34 WINNETKA TALK December 5, 1925 Practical Gift For Whole Family Electrical Kitchen Wizard Makes Gift of Year-Round Utility A score of North Shore husbands have within the last week solved the problem of gift-giving by purchasing for the home this unique electrical housemaid, KitchenAid. As a gift to wife and family Kitchen- Aid stands alone both in beauty and utility. Photo by Stanton Wilhite, Winnetka Three times a day, 365 days a year, the housewife can save herself hours of labor, serve the family delicious menus and do it in half the usual time. KitchenAid mixes every kind of dough and batter, cuts shortening into pastry; mashes potatoes to snow- white fluffiness; mixes and beats mayonnaise, eggs, icings; whips cream, meringue; creams butter and sugar, fudge, every kind of candy mixture; grinds coffee; chips ice; chops meat, nuts, raisins; strains soup, puree, sauces; slices vegetables, freezes ice cream, ices, sherbets; and does other re- lated things too numerous to mention. It does all this by electricity, at a cost of about one cent per hour for operating. Users say it is so simple that even little brother or sister can make fudge, mayonnaise, ice cream, sherbet--hundreds of dainties that make a hostess popular. Solves Servant Problem KitchenAid also seems to be solving the servant problem in North Shore homes. Owners say it makes the maid a4 much better cook and enables her to serve a great variety of delicious foods that would be almost impossible to prepare without KitchenAid. Takes Up Little Space Almost every kitchen has a corner now unoccupied that could hold this electrical housemaid, for even when mounted on the roomy cabinet it is only 24 inches square. Without the cabinet KitchenAid occupies a space only 13 inches wide. Adds Beauty to Kitchen Besides being very practical, KitchenAid is also finished beautifully in French gray enamel. KitchenAid adds a spic and span, systematic ap- pearance to the kitchen, and is always ready to work at a moment's notice. Sold om Convenient Budget Plan KitchenAid can be bought out of in- come instead: of capital, and the KitchenAid Sales Agency at 6 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, invites pur- chases on this budget plan. By mailing the coupon below you can get full information about KitchenAid immediately. Only prompt action will enable you to get it in | time for the Holidays. H The KitchenAid Sales Agency, 16 N. Michigan Blvd. Do ute 1471 : I Chicago. ept. N6 ] [O Please send full partioy.. about § KitchenAid. H [J Please send a representative to } explain KitchenAid. H (Check one of these. H 1 1] Cast Noted in North Shore Art World to Produce Three Plays The arts committee of the Woman's Civic club of Ravinia will present three one-act plays on Friday and Saturday, December 11 and 12, at 8 o'clock, at the Village House, Roger Williams and Dean avenues, Ravinia. Mrs. Frank C. Peyraud, the well known portrait painter, is in charge, and many others prominent in north shore art circles are taking part. The plays were written by a club member, Mrs. John R. Warmingtcn, formerly a resident of Winnetka, and are the first of her plays to be pro- duced. The drama reading classes of Mrs. E. J. Sherwin of Glencoe, gave Mrs. Warmington her first impetus to attempt playwriting. The staging and scenery of the first play on the program, entitled "The Song of the Lark," is in the competent hands of Mrs. James Cady Ewell and is being coached by Rene Lavenant. Mrs. Ewell also takes the principal part. The second play, "The Skeleton in the Closet," is under the direction of Mrs. William H. Mast and is staged by Lucien Maurice Brouillette. These two plays are modern. The third, "The Millennium," altho treated as a fantasy, is modern in spirit as it gives the imaginary re- actions of a group of moderns to a state of perfection. The scenery is de- signed by Frank C. Peyraud and the costumes by Mrs. Peyraud, who is also | {directing and staging the play with assistance of Miss Emmeline Fricke, as coach. Others, well known in Winnetka and along the north shore who are taking part are Mr. and Mrs. David Clarke, Miss Charlotte Robertson, Lionel Robertson, James Cady Ewell and J. Mills Easton. Tickets may be secured by mail from Mrs. Lucien Maurice Brouillette, 370 Cedar avenue, Highland Park. Owing to limited seating capacity applications must be made by December 7. Please state 'which night tickets will be used. For Better \ Home Made CHOCOLATES Candies o25) Made in Our Kitchens --of milk or dark chocolate coating-- with plain and nut filled soft centers, and an exceptionally large variety of hard centers. Our Winnetka Store For Better with the COMMUNITY KITCHEN Home Made 584 Lincoln Street Candies Phone Winn. 1740 EVANSTON STORE, 1633 ORRINGTON AVE. YOUR HOME Metal Weather Stripped with Higgin's All Metal Equipment Saves Fuel and Adds to the Comfort of Your Home | Estimates Furnished without cost or obligation to you Higgin Manufacturing Co. 220 So. State St. Wabash 2020 Local Phone Winnetka 2205 FU ANNOUNCEMENT EL-OIL is now obtainable for North Shore users from our new modern quarter-million gallon storage plant in EVANSTON. Deliveries made promptly with finest tank trucks money can buy. All our fuel oils are thoroughly filtered and strained--no dirt to clog your burner. Our oils are low cold test and will not con- geal in cold weather. Lynch-Clacisey Fuel Oils are clean oils "MORE HEAT PER DOLLAR" Twenty-two years experience in the fuel oil business in Chicago and now a large North Shore Storage Plant makes it possible for every North Shore home to obtain prompt deliveries of exactly the correct grade of oil for any make oil burner. LYNCH-CLARISEY COMPANY From the North Shore, EVANSTON STATION 1206 GREENLEAF Phone Our From Chicago, Phone Our MAIN OFFICE LAFAYETTE 3200