April 10, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 39 FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE DANCE Saturday evening, April 24, the mem- bers of the Friendship circle will give a dance at Community House. Meck's orchestra will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barnard, 410 Cedar street, entertained eight of their friends at dinner and bridge last STAGE "LADIES NIGHT" On next Tuesday evening, April 13, the Ouilmette Council, K. of C. will hold a Ladies night at the Odd Fel- low's hall. Plans for the affair in- clude entertainment, dancing and a card party. All members are urged to bring their wives or sweethearts and Tuesday. attend. The Current Events club will mest Willard W. Ba assis | at the home of Mrs. C. L. Van Buskirk, a Betleuyassiviant to the | 1506 Spruce street, Friday, April 16. president of Carlton college, will show ! PR 3 rel- lantern slides of the college at Com- | Auyone wishing to attend will be wel munity House, Winnetka at 8:00 o- "clock and again at 9, on Thursday eve- ning April 15. There will be no admis-| The home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons sion charge and all who are interested | Blaine, Jr., 960 Sheridan road, was the in Carlton or in the college problem |scene of a subscription dinner-dance are invited to attend. last evening. TO SHOW COLLEGE SLIDES ---- The Letters of QUEEN VICTO Publication Authorized By King George private secretary to the King. William Randolph Hearst, Esq., New York. friendliness never failed. She kept Europe out of war for sixty years. To her, the great Wilhelm, Emperor of Prussia, and Nicholas, Czar of Russia, were Willie and Nicky, to be talked to effectively like naughty chil- dren when they threatened the peace of Europe. And so she did talk to them and so she kept the peace. Less than a dozen years after she died they had destroyed the peace of Europe and sent six million men to their death--a thing they never would have dared to do if Victoria had been alive. She lived through and controlled the diplomatic In the following cablegram from Lord Stamfordham, The King is very glad that through the popular news- paper press of the United States, a full presentation of Queen Victoria's character and personality, as revealed in her let- ters, should be made to the American people, between whom and her in her lifetime mutual feelings of sympathy and (Signed) Stamfordham. How Remarkable She Was We Are Just Finding Out They begin next Sunday and will appear each week in the Sunday Herald rd Examiner Order your copy from your dealer on your way home tonight policies of five Prime Ministers and apparently was the mental equal of them all. In addition to which, as Bill Nye put it, she man- aged to rear nine children. We are just beginning to learn how great a woman this Queen Mother was. The perspective of a quarter of a century was necessary. Her intimate letters and papers and her own diary give the most remarkable side lights on nine- teenth century history that the world has ever seen. These papers are now being published for the first time.