38 WINNETKA TALK April 10, 1926 a - LOANS WANTED For 42 years this firm has been known to thousands of borrow- ers for its fair dealings and its consistently reasonable charges. When you want to borrow on your real estate come to us. Quid Tyson Established 1884 H. H. Banferd, Mgr. Loan Dept. 40 N. Dearborn St. 1571 Sherman Ave. CHICAGO EVANSTON | --- Free Instruction in Our Art Studio Miss Dorothy Pool, instructor Third Floor--Elevator Service Gesso Work Plaques Parchment Lamp Shade Making Dennison's Crepe Paper Decorations and Sealing Wax Chandlers TO GIVE INFORMAL TEA Invitations have been sent out for an informal reception to be held Monday afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock in Harrison hall, National Kindergarten and Elementary college, Sheridan road, Wilmette. After tea is served in the Alumnae club rooms, an inspection tour of the new building will be made. The guests will view the two floors which have been finished, and the gymnasium | and auditorium which are completed, though not yet furnished. Miss Eva Wilson has returned to her home at 623 Spruce street after a winter spent in La Jolla, Cal. Her sister, Mrs. W. H. Hand, of Adrian, Mich., has been with her. SEWING MACHINES Almost new port- able Electric Ma- chines from $29.50 up SINGER DROP HEAD from $15.00 up Machines Rented and Repaired PATTERSON BROTHERS 1H FOUNTAIN S0UARE--EVANSION 816-818 Church St., Evanston, Ill. Phones: Univ. 654; Wil. 526 Store Open Evenings BARGAINS! Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, Vines and Perennials The land of the Peterson Nursery has been sold, and we have only this spring to sell off the stock. This is your last opportunity. CASH AND 20,000 Amur Privet for ARR Hedges; 30,000 Other C Y 5 Shrubs 607 Off Catalog Prices Syringas Coralberry to those who come to our Nur- Buckthorn Honeysuckle sery and get the stock. Bridal Wreath Froebel's Spirea Freshly dug; roots not dried out. Lilacs Sumach Nursery is just west of Lincoln Barbersy Weigela Avenue on Peterson Road, Chi- cago. Peterson Road is north line of Rosehill cemetery. "raw PETERSON NU ERY nies se and quantities of other varieties. Large clumps of perennial flow- ers. Harvard Professor Will Lecture at Northwestern "The Creative Imagination," will be the general topic of six lectures soon to be given at Northwestern university under the Norman Wait Harris Found- ation by Professor John Livingston Lowes, chairman of the department of English at Harvard university. His general theme has been suddivided into six subordinate subjects, one of which will guide his remarks on each evening, starting Monday, April 19. The lectures will take place in Harris hall, Evanston campus of the university, and will con- tinue until and including Saturday, April 24. The public is cordially in- vited. There will be no fee. The sever- al sub-topics are as follows: Monday, April 19, "Chaos"; Tuesday, April 20 "The Deep Well, and Shaping the Spirit"; Wednesday, "The Fields of Ice, The Courts of the Sun, and the Journeying Moon;; Thursday, "The Bird and the Daemon"; Friday, "Wefts and Spectres, and the Known and Familiar Landscape"; Saturday, April 24, the final lecture, "The Vision in a Dream: Imagination Creatrix." BRIDGE HOSTESS While spending her spring recess from the University of Illinois at her home, Miss Doris Hanville of 840 Fox- dale avenue entertained the following girls at bridge Saturday afternoon, April 3: The Misses Edith Bartleman, Alice Tiplady, Mildred and Virginia Johnson, Caroline Davis, Louise Clabaugh, Ethel May Sturgeon, Eliza- beth Francoeur, Georgia Marks, Virginia Miller, and Alice Blakeslee. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Doonan, 586 Maple avenue, with their two chil- dren, have returned to their home in Winnetka. Mrs. Doonan and her chil- dren have been away for two months. Mr. Doonan joined his family in Florida and accompanied them to Havana, and home. ---- Mrs. W. B. Lucke and her son, Wil- liam, and her daughter, Gertrude, have returned from a fortnight's stay in the South. Part of their time was spent visiting Mr. Lucke's relatives at Perdibo Bay, Ala., and the remainder, in Pensacola, Fla. a The Ernest C. vonAmmons have sold their home at 420 Elder lane, and expect to move into the house they are building on Elm street about the middle of May. Os Mrs. Perry Dunlap Smith, 669 Walden road, has gone to New York to visit her family for a fortnight, and while enroute home, she will stop off in Boston and Detroit to visit friends. a-- Mrs. Kent Tenney and her two older sons are expected to arrive in Win- netka shortly to visit Mrs. Horace K. Tenney, 640 Pine street. ---- Miss Lois Coffin has just returned to her home in Winnetka, from Boston, where she had been visiting the par- ents of her fiance, Edward G. Lund. ---- Mrs. A. Milne Ramsey, 903 Cherry street, entertained a number of friends at a thimble party Tuesday afternoon, April 6. Use MOORE'S LIQUID WAX CL gy for your = Floors-Woodwork- EF Furniture dE. B. MOORE & \ COMPANY 4d Fine Hardwood Ml Floors laid--scraped {4 --cleaned--finished. Advice and es- timates free. 220 So. State St., Chicago, IIL Tel. Harrison 7581