February 6, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 11 NORTH SHORE PACKARD SALES & SERVICE BRANCH a Less than a year ago we moved into new quar- ters where our facilities for serving North Shore Packard owners would be greatly in- creased. But the popularity of our new Sales and Serv- ice Station was so great that its equipment and space was almost at once taxed to the limit, and it became necessary to double the size of our building. The improvements having been completed, we are now ready to receive Pack- ard owners on Packard ground once more. This is the : 'rgest motor-car sales and service building nort.. of the loop. Here, for the con- venience of the North Shore, is a complete Sales Department with a full line of Packard Sixes, Packard Eights and Packard Accesso- ries on display. And here, at Standardized Pack.rd Charges, you can avail yourself of Packard Mechanical Service in all its branches. You will find it convenient to leave your Pack- ard here in the morning on your way to town and pick it up again in the evening, knowing that it has had expert attention at the hands of those who know it best. PACKARD SALES & SERVICE FROM RIDGE AVENUE--- If southbound, turn left at the viaduct and down Railroad Avenue to Packard. If northbound, turn east at Church Street, under viaduct and north to plant. FROM FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON -- Proceed north oa Chicago Avenue to Church Street, west on Church to Railroad Avenue, and then north to the new Packard plant.