WINNETKA TALK February 6, 1926 WILMETTE DELIVERIES NORTH TWICE DAILY Curtains For Spring Colored Marquissettes $2.95 to $4.75 pr. White Marquissette ruffled Curtains with colored figure, dots or bars. Also ivory colored at $2.25 pair. Ruffled Marquissettes $1.95 to $3.50 Barred, dotted and figured Marquissette Ruffled Curtains. French Gauze Panels $1.95 each French Gauze Panels in stripes or | plain with twisted fringe. 600 AT FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON white Decorative Marquissette Curtaining 40c to 75c yd. material made dainty 36 inches wide. Also Household Utilities Pretty, White Marquissette Curtain with touches of color in stripe, dot and figure. Lustre-Bedspreads $6.25 to $14.50 Lustrous Silk Brocade Bed- Many other items worth in- spreads in many pleasing color SPection are offered in the house- hold section which is on the combinations. Both twin bed and full width sizes are here: first floor at the Davis street en- trance Girls Win All Prizes in Barnett Essay Test Three girls were the winners of the prizes in the Otto R. Barnett annual essay contest at New Trier High school this year. They were Sybil Saxton, winner of the first prize; Jo- sephine Comfort, second, and Margaret Walker, who received honorable men- tion. Every year Mr. Barnett, a well known resident of Glencoe, offers prizes for the best essays on subjects of civic or national importance. The contest is open to all pupils of the high school and the choice of range of subjects is left to the con- testants. Miss Saxton chose as her subject "The League of Nations and America." Mr. Barnett presented the prizes in person last week and de- livered a short address before pupils of the school. On Saturday evening, January - 30, Mrs. Stanley Rich of 535 Willow street, entertained in honor of her sister, Mrs. E. T. Holsapple, of Scarsdale N. Y., SLAM THE DOOR? That is one sure way to test the Quality of a Motor Car. If the doo sound "Tinny," it's a sure thing yates is not built in. Evanston Motor SaALEs W. D. Reagan, Mgr. + | 1840 RIDGE AVENUE Phone Univ. 2277 CHRYSLER at a supper dance at Indian Hill club. ANTHE PUB ICY «BY 2%. OK. GLASSES that were not made to fit the exact requirements of your eyes may be doing more harm than good. Have your eyes examined. 16 years of successful bractice DR. O. H. BERSCH uptometrist 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette Phone for Appointment Wil. 2766 or Res. Wil, 1707 a wide |: | instruction, Near East Orphans to Be Remembered on Valentine's Day School children throughout Illinois will, during the next two weeks, enter into an endeavor to make Valentine's Day a happy one for their less fortun- ate brothers and sisters who are wards of Near East Relief in the Bible Lands and other devastated regions along the Mediterranean. With the commendation of President Coolidge, Governor Small, Francis G. Blair, State superintendent of Public the appeal for continued aid for the hungry little ones in the Near East is being carried to every pupil in public schools throughout the land that they may "adopt" -as their Valentine one of the orphaned children overseas. The state committee, headed by for- mer Governor Frank O. Lowden, em- phasizes the fact that it costs but $60 yearly to provide food, clothing, shelter and vocational education to children in Near East orphanages which is equivalent to about seventeen cents a day and, as in former years, it is ex- pected that school gifts will range from this sum fo the $5 monthly which is sufficent to maintain a "valentine" in the oppressed countries where 100,000 children are wards of charitably in- clined persons in the United States. TO LIVE HERE AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dodds, 510 Jack- son avenue, Glencoe. formerly of Win- netka. have sold their home and are in New York for three weeks. On their return trip, they will stoo off at Win- netka for a brief visit with friends prior to their annual trip to California for a visit of several weeks with their mar- ried daughter. When they come back they will locate in Winnetka. ee (pr The Bovs Clee club of New Trier high school will give the musical part of the program arranged by the Wom- an's club of Wilmette for Wednesday, February 17. details of which will be announced later. 4 : i Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Crowder, 712 Ash street, moved Monday into the new home they have recently built on Hubbard road near Tower road. SR Mrs. Ralph M. Morphett, 964 Tower road, left Thursday for an indefinite stav with Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Mor- phett at Miami Beach, Fla. 2 START RIGHT! Travel via the ports of You Read About ..itsart treasures, museums, historic memories. .a liberal education! Montreal and Quebec on a CANADIAN PACIFIC Empress or Monoclass Cabin Liner Only 4 days open sea--The St. Lawrence Route Book Your Passage Now Ask any steamship agent for summer sailing lists. Sailings every 2 or 3days from Montreal and Quebec. Direct services to Liverpool, Southampton, Glas- gow, Belfast, Cherbourg, Antwerp and Hamburg. Jackson Blvd, Full particulars from local agents or R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent , 71 E. Telephone Wahash He, "W. <A. Kiftermaster, Gen. Agt. Freight Dept., "940 The Rookery, Chicago, IIL. 1904. Chicago, bd