CTR, eA, mi ml WINNETKA TALK July 10, 1926 Mechanics Tell How to Stop Windshield Rattles When the windshield glass be- comes loose in its frame it causes an annoying rattle. It is very difficult to close the frame so that it will grip the glass more securely, without the possibility of breaking the latter. "If the glass is not too loose," say the trouble shooters of the mechanical first aid department of the Chicago Motor club, "the rattle can be elimi- nated by filling the space in the frame FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT WAVING (Negrescou's Pure Steam Process) As Low as $15.00 Also HAIR GOODS For discriminate requirements con- sult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting THE WIGGERY SUITE 1814 STEVENS BLDG with shellac. This can be applied 17 N. State Street > with a sharp pointed stick or a brush Tel. Randolph 1035 |and should be applied so slowly that a _- -- |it will pack tightly in the opening." Tired Already--With the 'Big Weekly Task' Only Half Done Look at the housewife in the above picture. She does her own washing and ironing. We find her on washday tired before her task is half com- pleted. And why not? All morning she has been climb- ing from kitchen to laundry, from laundry to kitchen. She has trod the basement stairs for miles, and they will lead her only to another washday. And how easy it would be for her to turn her back on the '"washday stairs." A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and "washday"' would be removed form her calendar, her mind and her home. CALL IN BILL TODAY-- HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY--AND EVERY DAY 700-704 Washington Sireet os Phone WILMETTE Buccaneers Start Season meme Recently the Buc- : caneer's club held its a . opening party on the good ship "Port of ~ Missing Men," in Wil- mette harbor. A large number of members and guests were delightful- ly entertained by the Tripoli Trio, a band of strolling singers and players who are at pres- ent holding forth in a downtown restaurant. The dinner was follow- acd by a dancing party #4 on the main deck. This party opens what everyone hopes . will be the most suc- cessful season ever en- jeyed by this unique organization. PURCHASE 44 ACRES Herman Rau, of Glen Oak Acres and his brother, Joseph Rau, of Wil- mette, have purchased through J. H. Schaefer and company, of 809 Ridge avenue, Wilmette, 44 acres improved with an eight room house, on Mc- Lean boulevard, near Elgin. The pur- chase was made as an investment, it is said. Mrs. E. D. Parmelee entertained the Kenilworth Mah Jongg club at her daughter's home in Glencoe on Tues- day afternoon. ---- Approximately seventy-three per cent of the homes in Illinois are wired for electricity, as compared with the average for the United States of fifty- five per cent. | At Every Meal DRINK MILK! There's one thing you can partake of freely and always be bene- fited. Milk, as a beverage by itself or as an ingredi- ent," is good for man, woman, and child. But it must be fresh and scientifically pure, Drink More Milk! PHONE 137 ASL LYE i SANITARY YN Eels) Berwin Council Prevents Use of Speed Trap There "The speed trap evil has become so prevalent and so flagrant that in some instances public spirited citizens have demanded of their city councils that a definite stand be taken against this form of highway banditry," says a bulletin issued this week by the tour- ing bureau of the Chicago Motor club. "The platform adopted by the city council of Berwyn, which was suggest- ed by the Kiwanis club, is cited as an example worthy of emulation by other municipalities. This platform contains the following points: ; «We believe that traffic supervi- sion by motorcycle police should be a matter of public safety rather than a source of revenue. We do not believe that a hurried "pinch" by a motorcycle police dashing out from a place of concealment slows down traffic appre- ciably for more than a minute or two. We feel that one or two motorcycle police conspicuously placed on any avenue or properly patrolling the ave- nue at a rate of speed within the law for other vehicles would slow traffic more effectively and afford a greater measure of public safety 'than twice that number of police hiding for the purpose of arresting an occasional motorist traveling in excess of speed allowances. ""We believe that Berwyn should be friendly and fair to the motorist passing through our city and we be- lieve that most motorists will react favorably to reasonable requirements if reminded of them, first, by an ac- tive patrol of motor police on the avenue within sight of the motoring public, and secondly, by conspicuous signs stating what is demanded--a reasonable rate of speed for that sec- tion of the city. We want Berwyn to be known as a safe place in which to live, a reasonable place in which to drive, and a courteous place to visit." " Mrs. Carl E. Carlson, 208 Oxford road, Kenilworth, entertained twelve guests at luncheon on Thursday, June 24. at her home, in honor of her sister, Miss Rose Peterson, of Chicago, who has just returned from a four months' sojourn in California and other sec- tions of the West. Mr. and Mrs. Carl- son also were host and hostess at a dinner and card party recently. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Knox, 141 Euclid avenue, have as their house guests, Mrs. Knox's parents whose home is in Kansas City. They will be in Winnetka for a fortnight.