WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1925 23 STUDY THE WANT ADS EVERY WEEK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear 1 who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA General Notices Glencoe TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. R t 10 cents per line in one paper. ates-- MINIMUM CHARGE Rates for Display type on application. papers. the line. No black face type used. . . i ti ill b - Deadline for Insertions--_o5islS, te Wednesday 12 oclook for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three 50. Average of five words to 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 893 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1719. 4T27-1tc LARGE FURNISHED room. Near trans. Phone Winn. 2213. 4T27-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Also garage. 903 Ash St. Winn. 4T27-1tp 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FICES FOR RENT 615 DAVIS ST., EVANS- ton. Elevator service. All outside offices. Liberal concession. Apply Mr. Harvey, New Evanston Theatre. 5LTN50-tfe FOR RENT OF HOYBURN. x REAL ESTATE Winnetka and Glencoe Real Estate S. W. WINNETKA. SPLENDID NEW Colonial, 11 rms., 4 baths, 1g. lot. Located in heart of Ind. Hill sect. $54,000.00. S. E. WINNETKA. VERY ATTRAC- tive new English type, 7 rms, baths, attached gar. trees. $27,500. S. E. WINNETKA. 6 ROOM STUCCO, 1 bath, well built, garage; nicely landscaped and good garden. $14,500. GLENCOE--N. ROOM BUNGA- low, stucco, lot 50x165. Must sell quickly. Can be had for $11,000 Ww. VACANT--N. E. GLENCOE--HEAV- ily wooded, 81x245--a buy at $7,500. E.E.StultsRealtyCo Oak St. at R. R. W.--5 Winnetka 1800-1226 1LTN50-1te FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA BRAND NEW BRICK DELIGHTFUL 6 RM. RES. WITH immense enclosed slp. pch., 2 baths, h. w. ht, ivory trim and oak floors throughout; beaut. wded. lot in choicest neighborhood, $25,000. Easy terms, Owner must sell. Offers in- vited. ROOMY COLONIAL $1500 DOWN PAYMENT BUYS THIS attract. home with 7 I1ge.,, light, airy rms.; toi-lav. 1st fir.; ivory trim; oak flrs.; beaut. wded. lot, only $15,000. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc o 720 Elm St, Winnetka Ph. 254 1LTN50-1tc LAKE BLUFF BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE; 100 x 165 in highly restricted neighborhood of handsome homes; all improvements in; east of steam and electric lines; 1 blk. from school. Only $37 per ft. $1,000 cash; bal. monthly. Where can you find anything like it along the North Shore? Call owner at once Univ. 1858 before 10 a. m. or after pm. 1ILTN50-1tc AN UNUSUAL PROPERTY OVERLOOKING THE SKOKIE CLUB is a splendid old home of frame and stucco with 5 bed rms. running water in two, 1 bath; on a beauti- fully landscaped lot fronting 150 ft. on Wash. by 182 deep. Land value is $20,000. Price for immediate sale $26,650. For details phone Winn. 1800-1226. 1LTN50-1te SO. WAUKEGAN SHER. RD. BUSINESS OR INDUS- trial site; 100 ft. frontage on 2 sts. Opp. steel plants, factory, etc. Un- limited speculative value. Worth $8,000 but must sell to 1st bidder. $5,600 is rock bottom price. Owner. Write Wilmette Life A-658. 1LTN50-1te Make $50,000 in 2 years on $8,000 Investment. 20 acres on State Highway -- Beautiful Glenview. House, Barn, Fruit Trees. Easy Terms. MR. CLINGEN, 701 Emerson St., Evanston Phone University 143 1LT50-1te FOR SALE--7 RM. BRICK AND stucco; 4 bdrms.; 2 baths; lav. Just completed. $21,000. E. P. Maynard & Co. Hubbard Woods Phone Winn. 236 1LTN50-1tc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED; CHARM- ing cottage, opp. Skokie Club; antiques, oriental rugs, piano play- er; 3 bed rms.; glazed sleeping porch; 2 baths; fireplaces upstairs and down; large screened porch; living rm.; dining rm. and sun rm. combined; kitchen and breakfast corner; garage attached. Phone Glencoe 311. 2TN27-1tc FOR RENT--MODERN 7 RM. EAST side home; sunp.; double gar. Deep wooded lot. Furn. or unfurn. Reas. to responsible party. Or will sell. E Z terms. $4,000 will handle. Tel. Wil. 995-R. 2LTN50-1te FOR RENT--11 RM.. HSE.; NEWLY dec.; partly furn. Best location Ev- anston. 624 Clark St, Evans. 1st apt. 2LTN50-1tp FOR RENT--NEW 5 RM, SUNP, stucco bungalow; unfurn.; shower bath; screened pch.; English ftire- place; h. w. heat; near all trans. Phone Winn. 2478. 