48 WINNETKA TALK October 31, 1925 Marjorie Janney to Make Her Social Bow Day After Christmas This week news of two debutantes. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Janney will introduce their daughter, Miss Mar- jorie, to society at a tea they will give at their home, 657 Spruce street, Sat- urday afternoon, December 26, from 4 until 6 o'clock. Miss Janney is now at Smith college. Miss Mildred Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Allen, formerly of Sheridan road, but who now are stay- ing in Chicago made her debut Friday evening, October 30, at a dance at the Casino club, preceding which, the debutante's sister, Miss Marjorie Allen, entertained at dinner. Children Are Guests at Skokie School Tuesday Skokie school will be hosts to chil- dren from all the other schools in the village next Tuesday afternoon when the first of what are planned to be semi-annual all-Winnetka assemblies will be held in the auditorium of the school, it was announced this week by the Principal W. W. Beatty. The assembly will begin at 2:30 o'clock and there will be a program of stunts and singing which will in- clude all present. It is the intention of school authorities in promoting these assemblies to bring the children of the village closer together and im- press them with the fact that although for geographical reasons different school buildings are necessary they are all part of the Winnetka school system and closely related. Parents of the children are invited to attend the assembly. Mildred Joeckel to Wed at Home on Thanksgiving Miss Mildred Joeckel who has been living at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Edwin J. Thompson of 1067 Oak street, will leave the first of the week for her home in Lake Mills, Wis., where she will be married on Thanks- giving day to Harold Fischer of Lake Mills. Miss Joeckel has been em- ployed in the office of the superin- tendent of building and grounds of Northwestern university. Mrs. Harold Garwood of Evanston gave a shower for Miss Joeckel Wed- nesday evening, and Thursday noon she was a guest of honor at a lunch- eon given by the girls of the Regis- trar's office at Northwestern univer- sity. Rotarians Get Tip on How to Buy Good Rugs Winnetka Rotarians will find it an easy matter henceforth to rival their wives as connoisseurs of fine oriental rugs. The men folks stole a march on the fair ones last Friday when Tom Kullujian, rug specialist with the U. S. Department of Justice, gave a lecture in which he brought out the distinguishing marks in genuine and imitation rugs. Mr. Kullujian explained the art of rug making. He is a rug maker by profession but because of his expert knowledge of orientals, has been in the service of the government. for several years investigating frauds in the marketing of rugs. HOSTESS TO P. T. A. Mrs. J. Williams Macey of Hubbard Woods was hostess Tuesday evening to members of the first grade Parent- Teacher association of the North Shore Country Day school. Great in- terest and enthusiasm was manifested in the plans for the winter's meetings and activities which were discussed. Miss Grace McKee of the first grade gave an informal talk. brings Skokie Football Squad Trims Country Day Boys Skokie school came out winner over the North Shore Country Day school two out of three football games last week. The Skokie lightweights de- feated the Day school lights 6--0 and the Skokie heavies beat their op- ponents by a 6--3 score. The Country Day school won in the middleweight division, with a score of 6--0. Skokie has four football squads, with a total of 96 players and the teams are show- ing some excellent work under the direction of Harry P. Clarke, football coach and physical director of the school. A. Homer Goodhue Dies; In Ill Health 2 Years A. Homer Goodhue, 384 Elder lane, died in Baltimore, Md., Friday, Octo- ber 23. He had been a resident of the village for a number of years and was 47 years of age. Mr. Goodhue had been ill for two years and was taking treatments at the Johns Hopkins hos- pital in Baltimore. He was a mechan- ical engineer and president of the A. H. Barber Creamery Supply company of Chicago. His wife had accom- panied him to Baltimore and brought the remains back home for burial. Community Drama Club Hears Ibsen Program The Community Drama club held its October meeting in the Camp Fire room of Community House, Mon- day. Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty gave a splendid paper on Ibsen, which was most interesting, and showed care- ful research and study. Mrs. Talia- ferro Milton gave a delightful reading of Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler." Members of the club entertained guests on this occasion. The hostesses were Mrs. John Mar- shall, Miss Olive Grover and Mrs. Charles Frederick Simpson. Girl Again to Head Skokie School Board Jane Copthorne was elected chair- man of the student council of Skokie school at a meeting and election held early this week. The other officers elected were Ben Whelan and Jean Forrest, vice chairmen, . and Louis Dean, secretary. These officers are also ex-officio president, vice-presi- dents and secretary of the student body as a whole. This is the second year in succession that a girl has been elected president of the student council. ALBRIGHTS ON MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Adam Emory Al- bright and their two sons, formerly of Scott avenue, are leaving this week- end on a motor tour to Alabama. They will follow a highway through the picturesque mountains of Ken- tucky and Tennessee, stopping at re- mote places where Mr. Albright in- tends to make sketches of moun- taineers and country children. Their studio and summer home, at Warren- ville, on DuPage river, will be closed until spring. LEAVE FOR EAST Mrs. Frederick Scott and her daugh- ter, Miss Isabel, of Hubbard Woods, are in the East. After a visit with Frederick Scott, who is a student at Hotchkiss, they will go on to Princeton for this week-end, where Miss Isabel will attend a prom. Upon their re- turn they will go to the Lake Shore Drive hotel where the family plans to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owsley are mov- ing into their new home at 337 Cedar street this week-end. They purchased the Tracy home which they have re- modeled. : GO EAST FOR WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Preston Boyden, 806 Rosewood avenue, left October 20, for Pittsburg, Mass., for the Eaton-Salis- bury wedding festivities. Mr. Boy- den was one of the ushers at the wed- ding which took place Saturday, Oc- tober 24. He returned to Winnetka last Monday, but Mrs. Boyden re- mained in the East for a brief visit with friends. Francis Fellers Guthrie of Pitts- burgh, Pa., visited his brother, John B. Guthrie, of Walden road over the last week-end. His daughter, Kath- leen Hayes Guthrie, who has many friends in this locality, and who at- tended Miss Hall's School at Pitts- field, Mass., will be one of the winter's debutantes at Pittsburgh. Dre Mrs. Frank Neubacher of 792 Wal- den road will entertain a group of friends at luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Follette of New Orleans, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Patterson, of 370 Walnut street, for the past several months and who will depart shortly for her home in the South. --O-- Mrs. Morton Maddox and Mrs. John Hindrum were joint hostesses to a number of their friends Wednes- day at a bridge at the home of the former, 705 Oak street. Mrs. George Spencer of Oconomowoc was an out of town guest for the occasion. She is leaving shortly for a brief visit with her sister in Philadelphia. --e Miss Margaret Boyden of 725 Pine street is in the East with Mrs. Clyde Carr to attend opening of Mrs. Cool- idge's music festival in the new Museum hall of the Congressional library at Washington, D. D. os. Mrs. George Knox Owsley of 720 Prospect avenue, is leaving her home in Winnetka this week to spend the winter months with her father in Ev- anston. --O-- Mrs. George D. Forrest is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Page Nelson, in Baltimore. She is expected back the end of this week. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruess of 568 Hill terrace, announce the marriage of Mrs. Ruess' sister, Miss Beatrix Jordan, to George W. Price of Philadelphia. Mr. Price and his bride are on their way to Europe, and after March 1, they will reside in Philadelphia. How Grandpa Lost His Grouch-- He found there's no use trying to keep it, with Jones Dairy Farm Sau- sage on the menu. Fresh from the clover coun- try--with a flavor that wins your heart. Sau- sage meat or little sau- sages. How about Jones Dairy Farm Sausage with buckwheat cakes? Jones Dairy Farm, Inc. Ft. Atkinson, Wis. ONES DAIRY FARM SAU = 551 Lincoln Avenue Good Good Courteous Treatment, Reasonable Prices. Always featured at this Restaurant Service, Pure Food, "The place where eating is a pleasure" ~ Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room Joe Stoner & Co. 911 LINDEN AVE. HUDSON-ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE J. E. DAVIS TEL. WINN. 2268