10 WINNETKA TALK October 31, 1925 CHURCH CHOIR ENJOYS NOVEL DINNER PROGRAM Music Committee of Congrega- tional Church Arranges Din- ner of Unusual Success For some months past many of those who have been in attendance at Sunday morning services in the Winnetka Congregational church have been lavish in their praise of the ef- forts of an adult choir of some 40 voices Few, however, have been conscious of the evenings of effort put forth by that group in preparation for these services. Those who realized it most were the respective husbands and wives of its members who were com- pelled to remain at home while re- hearsals were in progress. The music committe of the church, sensing a chance for the greatest a- mount of cooperation by those con- cerned, issued invitations for a din- ner which was held in Community House Tuesday evening of this week to which members of the choir and the other adult members of their families were invited. Here, those who do not sing were treated to rare music by those more gifted. Talented individuals surprised their listeners with solos that were highly appreciated. A spirit such as can only be developed by music was decidedly evident and caused consid- erable comment by those who attend- ed. Community Sing Features Community singing before and dur- ing the dinner was indulged in and a program of solo numbers following the dinner was given by Mrs. Tar- rant, Miss Bradford, Mrs. Bartlett, and Mr. Rettie. Mrs. John Marshall gave one of her interesting readings and a quartet consisting of Mrs. Locke, Mrs. Prouty, Mr. Ratcliffe and Mr. Morphett, sang two numbers. Dr. J. F. W. Davies gave an inspir- ing talk about music in which he sketched through history and his own personal experiences the effect that music has had on various people at : | 3 . : different times. He ended his talk | seemed to find most interesting. with a few excellent suggestions which | The dinner was in charge of he believed a church attendant would | Charles J. Eastman who was assisted make to any choir. by At the close ef the program a typ- | cliffe ical choir pratice was indulged in to|and Charles J. Eastman led the com- which the attending husbands and | munity singing and served as toast- Mrs. R. J. Locke. Thomas Rat- was active in the preparations wives were invited and which they ' master at the dinner. Mrs. Mrs. Sidney Eastman, 359 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon Thursday at Glenview Golf club for Mrs. Culbertson and her cousin, Mrs. Mengies, who leave for Pasadena Tuesday. On Saturday at 12 o'clock, Mrs. Sidney Eastman enter- tained at a breakfast for Mrs. d'Aix. G. C. SCHEIBE, Inc. GROCERY ano MARKET Where Quality and Service Rule Four Phones--Winnetka 2525-2526-2527-2528--No Waiting 456-458 Winnetka Avenue--Indian Hill TAKE THE CHILL OFF A=. With a Westinghouse Electric Heater = inghouse Percolator. winter nights. 554 Center Street A Westinghouse Iron will smooth your Laundry to perfection. Prepare your breakfast coffee in a West- Use Westinghouse Mazda Lamps to make your home cheerful during the long North Shore Electric Shop WINNETKA JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. If electrical and good, we sell it. Phone Winn. 44 NN rie A A AN A NN A ANA A AAR NANA A COMMUNITY FRUIT lino Are. MARKET CONNECTED WITH SOUTH WATER FRUIT MAR- KET OF EVANSTON NN New Phone Winn. 2613 Ee A ren / / y / / / : Jonathan $2.90 Rehmaego 10 / Apples and Celery, 25c¢ and by the box $3.25 bunches C / g Cooking Appl / ooXing Apples, Orange 5 pounds 25¢ per dozen 35¢ : Florida 5 49¢ : Grape Fruit Mushroons 3 and 4 for 2 c per pound ig yg / fled Joe Green Peas, String yl per head 20c Beans and Artichokes, J low price. We deliver ¢ S t all parts of Winnetka 4 Te eS 25 and Hubbard Woods-- | # 4 pounds C 5 deliveries daily. ; 4 EN ARR RA A NAN SASL RR NN ANN NN SS AA NN