December 12, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 11 (3 Id . " . - (x Hit It Right" by choosing A profusion a ! of gift dressings f= HIS GIFT HERE! | worst | A necessary item with every man. He can't have too 3 many of them. We offer: z Handkerchiefs of Linen, Novelty, Lawn or Silk. 4 Prices ranging from 10c¢ to $1.00. Hy Serviceable Hosiery : . . ~% = Phoenix and Luxite full fashioned foot comfort and or ankle neatness are important to him. Our serviceable ) Hosiery gives him both Silk--Silk and Wool or all in Wool. Priced at 75¢ to $1.25. AR Re Attractive Shirts i Madras, Percale, Poplins, etc. Neat patterns and colors. go Prices ranging from $2.00 to $5.00. ) Genuine Leather Belts in all the popular plain or sports 5 styles. All sizes. | Nobby Neckwear The famous Hickok Belt is well known ome Men One of the finest silk weaves, striped or figured. Priced at who dress well. Belto-grams to match. An ideal gift. 50c, 75¢, $1.00, $2.00 and upward. : Stylish Gloves : y Novelty Hosiery A Dandy color combinations, very durably made. Priced at § XS 50c, 75¢ and $1.25. 3 Stylish Hats 3 Felt, Beavers, Velours, Nifty shapes and colors. One of our R Gloves he'd prefer for any occasion are here in an ample new Stetsons would be sure to please. Priced at $5.00 and R assortment. upward. 8 Hansen's Aristocrat--Real Cape--Lambskin or silk = lined and unlined--unexcelled workmanship has been Many other items of Haberdashery in our store. Ask about = put into these gloves. Priced at $3.00, $3.50 and $5.50. them. & LS ® L ® Z I C K & C Oo ® ; Store of Quality and Service 2 MEYER BANK BLDG. = WINNETKA X