2LTN50-1te FOR RENT--WELL FURN. 7 RM. house; centrally located in Wilmette. Or lighthskpg. rms. one, 2 or 3; bath and kitchenette. Adults only. Phone Wil. 253. 2LTN50-1te FOR RENT--WILMETTE. QCT. 1. 4-rm. hse.; bath; sun pch.; furnace ht. Conv. location. Must be seen to be appreciated. Owner. Phone Ravenswood 8496. 2LTN50-1te FOR RENT--4 RM. BUNGALOW; unfurn. Poss. Oct. 1. 530 Temple Court, Kenil. 2LT50-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. MY HOME. CON. location; adjoining Indian Hill club. Reas. rent. Phone Winn. 2230. 2TN27-1te FOR RENT--PRIVATE OFFICE OR desk space over Adams' Pharmacy. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co., Winnetka. 5LTN50-1tc 6 FOR RENY--GARAGES FOR RENT -- SUPERIOR PRIV. GA- rage; centrally located; east side; north of Elm St. Address I, Gen. Del.,, Winnetka. 6T27-1te FOR RENT -- GARAGE. Indian Hill. Phone Winn. 606-W. FOR RENT GARAGE--$10 A MONTH. 984 Cherry St. 6T27-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 ROOM house; unfurnished; and garage. Must be strictly modern; in high class neighborhood; anywhere near North Shore or suburban transporta- tion. Also interested in purchasing same on optional basis. Walt Bloeser, Tribune Tower, Chicago. Central 6432. TLTN50-1te WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FAMILY accustomed to nice surroundings would like to occupy furnished resi- dence for winter during absence of owner. Nominal rental. Write Winn. Talk A-662. 7T27-1te WANTED TO RENT -- UNFURN. house; 7-8 rms.; 2-3 baths. Good location. Reliable party. $150-$200 per mo. Benjamin Bills, 208 So. La Salle St., Chicago. Phone Harrison 9810. TTN27-1tc T27-1te TELEPHONE OPERATING IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS. PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--AT SACRIFICE PRICE, the furniture of an 8 rm. Kenilworth home; including several hundred books, bookcases, chairs, beds (sin- gle and double) dressers, tables, din. table, kitchen range, musical instru- ments, garden tools, lawn mower, work bench, vice anvil and toois. Also large mah. office desk that cost $150. for a fraction of that amouut. Articles not definitely priced but any reasonable offer will be considered. Phone Kenil. 1313 or call 344 Wood- stock Ave. 17TLTN50-1te FOR SALE -- SECTIONAL BOOK- cases; silk mohair davenport; player piano; music rolls and cabinet; van- ity dressing table (new); brass bed, new box springs and mattress; din. table, 6 chairs, buffet; Thor wash- ing machine. Phone Wil. 3326. ' 17LTN50-1tp FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE CHAIRS (lady's); chests, beds, tables; rugs; glass of all kinds. Prints a spe- cialty. Selling out. 808 Washington St., Evanston. 17LTN48-4tc THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 FOR SALE--BABY GRAND PIANO; ELM ST., WINNETKA. reed sun parlor furn.; hall clack; din. rm. set; bedrm. set; rugs. All 12T27-tfe high grade. 415 Sheridan Rd., Wil- mette. Phone Wil. 760-R. 17LTN50-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. | ORDERS TAKEN FOR CANDLE hswk.; very good salary. ers cai Wick pr Dreads) Age Shee! ovely i - ern. . . Winn. 2004. 12LTN50-1te padi ENS Tot te WANTED--WOMAN TO HELP WITH hswk. 3 hours a day; either morn- FOR SALE--VICTOR OR OLA en i good condition. Phone inn. ; ing or afternoon. 50c an hour. 914 17TN27-1to Vernon Ave. H. Woods. Call Winn. 82 12TN27-1t¢ | FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL COMBINA- tion gas and coal kitchen stove, WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. Good as new. Jensen, 371 Rosewood hswk.; 2 adults and 2 children in Ave. Phone Winn. 1681. 17T27--tc family; refs. i1ejuired. Mrs. J. js Holland, 13/0 Scott Avenue. Phone | FOR. SALE--BABY BED, BATH- Winn. 1954. 12T25-tfe table; gas stove, livg. rm. chairs, and tables, rugs, etc. Winn, 847. WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN HSWK.; 17LTN50-1tp Jouns, willing, neat, while No aundry. Priv, ortoom. and bath | yor. SALE---BABY BUGGY: . GOOD Phone Winn, 632. 12TN27-1te | © ond. Reas. Phone Univ. 3642-J. WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID FOR 17LTN50-1tp gen. hswk. Call Glen. 903, FOR SALE--CONSOLE VICTROLA 12TN27-1tc and records; Colonial mah. lib. table. Phone Glen. 612. 