es -- RE A 16 Pe WINNETKA TALK April 3, 1926 The Wilmette and Winnetka Wom- an's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. Charles O. Aspenwall, 1195 Tower road, Winnetka, Monday, April 5, at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Hrs. E. J. Allsebrooke of 747 Lincoln avenue are leaving Win- netka April 15, to make their home in Shawano, Wis, where Mr. Allse- brooke's business is taking them. TALKS OVER RADIO Clarke Washburne of Winnetka, vice president of the Union Bank of Chi- cago, and formerly comptroller of in- vestments for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, delivered the address for the Credit association on "Federal Reserve Bank Charters" Thursday evening from the Daily News station, WMAQ. Mr. Washburne is said to be quite an authority on this subject. SPAULDING & CQ Jewelers and Silversmiths "Worth While Gifts at Reasonable Prices" Wedding Gifts "from London' Go those who have "shopped" in London, a visit to "'Spaulding's" just now, will be like a walk down Bond Street or Piccadilly. Your find the same attractive . things in Leather ard the thou- sand and one articles which are so appropriate for Gifts. CGHEN there are the new imports of English China ~ Plates, Cups and Saucers, Tea Sets and a truly won- derful display of New Pottery, and other Wares. May we suggest 'Shopping in London" at SPAULDING'S Jor Wedding Gifts SPAULDING & CO. JEWELERS « SILVERSMITHS Michigan Avenue at Van Buren Street ~ CHICAGO f 1636 Orrington Avenue - EVANSTON Christine Heinig to Cooperate in Mothers' Course Miss Christine Heinig of Hubbard Woods will co-operate with Miss Nina Kenagy and Miss Frances Kern in the course in Nursery School Education for Mothers given by the National Kindergarten and Elementary college this spring. Miss Heinig is in charge of the Nursery school in the Franklin school, Chicago, which is supported by the Woman's City club of Chicago. The work in this Nursery school, the first to be included in the program of a public school in Chicago, is under the direction of Mrs. Alfred Alschuler of Winnetka, and many women on the north shore have been interested in the work Miss Heinig is doing there. Miss Frances Kern has specialized in this field at Teachers' college, Co- lumbia university, and Miss Nina Ken- agy is director of the demonstration Nursery school of the National Kinder- garten and Elementary college, Mary Crane Nursery, and Hull House. Miss Kenagy is an experienced kindergart- ner, and has had special work with Dr. Bird Baldwin of the Child Wel- fare Research station, University of Towa. Arrangements will be made so that mothers who are interested in the vari- ous courses, but are unable to attend for the entire period, may enter one or more of the 18 lectures. Asks Special Rates So Englishmen May "Gossip" Necessity is the mother of many queer inventions, and the necessity of waking up the people of England to the value of the telephone has led one Britisher to stuggest that special "gossip rates" be introduced to popu- larize the general use of the telephone. England lags far behind the United States in the matter of telephones, and though the system is owned and operated by the government, associa- tions of private individuals are work- ing to stimulate public interest in the telephone as a means of bettering the service. The queer plan suggested above is but one of many emanating from priv- ate individuals who feel that England needs to know more about the tele- phone before better service can be looked for. INCREASE PHONE SERVICE Village President Orner was author- ized this week to enter into a contract with the Illinois Beli Telephone com- pany for the installation of an addi- tional telephone trunk line in the Vil- lage hall exchange. Increase of Vil- lage business has necessitated the ad- ditional service, it was explained. A. Woods of the North Shore Ice company has been ill with the grippe for several days, but is now able to resume his duties. 565 Lincoln Avenue LTE oe has opened the doors of her shop informally, and urges you to see the delightful new things being unpacked daily-- CLEVER SPORTS CLOTHES SMART DAYTIME CLOTHES APPROPRIATE THINGS FOR TOTS CHIC COSTUME ACCESSORIES Announcement of the formal opening date will appear later. while, an interesting and varied assortment awaits your inspection TODAY! Mean- Winnetka Empress of Tich Simp phone Wabash 1904, Chicago, Ill master, Gen. Agt. Freight Dept. R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd. For Freight apply to W. A. Kitter- 940 The Rookery, Chicago, Ill. Empresses to} Europe Take the route of c1d French explorers on an Empress from Quebec. antee of unalloyed plcasure. Perfect SDPOIRtIBCIS in icity join hands the historic St. Law- A sure guar- Empress of Scotland it route to start your France Fron atthe info Ho Satls From Quebec er information From Quebec May 26 local steamship agents or May 12 June 23 une 9 July 21 uly 7 Tele- I S---------- ad fe Ed