Vi i Li October 10, 1925 WINNETKA TALK si 40 Percent of N. U. Frosh Are Top-Notch That careful selection of students coming from high schools and pre- paratory schools to Northwestern uni- versity is a worth-while educational experiment is demonstrated by an anal- ysis of the incoming freshmen, 40 per cent of whom are reported in the top- most group of students as compared with 26 per cent four years ago and 28 per cent two years ago. Personnel Director L. B. Hopkins regards this showing as exceptionally strong, he told President Walter Dill Scott. In the second quarter are 28 per cent of the yearlings, in the third quarter 24 per cent, and in the lowest group this year only four per cent of the fresh- man appear. High school principals furnish reports upon standings and that 40 per cent of the Freshman class at Northwestern are the cream of the prep school yraduates this year, is re- garded by the university's authorities as unusually fortunate. Meanwhile registration at North- western is continuing. Liberal Arts is up 15 per cent over a year ago, with 2,100. The Engineering school with 183 is ahead of last year by nine per cent, with a likehood that the 200 mark will be reached; registration in the School of Speech is nearly 250, as compared with 237 last year, while music, commerce, engineering and all the professional schools downtown are reporting attendance increases of from 10 to 25 per cent. Winnetkan Inspects Big Development in Florida Mr. Myron T. Harshaw, 1096 Oak street, who represents the New Busi- ness Corporation of Chicago, was the guest of A. L.. Kurtz and J. P. Yoder, formerly of Winnetka, at a recent private dinner party given in his honor at the Coral Gables, Florida Golf and Country club. Mr. Harshaw, who is on a business swing of the country, included Miami in his itinerary, and | Gertrude H. Lieber Talks Before Vocational League Mrs. Gertrude H. Lieber, of Win- netka, prominent lecturer on educa- tional subjects, spoke at the first meet- ing this year of the Vocational Super- vision league of Chicago, was held re- cently at the Chicago Woman's club. The Vocational Supervision league helps to keep in school poor children who would otherwise have to cut their schooling short and go to work to help support their families. In cases of this kind varying amounts of money, from $7 to $20 a month are contributed by the league to the family, and the child is allowed another year or so of schooling. Many north shore or- ganizations help in this charitable work and the Winnetka Woman's club con- tributes about $200 annually to this cause. During the week to their departure for Florida Tuesday, Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff of 739 Walden road have been entertained at dinner by friends and groups of friends every night, and Sunday a tea will be given in their honor. Dr. and Mrs. Poff will remain in the South three or four months. They have rented their house to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeddies. ELSIE ZEIT McCLELLAN announces the removal of her Dancing classes from the Winnetka Woman's Club to Room 208 Indian Hill Bldg. Indian Hill Studio opens Thursday, October 15th expressed himself as being amazed at. the progress made by Coral Gables in | the short years of its existence, it was | said. | Telephone Winnetka 1855 poe ---- M-------------------- PHONE Univ. 2720 1559 Sherman able to offer you the PALACE CASH MARKET. THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS Ave., Evanston Because of our enormous buying power in supplying our chain of 28 markets we are finest at low prices. Fresh Dressed Broilers 2 9vsc Fresh Prime Beef Tenderloin 3 to 5 lbs. 45¢ Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens Tc Jack Sprat Bacon Sliced 3 1b. pkg. $1.25 Fresh Calves' Sweet Breads 65¢ Fresh Beef Tongue 221/5¢ SELLING LIKE WILD FIRE HAHN'S QUITTING BUSINESS SHOE SALE HURRY OVER Shoes for women, men and children at prices that are moving them fast. HAHN must go positively Nov. 1st. Lease expires; hence extremely quick action is necessary to dispose of his large dependable high grade stock of footwear at any price, no matter how great the loss. Every pair in the store bears a heavy price reduction. Don't hesitate. Don't delay. Come in Saturday and get your share. It pays big dividends. Ladies' Low Shoes All the newest styles, values to $7.50. Three lots, sale prices $1.95, $2.85 and $3.85 Men's Work Shoes Men's Dress Shoes Tans and blacks, heavy oak soles, values to $5.00, sale and Oxfords price ....... $2.45 and $2.95 Up to the minute styles, all welted soles. Tans and Blacks, values to $7.50. Two lots, sale price ...$3.35 and $4.35 Men's Elkskin Shoes In tans and smoked elk, posi- tively $3.00 to $4.00 sellers. Sale price ...$2.45 and $1.95 Ladies' Comfy Slippers Ladies' comfy slippers, ribbon sizes trimmed, all and col- Children's and girls' shoes and slippers ==. Ji, Te $2.45 Children's shoes ........ 08¢ Boys' "Gym" shoes ..... 98¢c A limited quantity of men's shoes, values to $4.50. Sale price $1.49 HAHN' SHOE STORE 1625 Benson Avenue EVANSTON