December 5, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 'Make Cooking Easy! Use an Electric Cooker Cook Your Meals in the Wonderful EXCEL ELECTRIC COOKER! Here is a cooker that has revolu- tionized cooking. It cooks any- # i Cooks while thing any way you want it cooked. It is ideal for home, small apart- ment, summer cottage or wherever cooking is done. You simply p in the food--turn on the current un- til it is hot, then turn the current 7 off and the stored heat does the \ cooking. There are no stones to heat, no worry, watching or basting. It does better cooking--with less Connects heat, less work and less cost. It to ny ! - takes up no moré room than the Light Socket. ordinary hat box and will cook a Saves Time, Food and Money. meal for four or five people. Cooks a meal for six quicker, easier, cheaper than coal, oil, or gas. Cooks an entire meal for less cost than using your electric iron. | It's easy to cook with the Electric Cooker--turn it on, turn it off, you're free for hours. There will be a Cash and Carry Sale of Excel Electric Cookers at the Winnetka Village Hall during the en- tire week beginning Monday, Dec. 14. ONE THIRD LOWER THAN RETAIL PRICE The sale will be for residents of Winnetka only What could be more appropriate for Christmas!