable Property in Glencoe Mrs. Lida B. Taylor is reported to have purchased the residence and land at Bluff road, Glencoe, opposite the fifteenth tee of the Skokie Country club, for an indicated $70,000, subject to $10,000. August C. Allen sold the property. It comprises lots 4 and 5 in block 36 and the transfer is dated August 25. Childs, Bobb and Wescott were attorneys in the deal. NEW KIND OF STEAK Scientists of the American Museum of Natural History created a sensation a few years ago by inviting New York newspaper men to a whale steak ban- quet. History's first dinosaur dinner is served in "The Lost Worid." An allosaurus, such as spread terror over the earth 10,000,000 yeas ago, is chef and guest of honor, the piece de resistance a brontosaurus as big as ten elephants. BROWN AND RUSTON Builders of North Shore Homes Glencoe 1158 665 Vernon Ave, GLENCOE, ILL. BARGAINS IN WILMETTE VACANT East Side Chestnut Ave... 0. 50 $200 ft. Ashland Ave. ... 0 am 130 ft. Greenwood Ave. ........ 135 ft Bimwood Ave. ........:a 125 ft Forest Ave. ....: 71/7232 125 ft. Lake Ave. |... .... vane 185 ft. Central:i"Ave., .......eoun 175 ft West Side Bimmwood Ave, ........% $68 ft. Walnut Ave. .....30 veo 65 ft. Spencer: Ave, .....%. 00 65 ft. Clore, Budinger & Smith Real Estate--Insurance 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 1750 514% Money Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% 9% in- terest. See us on renewals E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Live in Ravine Forest, Lake Bluff, Nature's Beauty Spot Ravine and wooded lots. Turn left on Sheridan Rd. in Lake Bluff, to first street west of bridge, owner will show prop- erty on Sunday. Phene Canal 1858 after 6:30 P.M. or write N. H. LONDENBERG 1546 W. 13th St., Chicago, Ill. EVERGREENS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS AND TREES Winnetka Landscape Company Not Inc. M. J. SULLIVAN, Prop. 882 Pine Street WINNETKA, ILL. GRADING--SEEDING LAWNS--TRIMMING--FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT--MANURE Men for private grounds by the day Phone Winn. 1549 VILLAGE FIGHTS SHOKE NUISANCE Kenilworth Gives Advice on Coal Buying Residents of Kenilworth are urged not to be stampeded into buying soft coal by the prospect of a strike in the hard coal mines, in a letter which is being sent out this week by village officials. The letter reads as follows: "Complaints of smoke nuisances in Kenilworth have been increasing in number during the past few years, partly because some householders have been burning soft coal or fuel oil with- out making the necessary changes in heating equipment or methods of firing to insure complete combustion. To burn soft coal without smoke requires properly designed equipment or con- stant attention by an expert fireman. Many boilers developed and found effi- cient with hard coal are entirely un- suited for soft coal or fuel oil. "Smoke is made up of unburned gases and carbon which should have been burned in the process of combus- tion. Loss from this source sometimes amounts to 20 per cent of the heating value of the coal. Fireplaces also are smoke producers, especially when can- nel coal is used. "The smoke and soot from domestic heating plants burning soft coal or fuel oil contains a large percentage of tar and acid which clings permanently to every object on which it falls; it stains buildings, injures vegetation. soils household furnishings and cloth- ing, and tends to injure the health when breathed. This loss can not be accurately estimated in dollars and cents, but it can readily be seen that the loss would-be enormous in a mu- nicipality like Kenilworth where the citizens take pride in their homes and furnishings. : "Where hard coal, coke, fuel oil, or gas is used, smokeless combustion can be obtained with relative ease. Do not be stampeded into buying soft coal by the prospect of a long, hard coal strike. Honest Investments Invest your money here where the principal will be safe and the high interest rate certain. Phone Univ. 285 or Rogers Park 0272 and ask for our securities list. 69) Money to Loan on residences, in Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe and other North Shore Villages. In the last 41 years we have served many thousands of borrowers. Our terms are reasonable--why not come to us? Quine Trson Established 1884 H. H. Banford, Mgr. Loan Dept. Real Estate--Property Management--Loans--Insurance 40 North Dearborn St., Chicago 1571 Sherman Ave., Evanston FOR RENT Glencoe: 5 Room Bungalow, Furnished, Garage, good location, convenient to transportation. Immediate possession, $110.00 FOR SALE 5 Room Frame Bungalow, Hot Water Heat, 3 Car Garage, 2 Acres of Land, 132 x 660. Terms. $15,000.00 J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. WILMETTE, ILL. 831 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 Linden Crest Apartments Linden Avenue and Fifth Street WILMETTE One of the Courts in the Linden Crest Why Not You? Many representative North Shore families are making the Linden Crest Apartments their home. You are invited to inspect the few choice apart- ments still remaining unoccupied. You will be attracted by the apartments themselves, the de- lightful neighborhood, and the moderate rents. For Information Call E. E. Stults Realty Co. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 3450 Office Open Sundays Coming soon--cool nights and chilly mornings. Be ready with "Clean as the Sun's Heat" The clean fuel of economy, for all heating plants and all seasons. Fill your bin now, while you can still profit by reduced summer prices. Right now is a good time to send for our Service Man. His suggestions can save you money on your season's fuel bill. For Sale by WINNETKA COAL & LUMBER CO. Winnetka 734 -/