17TLTN50-1tc WANTED -- TWO GIRLS, WHITE, friends or sisters, for cook and sec- WANTED TO RENT--7 OR 8 ROOM ond girl. Experience not necessary. unfurnished house. Glencoe 497. Phone Winn. 623 12TN27-1te TTN27-1tc -- WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE 10 WANTED TO RENT-- ROOMS girl for general housework. Phone Winn. 969. 12TN27-1te WANTED TO RENT--IN WINNETKA or Hubbard Woods, comfortable|{ WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELP E R. room with breakfast, and private Also girl to care for child after- bath if possible. For about four noons. Phone Winn, 1331. weeks. Elderly lady. Phon Mrs. C. 12TN27-1tc H. Coffin, Winn. 623. 10TN27-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED eral housework. Small family. room. East side preferable. Write Small house. Good wages. Refer- George Courtney, Gen. Delivery, ences. Phone Winn. 46. 1009 Vine Winnetka, Ill 10T27-1tp St., Hubard Woods. 12TN27-1te 2 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. EOR RENT--HOUSE WITH 2 FLATS, 995 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods. Phone Winn. 128. 2TN27-1tc FOR RENT--T7 RM. FURN. HOUSE; 4-7 months. 936 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1065. 2TN27-1tc AN ESTABLISHED NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE FIRM HAS A VERY GOOD OPENING FOR AN EXPER- IENCED SALESMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF ONE OF THEIR BRANCH OFFICES. WRITE WIN- NETKA TALK A-654. 11LTN50-1te FOR RENT--SMALL AND COMFORT- able cottage. Conv. location. Call at 757 Locust St, Hubbard Woods. 2TN27-1tc FOR RENT--NEW AND MODERN 8 rm. brick, furnished. $175. Refs. Winn. 1652. 2TN27-1tc FOR RENT--S8 RM. UNFURN. FORM house, with 15 acres. On Avoca Rd. west Hibbard. P. W. Bradstreet, Excl. Agt. Phone Winn. 162. 2T27-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS -- ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN TOZVANSTON. 4's and 5's with eitra Led, closets. Reasonable rents; 11% blks. to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down- town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Own- er on premises. Phone Univ. 3713. 3LTN50-tfc FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane. 7 rm. Colonial. Large living room; 4 slp. rms.; tile bath; encl. slp. porch. Lot 641x150. Near high school and trans. Might exchange for vacant or smaller house. Immediate possession. Winn. 1805. 1T27-1te BARGAIN -- $11,000. GLENCOE. Leaving city. Stucco clapboard house; 5 rms. 1st fl.; 2 on 2nd fl.; lg. sc. porch; garage; h. w. heat. Lot 50x140, wooded, hedges, flowers. Fine neighborhood. Prop. val. Easy terms. 474 Drexel ave. (1 bl. n. Scott Ave.). Phone Glencoe 1071. 1TN27-1te FOR SALE--NEW BRICK VENEER house, 133 Glenwood Ave. Hubbard Woods; 6 rms.; 2 baths; pchs.; lot 55x200; price $20,000. Terms. Phone Winn. 62 or inquire at 137 Glen- wood Ave. 1LTN50-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSE 7 rms.; near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. : 1LTN59-ife FOR RENT--MODERN FLAT; 6 RM.; brkft. pch. Ideal location; nr. trans. Col. or white. Also furn. rm. Phone Glen. 639. 3LTN50-1te FOR RENT--KITCHENETTE APT. IN Franklin Bldg.; in-a-dor bed. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN50-tfc FOR RENT--3 ROOM APT. HEATED; light hskpg. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN50-tfc FOR RENT--DESIRABLE APTS. ON new blvd. $40-$65. 615 Kenilworth Ave. Phone Kenil. 1146. 3LTN50-1tc WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR BOY TO work in real estate office. Old es- tablished firm. Small salary to start. Write Wil. Life A-661. 11LTN50-1te hswk.; Call Glen. 472. 12TN27-1te WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Half-days by the week. Small' family. Call Winn. 1810. 1082 Cherry St. 12T27-1tp WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. refs. White. No washing. Small family. Refs. 808 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Winn. 2495. 12T27-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--MAN WITH SUFFICIENT experience to take care two saddle horses and also drive car, tend furn- ace and do usual chores. Call Mr. Butler, Winnetka 102 for appoint- ment. 11T27-1tec WANTED--YOUNG MAN, 18-20, TO drive truck. Good chance to learn the hardware business. Eckhart Hardware Co., Winnetka. 11TN27-1tc 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- GOOD EXP. WHITE woman to do gen. hswk., incl. laun- dry, in family of 2 adults and 2 babies. We have a small new home with every conv. possible and do very little entertaining. Someone who appreciates good home. Phone Wil. 2576. 12LTN50-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; exp.; good cook; must like children; 3 small children in family; refs; no laundry; good wages. Phone 3len. 269. 12TN27-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- FURNACES cleaned and taken care of by the month. House and garden work by the hour. Fall plantings, peren- nials and shrubs. Victor Carlson, 188 Forest avenue. Winn. 486. 14T24-4tc SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced gardener wants any kind of vard or garden work. Transplant- ing, etc. By day or week. Call Winn. 2114. 14T27-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- COL. CHAUF- feur; 7 yrs. exp.; willing to do other work; licensed; city refs. Phone Atlantic 4571. 14LTN50-1tp SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR. 15 years' exp. Refs. Phone Winn. 958. Taylor. 14TN27-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk.; family of 4. No heavy work or laundry. $20. Phone Winn. 176. 860 Purr Ave. 12TN27-1tc 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--HIGH SCHOOL graduate wishes office position. Phone Winn. 236. 15LTN50-1te SITUATION WTD. -- COMPETENT practical nurse, white, would like care of invalid or elderly person. Long exp., good refs. Will travel. Phone Winn. 1489. 15T27-1tp WANTED--IN WILMETTE; FAMILY SITUATION WTD--CARE FOR CHIL- of 3; exp. white maid; must be good dren by the hour; companion to cook. Wages $18. Refs. required. elderly person; housekeeper. Phone Tel. Wil. 1458. 12LTN50-1te Wil. 2202. . 15TN27-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. | HAVE YOUR DRESSMAKING DONE hswk.; family of 4. Refs. required. by an exp. dressmaker. Call Miss Apply 862 Prospect Ave., Winn. Bartells. Winn. 2420. 15TN26-2tc Phone Winn. 217. 12T27-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room. Gentleman. Winn. 1386. 4T27-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN., LARGE, front room; twin beds. Nr. trans. and school. Suitable for 2 teachers. Phone Winn. 1028. 4T27-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. Living rm., bedrm.; kitchen privi- leges. Address Wilmette Life A-660. 4LTN50-1tc FOR SALE--DIRECT BY OWNER; beautiful Glencoe home; large wooded lot; 6 rms. except. well ar- ranged; h. w. heat; tile bath. All conv. Price for quick sale--$17,000. Phone Glen. 173. 1LTN50-11c FOR SALE--I111% ACRES NEAR DE- pot of new electric line at Willow street; other acreage. Call" NTH, Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN50-tfe FOR SALE--20 ACRES; 6 BLOCKS from depot in Deerfield; other acre- age. This is a rare opportunity for subdivision. Call F. H. Ward, Wil- mette 3041. 1ILTN50-tfc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. Family of 3. 769 Michigan Ave. Phone Wilmette 2745. 12LTN50-1te FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. Refs. Phone Winn. 606-W. 12L'TN50-1te 1389. 15TN27-tfe SITUATION WTD -- CAN RECOM- mend my laundress; want 3 days' work each week. Tel. Winn. 15186. 15T27-1te SITUATION WTD -- NURSE GIRL OR WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE assist with lighthswk. Likes chil- girl for gen. hswk. References. dren. Phone Palisades 2301. Phone Winn. 1888. 12LTN50-1te 15T27-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE | 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE Phone Winn. laundress; with refs. 99. 12LTN50-1te AND FEMALE FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT, WELL SITUATION WTD. -- COMPETENT furn. room; priv. bath. Near trans. WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST col. cple.; place in priv. family. and New Trier H. School. Phone with gen. hswk. Phone Wil. 1472. North Shore ref. Phone Glen. 1015. Winn. 1543. 4L.TN50-1tc 729 11th St., Wilmette. 12LTN50-1tc 16LTN50-1tp FOR RENT--SMALL FRT. ROOM;| WANTED -- EXPERIENCED YOUNG SITUATION WANTED--COUPLE FOR » central location. Phone Wil. 965-M. lady for bookkeeper. Also several housework, cook and chauffeur or 4L'TN50-1te other positions open. Apply Wil- houseman. Phone Winn. 958. John- mette Chamber of Commerce, Wil- son. 16TN27-1tp FOR RENT--WITH BOARD. Comf. mette. 12LTN50-1te room; priv. family. School teacher preferred. Phone Wilmette 980-W. 802 Lake Ave. 4LTN50-1te FOR RENT--TWO BEDROOMS. Breakfast if desired. Address Wil- mette Life A-660. 4LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- STUCCO BUNGALOW. Wooded lot, 135x210. 2 car stucco garage. Fruit trees. Will sell all or part of land. - 862 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. 1LTN50-1tp FOR SALE--FLORIDA; 1 ACRE. $150. Access to ocean and lake. Good hunting and fishing. Direct from owner. Write Wil. Life A-659. 1LTN50-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT--ROOM; SUITABLE FOR 2; near trans. Phone Wil. 3206. 4LTN50-1te FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM; NEAR « all trans. Tel. Wil. 2706. 4LTN50-1tc WANTED--COOK AND WAITRESS, white, Protestants. Four adults in family. Phone Wilmette 628. 12L/TN50-1tp WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk. Small family. No washing. Phone Winn. 1256. 12LTN50-1tc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--HOTTSEHOLD FURN. OF every kind. $250 vietrola for $50. Many articles of unusual interest. Genuine antiques and several very worth while collections. Books, china, glassware, lamps, curios. Prices reas. 1504 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette. 17LTN50-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for gen. hswk.; 38 in family. 821 Prospect Ave. Phone Winnetka 1026. 12LTN50-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. good wages. 12LTN50-1te hswk.; small family; Phone Winn. 2171. FOR SAT W--MAID'S BED, soring mat- tress, dresser, $15; mangle, washing machine and stove. $175: ice box, $10: gas range. $10: sanitary couch and nad, $4: pch. set, 3 chairs, table and rug, $18; sewing machine. $10; 2 plants, $5. Phone Kenil. 648. 17TN27-1te FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE; DAY bed; oak liv. rm. set. Phone Wil. 2310. 17LTN50-1tc FOR SALE--CHASE BROS. UPRIGHT piano and bench. $75. Call. Winn. 1560. 17LT50-1tp FOR SALE--STEINWAY GRAND, Victrola, Karpen couch, and other furniture. Kenilworth 2999. 7 17TLTN50-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- TRANSPORTATION FOR teacher from Hubbard Woods to west side Chicago for month; as pass. in priv. automobile. Winn. 1910. 19TN27-1te HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 19TN17-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LT8-tfc 20 AUTOMOBILES . FOR SALE--JORDAN 1923 SIX SPORT car; 2 new tires; 2 bumpers; 4 snub- bers; motometer; overhauled this spring. Owner leaving city. No reas. offer refused. Phone Winn. 847. 20TN27-1te PAIGE 6-39 $250 VERY ° REAS. FOR QUICK SALE. Will hold 4 people. Accessories. Good mech. cond. 1508 Elmwood Ave., Evanston. Ask for Mr. Barber. FOR SALE--1923 6-CYL. SPEEDER. $350. Phone Winn. 235. Make offer. 20LTN50-1tec FOR SALE--BUICK MASTER SIX Must be sold 1687. 20LTN50-1tp Excell. cond. Phone Wil coupe. immed. 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS "PEER" -- EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. Once tried always used. For gen- eral cleaning; floors, linoleum, wood- work, bathroom and glass. Contains no acid. A chemical sold in pack- ages or bulk. Free sample on re- quest. Feer Products Co. Mrs. R. M. McCaull, agent. Phone Greenleaf 77. 21LTN50-1tp Patsy Ann Candies Home Made 1159 Wilmette Avenue (Lobby of Brown Bldg.) 21LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- BEAU. SEAL-BROWN saddle horse; spirited but gentle. Fine horse for lady. Hanson, Wil. 2955 or Dearborn 9115. 21TN27-1te FOR SALE -- BOY'S BICYCLE, cheap. Also mahogany davenport table. Phone Winn. 969. 21TN27-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK SILK PURSE AT Ravinia Friday evening, Sept. 4; contained keys, bank book, etc. Finder keep money and return bag to Mrs. Pierce, 550 Cedar St., Win- netka. 24L.TN50-1tc LOST -- YEAR - OLD AIREDALE, black and tan. Reward. Phone Glencoe 927. 24LTN50-1tc LOST--WHITE CAT WITH BLACK spot on top of head. Reward. Phone Winn. 729. 24T27-1te More Want Ads on page 16