EEE July 10, 1926 WINNETKA "FALK 45 Hold Family Reunion at Summer Home in North Mr. and Mrs. Earl I. Weinstock, who spent the holidays at their sum- mer home in Evansville, Wisconsin, held a reunion of families and friends. Many of the guests were former resi- dents of Winnetka. Among those who were present at the reunion were: E. Allen Fox, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Brown, Mrs. F. D. Preston, and Mrs. F. H Deily of Evanston, James F. Fahey and family of Hub- bard Woods, A. T. Weinstock of Win- netka and Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Deily and son of Evansville, Wis. Jean Henning, 458 Linden street, has gone to Ann Arbor, Mich., to visit her grandmother, after which she will spend the remainder of the summer at Humarock Beach, Mass. visiting her aunt, Mrs. H, A. Highman. ON COMMITTEE Max Murdock, 1087 Oak street, | executive secretary and legal counsel of the Illinois Association of Real Es- tate boards, has been appointed a member of a committee to secure | closer cooperation between the Na- tional Association of Real Estate boards and the 32 existing state asso- ciations. BREAKS GOLF RECORD Fred Richardson, Jr., of Winnetka, broke the amateur record at Medinah Country club with a score of 75, Mon- day, winning low gross prize. Miss Agnes Peirce of 550 Cedar street, sailed Saturday last for a sum- mer of travel on the British Isles. gy Mrs. Frank R. Greene, 776 Pros- pect avenue, left Friday for a week- end's stay at Lake Ripley, Wis. | Families Spend Fourth Together at Gages Lake A group of Winnetka families spent Sunday, July 4, at Gages Lake, west of Waukegan, Ill. They left early in the morning and spent the day pic- nicking and playing games. Baseball, horseshoe throwing and fishing took up most of the time until evening, when they made the return trip. Among those who went were Mr. and Mrs. H. Paulson, 1155 Chatfield road: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Replogle, 910 Oak street; Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Killian, 1348 Edgewood lane: Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Webster, 466 Provi- dent avenue; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jae- cecke, 518 Rosewood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Frissel, 562 Hawthorn lane, will leave Monday, July 12, on a camping trip to Ely, Minn. WIN BRIDGE PRIZES Winners of prizes at the Ladies" Bridge day held at the Sunset Ridge country club Wednesday of this week are as follows: Mrs. Austin Jenner, members' prize; Mrs. H. D. Briggs, second prize; Mrs. Warren Agry, guest prize. Mrs. Agry was the guest of Mrs. Dorr Price. Susannah Peirce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Peirce of 550 Cedar street, left last week for an outing at the Luther Gulick camp, South Casco, Maine. Jane Ballard, formerly of Winnetka and now of Lake Geneva, and Adelaide Atkins also have gone to the same camp. --O-- Mrs. Gowing, who spends the sum- mer months in Winnetka, entertained a group of friends at a luncheon and bridge party at Indian Hill club Fri- ay. to go to get the best. ON'T go to just any Ice Cream dealer when you know that most Ice Cream is graded down to make a price instead of being graded up to get a quality. And especially since you know where Hydrox Ice Cream is a quality product. Hydrox Agents pay more for it than they would have to pay for practically any other ice cream. They are protecting you with Hydrox quality and purity. So, please protect them with your preference. There is a HYDROX Agency Near Your Home (ARLE REEL EEEREESERRERER NER RRR ERR ER RR RR ER ER REE EERE