8 WINNETRA TALK December 26, 1925 Y oung People Still Honored by Whirl of Holiday Festivities Dinners and dances still continue as 2 popular means of entertaining for the young people of the village, al- though other affairs are listed. This evening Mrs. Raymond C. Dur- ham of 808 Auburn avenue will give a dinner at her home for her daughter, Elizabeth, preceding the small house- dance Mrs. Laird Bell is giving for her daughter, Helen, at her residence on Tower road. Saturday, December 26, is also the occasion of the dance Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fentress are giving at Indian Hill club for their daughter, Emily. Before the dance, Mrs. James Fentress and Mrs. Francis Lackner will enter- tain a number of young people at din- ner, -at Indian Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford McKeown will also give a dinner for their daughter, Alice Jeanne, preceding the Fentress dance. Monday evening, Pierre Bouscaren, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. G. Bous- caren of 646 Prospect avenue, will be host to a group of his friends at a dinner before the dance Mr. and Mrs. Allen Withers are giving at Indian Hill club for their daughter, Leila. The same evening the Harry Streets are entertaining at a dance at their home, 592 Sheridan road, for their daughter, Marjorie. Tuesday, Francis Lackner, Jr., will be host at a dance at his home, 339 Linden avenue. Wednesday, December 30, Mrs. George Stanley Parker will be hostess at her home, 200 Linden street, at a luncheon and bridge given for a group of school girls in honor of her daugh- ter, Elizabeth. Wednesday evening, John Nash Ott, Jr., will be host at a dinner preceding the winter sports party given at In- dian Hill club by Mrs. Horace Arm- strong and Mrs. Philip Wyatt Moore for their children, Frank and Jean Armstrong, and Philip and Harriet Moore. Children's Music Program Offers Varied Selections The music department of the Win- netka Woman's club announces the following program given by children for the children of members of the Winnetka Woman's club Tuesday af- ternoon, December 29, at 3 o'clock. 1. Unfamiliar Christmas Carols and Folk Songs Pupils North Shore Country Day School. Under supervision of Miss Babcock. 2. Selections ..New Trier High School orchestra. Mrs. Homer Cotton, dicector. 3. Pantomime... Pupils Skokie school accompanied by audience singing familiar Christmas carols under di- rection of Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Ernst Von Ammon and Mrs. Warner Robinson are in charge of the afternoon. The * Triangle club, comprised of young people in the village, announces a dance to be held at Community House Saturday evening, January 2. The dance will begin at 8 o'clock. All young peo- ple in the village are cordially invited to attend. Chicago Winnetka CLEANER Lake Forest Highland Park Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for the Coming Year Johnson's Tubular Skates $6.95 We miss our guess if he's satisfied with any other than Johnson's Eckart Hardware Co. 735 Elm Street Open Evenings Until Xmas Mrs. Benjamin F. Langworthy of | Mrs. Charles Fuller of 97 Indian Hill 600 Bryant avenue entertained in-|road was hostess at a large family formally at tea Sunday afternoon in [dinner Christmas eve. 'Mrs. Oliver Fuller has arrived from Ossining, N. Y., to spend the winter with Mrs. Fuller. honor of Miss Marigold Langworthy. Her guests were a group of her daugh- ter's intimate friends. Goodrich Zippers Zippers are the ideal rub- bers for protection against cold and wet. They go on with the greatest ease; one movement fastens them securely. Prepare for snow and zero weather by getting your A Zippers now. NS WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. LUENSMAN, Proprietor All Repairing Guaranteed 804 ELM STREET PHONE 694 entertainment into your home. All the joys and none of the worries. May we demonstrate this remarkable Matched-Unit Radio in your home? A jury of four--your two eyes and ears-- will convince you that here is the radio you have been waiting for. When shall it be? Just phone or drop in. ON'T WAKT--don't hope--ACT! Complete radio satisfaction is here. A Stewart-Warner Matched-Unit Radio out-performs the finest sets because of the distinct Stewart-Warner triumph of MATCHING the Instrument, Repro- ducer, Tubes and Aecessories, all to func tion in unison. This vital feature brings perpetual radio THE SHOP PHONOGRAPHS - RECORDS - RADIOLAS Winnetka, Illinois V#568 Lincoln Avenue Phone 2129 >