| anuary 9, 1926 WINNETKA TALK si: } Reduced OUR ANNUAL JAN. CLEARANCE SALE STARTING MONDAY--JANUARY 11 AT 8:30 A. M. We say it again--this tre- Every Shoe in d Sale h L | been cquatica. weve | QUI StOre 1S reduced from one idea in mind--toclear ERA Sa a-- Eh a. 3 R-- our stocks--and we want to give you the benefit of this Clearance. Here you can get Foot- wear for winter months, | while there are many A styles suitable for Spring Store I wear. The idea is to buy | No Charges Pal while stocks are complete | No Exchanges To --for now and for later. SD ys No Phone Orders Daya TR TTR WILMETTE SHOE STORE J 1150 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE Z. RAFALSKI--PROP.