February 27, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 25 | | TELEPHONE COMPANY TO 4. ---- | : -- HAVE NEW BILLING PLAN | Suggestions fi Specials - : Essence of Chicken, Fines Mondays : ot. Beginning April 1 Winnetica Sub- 1% oe mn pba TM mdowich; French rich scribers Will Receive Phone Ciore StVIe 4: sre ess 30c POLALOCS, svi sr mons 2s slihs 35¢ Bills on 6th of Month Half of Fried Milk Fed Spring Tuesdays The Illinois Bell Telephone company through H. B. Gates, local commercial manager, has announced that a new billing plan will be introduced in the suburban territory, beginning April 1. The new plan is known as "Rota- tion Billing" and means that instead of all suburban subscribers' bills going out on the first of the month, the bill- ing will be divided into six equal groups, each group of bills being mail- ed shortly after their date. The dates of the bills in the six groups will be the first, sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first and twenty- sixth. Improves Service Mr. Gates stated that because the new billing plan permits of spreading the work of preparing bills through- out the month, it will be possible for the telephone company to give to its patrons better billing and counter serv- ice. The new billing plan also gives the subscriber a more up-to-date bill. The toll charges on each bill include items up' to the date of the bill, in- stead of such items appearing on bills only up to the 15th of the preceding month, as has been the practice. According to the new plan, telephone subscribers in the Winnetka exchange will receive their bills dated the sixth of each month. Two Bills in March In starting the new plan, it will be necessary for the Telephone company to send two bills during the month of March to those patrons whose bills will be dated, in the future, the six- teenth and twenty-first. Likewise, it will also be necessary, during the transition from the present method of billing to the new plan of billing, to include to]l and service charges for periods varying from fifteen to fifty- five days in length. However, after this transition has been completed, which will be about the sixteenth of April, bills will cover the regular pe- riods, namely; the month preceding the date of the bill for toll items, and the month period beginning with the date of the bill for service charges. Mr. Gates said each patron will re- ceive a notice with the March 1 bill and also with thé next subsequent bill. This notice explains the plan and in- dicates the period covered by the charges on the bills in the future. The employes of the Telephone company have been schooled as to all details, and will be ready to answer questions regarding the new plan, it is explained. SPEAK AT "Y" DINNER Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of the Chicago Area of the Methodist Epis- copal church, whose home is in Wil- mette, will be an honor gugst and one of the speakers at the twelfth annual Hi-Y Jambouree to be held tonight at the Central Department of the Y. M. C. A, 19 S. LaSalle street, Chicago. Coach Stagg of the University of Chi- cago, and Tom Robinson, Northwest- ern swimming instructor are also on the speakers' program. Telephone Wilmette 3347 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Specializing in the treatment of your best friends the "Dog and Cat" All ealls receive my personal attention 724 Prairie Ave. Wilmette, Ill Chicken on Toast ..... 60c Fried Pork Loin Chop, Coun- LFV OIE aVY So io sda 20c Roast Vermont Turkey, Dressing, Cranberry Sauce aie sami di ne see se 80c Irish Cured Ham Honey RIIDRDINER Js vsnn ov 400 o 36¢c Creamed Cauliflower au Li SE 15¢ Fresh Garden Spinach ...15c JURE POAB wusrnrsnesinsins 10c Special Hot Roast Prime Ribs of Na- tive Beef Sandwich, Mashed POLALOBE veins oeiios vse 45¢ RUNG] Roast Quarter of Philadel- phia Chicken, Stuffed Cran- berries: Breast Leg Wednesdays Broiled English Lamb Chop, en Casserole ..:...»+++s 45c¢c Thursdays Hot Turkey Sandwich, Green Peas, Mashed Potatoes..40c Fridays Creamed Salmon Sandwich, with Sliced Eggs, Mashed POLatORs . viivnivisvesns 25¢ Saturdays Filet Mignon (French Ten- derloin Steak), Fresh Mush- rooms, Roast Potatoes. .45¢c Why Lady Diana Manners (Starring in "The Miracle") Prefers the Cafeteria ADY DIANA MANNERS declares she cannot find words enough in praise of the cafeteria. "Dining in a cafeteria is just like marketing. One picks out what he likes best. I find it a fascinating experience to gointo a cafeteria, look over all the food, and then select just what I want without any more ceremony." Thousands of Plaza patrons con- cur in Lady Manners' opinion. Library Plaza Gafeteria LT ¢ ORRINGTON AVENUE just south of Church Street in the Library Plaza Hotel