40 WINNETKA TALK February 27, 1926 20 AUTOMOBILES 24 LOST AND FOUND 32 KENNELS FOR" SALE -- FORD COUPE 1928 A-1 condition: For demonstration call Winnetka 885. ° 20T51-1tp WANTED--OLD trics; any AUTOS condition. AND ELEC- Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FCR SALE THOROLA LOUD Speaker; in perfect condition. Price $12.00, originally $45.00. Ph. Win- netka 907. 21LT22-1tec ibn. FOR SALE -- HEATING. BOILERS -- Two Brownell Fire Tube Boilers, 78 in. diameter by 18 ft. long, 170 Horse Rower,. 100 lbs. pressure. Chain grate stokers.. Goad condi- tion. ay be seen.in operation at the New Trier High School, Kenil- worth. 21LTN22-4tc FOR SALE POWER BOILER Hawkes: combination' fire and water tube Bgiler, 190 H. P., 150 lbs. sure. Chain grate stoker or Oil fir- ing 'equipment. 'Finest condition. "May. be seen in operation at New Trier High" School, 'Kenilworth. ERE, 21LTN22-4tc FOR SALE -- ENGLISH BABY CAR- riage, pearl. gray: finish, regular $65 value, $30, mearly new. excell. cond. Phone Wil. 3415. 21LT22-1tc FOR SALE GREY REED BABY carriage; in an good Sopdition, $15.0). Call 1412 Scott Ave Winnetka 1682. 21TUTN22-1te FOR SALE--DRESSES IN VERY GOOD .condition; reas.; sizes 34, 36 and 38. Phone Winn. 1946. 21LTN22-1tc FOR SALE -- CONN E-FLAT SAXO- phone. Phone Wilmette 908-M. 21LTN22-1tp S. WEBBE & CO. STAMPS Dealers in U. S. and foreign pest- age stamps; price reasonable; try us. Phorme Winn. 1939. 1171 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods. 21T51-1tp FOR SALE" CHEAP--CAMP FIRE girl's dress; worn only twice. Phone Winn. 2124. 2151-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--SALESMAN'S' BLACK LEATH- er portfolio on Elm St, Winnetka. Reward. Phone Winn. 2670 24L.TN22-1te LOST--BETWEEN pres- | WINNETKA AND Chieago, black' Zipper bag contain- ing 'a pair of. Main hunting boots, mittens and wool socks. Reward. Phone Winn. 1389. 24T51-1te LOST--ROUND BLUE bex containing . white | cheese cloth dress, some valentines and small silk purse; on Elm street near Adam's Barber Shop. Phone Winnetka 1053. 24TH51-1te TIN LUNCH silk slip, LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS IN FRONT of Rapp Bros. or near North West- ern sta. Reward. ' Address Winn. Talk A-810. 24T51-1te LOST -- FORD SFARE TIRE AND carrier Thursday morning in Win- netka or Glertoe. Finder please call Wilmette 19260. 24TN51-1tp HOUSEHOLD SERVICE HAVE ANY PAINTING, CAL- canvassing or paper-hang- ing to be done now or in:the spring, [ can save you money Good work. Best of refs. in Winnetka and Glen- coe for five years. Phone Brandt, Glencoe 971. 27TN48-8te IF YOU cimining, ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, mat- tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 1240 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2430. 27LT19-tfe 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the New Year. Prices reduced for February. L. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave., Wilmette Phone Wil. 908-M. 28LTN13-tfc 30 " TUTORING MUSIC--YOUNG MAN WANTS PIANO instructions from one also experi- enced in accompaniment for voice in classical music; every Thursday eve- nings. Write Box 27, Kenilworth. 30LT22-1tc 31 BUSINESS SERVICE Dr. Elmer E. Lampert ORTHODONTIST Chicago Office--Field Annex Building Winnetka Office Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank Bldg Phone Winn. 1211 31LTN14-tic TYPING AND Wilmette 3267. 31LT9-tfe TYPIST WILL DO copying at home. Dress Well - and Succeed! NUNN-BUSH SHOES $8.00 and $9.00 WINNETKA SHOE STORE Exclusive Dealer H. Luensman, Prop. 804 Elm Street Phone Wins. 694 Nunn - Bash Ankle-Fashioned 4 Plioreme | Spee LETT DEE LLL EL EEE EEE EE NO ----------- For Sale Irish Terrier Pups IRISH 'TERRIER PUPPIES, EXCEL- lent specimens; highly. bred; subject to registration in A. K. C., Phone Wilmette 303§ 32LLTN22-1tp FOR SALE--COCKER SPANIEL. PUP- pies:' thoroughbred. 502 Washihgton Ave. Wilmette 1496. 32L TN Lie CARD OF TH ANKS We for their this hour by the death daughter and Tobin. Robert E. Tobin. mr. and Mrs. Peter Mrs. Hazen Foster. many friends sympathy in caused wife, E. wish to thank our expressibns of of our bereavement, of our. beloved sister, Mrs. Robert C. Conraa. TH1-1te Circle Will Give Dance at Community House Today The Friendship circle, an organiza- tion. composed of girls. working in [Hom along 'the north shore, will give | one of their peppy dances at the Com- | muhity House this "evening at 8:30 o'clock. There will be excellent music | for this dance and.a large attendanee is'expected. The Circle has staged sev- eral very successful dances during the past season and promises that this will be more enjoyable than have any of the previous ones. In commenting on #onight's dance,' leaders in the circle wished it empha- sized that the organization, which meets every Tuesday evening at Community House for a few hours of gymnasium work and a social~time, invites into its membership all voung 'women entployed in homes on the north shore." A mem - bership is: taken from every vi lage - mn New Trier. Radiator Telephone Winnetka 165 Dodge Beciliors Special Sedan delivered for | 10212 EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: Disc or Wood Wheels Optional Balloon Tires, 2 Bumpers Cowl Lights Nickel Radiator Shell Radiator Cap Ornament Rear View Mirror Automatic Windshield Wiper Transmission Lock Dome Light The Greatest Amount of Transportation per Dol- lar of Investment WERSTED MOTOR CO. COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Bar Cap BROTHERS CARS 562 Lincoln Avenue