_--\N April 17, 1926 WINNETK A TALK 41 New Trier Will Be Host to Men of the Township The final Parent-Teacher association meeting of the current year will be held at New Trier High school at 8 o'clock Friday evening, April 30. At 6:30 on that evening representative men's groups of the township will meet for dinner at the school in a testimonial meeting for members of the high school board and officers of the Parent-Teach- er association. These groups will in- clude among others the Glencoe Men's Club, Winnetka Rotary club, Wilmette Rotary club, Wilmette Optimist club, Wilmette Civic Luncheons club. The -specific purpose of the meeting of these organizations will be to demon- strate to members of New Trier board and Parent-Teacher association officers that the citizens of New Trier town- ship do appreciate their efforts on be- half of the high school. Entertain- ment will be furnished by various school musical and dramatic organiza- tions. Blind, Deaf and Dumb Girl Wonder Is Visitor Miss Helen Martin, who has been visiting numerous schools throughout the country was a guest at Horace Mann school, during last Wednesday morning's assembly. Miss Martin is blind, deaf and dumb, yet, notwith- standing this fact, she has advanced in school work to the rank of a Junior in high school. She also plays the piano an unusual accomplishment, it is said, for one both blind and deaf; does beautiful needle work and demonstrated the manner in which the blind write. WOMEN ELECT OFFICERS On Tuesday, April 20, the Winnetka Woman's club will hold its annual meeting with the election of officers. Luncheon reservations should be made with Mrs. Marcus Richards, phone Winnetka 498. No reservations will be taken or cancelled after Monday, April 19. i Miss Ethel E. E. Hale spent her Faster vacation with her father, Henry R. Hale, of 761 Foxdale avenue, in Washington, D. C. | Music Club Meets The April meeting of the Winnetka Music club was held at the home of Mrs. Louis Schmidt, Monday, April 12, when the following program was pre- sented by members of the club: I. Voice: Time You Old Gypsy Man ..Besley Cat Bir . «ovum visss sranvra Clokey Song of the Open La Forge Mrs. Louis Schmidt II. Piano: Pastorale and Capriccio ..Scarlatti Prelude and Frequent Variations 2A Caesar Franck Mrs. Howard Tracy III. Violin: At the Brookside Rigadoon Mrs. IV. Voice: Christ Went Up Into the Hills .... Hageman La Forge Carpenter E. Freer Weaver Cecil Burleigh Sowerby Harvey Brewer The Crucifix Looking Glass My Star Moon Marketing Mrs. Asa Cooley V. Piano: Kreisleriana No. 2 Rhapsody No. 4 Mrs. Howard Tracy River .....Schumann Dohnanyi -y HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION At the regular monthly meeting of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, to be held next Monday evening, April 19, at the Community House, the annual election of officers and members of the board of directors for the coming year, which begins May 1, will be held. A light lunch will be served, it is an- nounced, and it is hoped to make this the largest meeting of the year. TAKES VACATION EARLY Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard and his wife left for California on Tuesday of this week. They will be gone about a month taking their vacation now in- stead of the summer, it was said. Dur- ing Rev. Gerhard's absence Dean Ed- wards of Lake Forest will conduct the Sunday morning service, it is an- nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hobart and | daughter, Barbara, of 660 Prospect ave- nue, returned Thursday from Tryon, N. C., where they have been for. the | past two weeks. | PHONE Univ. 2720 PALACE CASH MARKET THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman Ave., PHONE Univ. 2720 Evanston Prime Beef Tenderloin 45¢ Very Best Sirloin Steak 40c Very Best Bacon (Sliced) 31lbs. $1.25 Fresh Sweetbreads 65¢c Choice Pot Roasts 18c and 22¢ Spring Leg of Lamb I SS Headquarters for Fresh Dressed Poultry 5 Mrs. Ralph Huszagh of 609 Sheridan | Mrs. C. C. Dawes, 657 Ash street, re- road has returned after a short visit | turned last Monday from a two months' in Shreveport, La. sojourn in Florida. --(r ---- Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland is again Mr. and Mrs. J. Blumenstock, 495 at her home at 665 Prospect avenue | Willow street, returned last Thursday after spending four weeks in the South. | from Hot Springs. Slate and Tile Roofing Sheet Metal Work Slate Walks and Terraces Interior or Exterior WILLIAM L. WENTE Sheet Metal Contractor Phone Winn. 225 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods ELL EE EL EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EP EE EE EE EE ELE EEE EE EE EE EE ELL Maria Beauty Culture Maria Lagerquist, Prop. 794 Elm Street, 2nd Floor, Franklin Bldg. Permanent Waving--W ater Waving Marcelling--Scalp Treatments Hair Dyeing--T inting--Bleaching Shampooing, Hand Dried Facials--M anicure--Swedish Massage For Appointment Phone Winnetka 762 This Week TUTTI FRUTTI ICE CREAM FOR SALE AT Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros. 742 Elm St. North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Hubbard Woods Fharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy